More tricks
I have a mess of tricks from the complete adventurer. I'll post them when I can find some time. --Msallen
- Rock! We have a heap of animal companions and stuff now, and you might even get your dog one day, so why not add some now. Put any from the CA on the talk page and I'll move over any that are worthy. -gm
Animal Handling Guide
I stumbled upon this (random) guy's guide which might be useful:
He seems to have researched things well and gained a lot of feedback from the community/thread. But he's not an official source.
-Mattie 13:24, 18 March 2011 (EDT)
Paladin's Mount special?
In the random guy's Handle Animal guide he says this, which makes sense to me even if he doesn't cite anything specific until later when he mentions advanced mounts from the DMG:
Special Mounts
Upon reaching fifth level, paladins gain a special mount. One per day, the mount can be magically called to any location in a full round action and stay with the paladin for twice their class level in hours. The mount gains several benefits, including increased stats and special abilities. The mount is considered a magical beast, although it gains HD, BAB etc. as a normal animal.
Special mounts should not be treated as animals. They begin with an intelligence of 6 and can reach an intelligence of 9. Paladins cannot teach their mounts tricks (the mount’s int is too high) and should control their mount via empathetic link or spoken words (free action).
How do we want to handle a paladin mount in this world? -Mattie 13:24, 18 March 2011 (EDT)
- The big balancer is that the paladin mount is only available for X percentage of the day. It seems that treating the mount as a pretty dumb to averagely intelligent cohort is pretty reasonable. -Slitherrr
- I agree. -gm