Talk:Uldern Garrolea

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Assuming he makes it back to Swamp Temple in time to meet up with us will he be the NPC to meet the most PCs who is just a normal mortal? Kleptinax is probably winning currently.--Bartley (talk) 03:53, 29 February 2016 (EST)

Haha, so Kleptinax has met GF minus Marwynn, and all of Beta team, which puts him at 11. Uldern will have met GF (with Marwynn), and Mattiverse, which is only 10. Edrell has only met GF through his proxy, so he doesn't quite count, but if he did, he'd probably have the most (Silverwalkers plus GF, both are groups of 6 putting him at 12)-slitherrr (talk)
Presumably he met at least Germaine as he was a named follower of his. If he met other Silverwalkers he'd be at the top.--Bartley (talk) 14:08, 29 February 2016 (EST)
Oh, doy, of course. Yeah if he met any of the Silverwalkers other than Germain, he's tied with the Edrell+Mat superentity, and if he met more than one other, he's easily on top. -slitherrr (talk)