Tana Absold's Character Sheet (Pathfinder)
Rogue 2 / Bard 8
File:XXX.JPG | |
Level | 10 |
Race | Human |
Class | Rogue/Bard 2/8 |
Armor | MW Mithril Shirt |
Weapon(s) | +1 Keen Rapier of Frost |
Hometown | Farrandon, Odessa |
Character name: Tana Absold
Player: Slitherrr (cohort of Kib Absold)
Strength | 8 (-1) |
Dexterity | 16 (+3) [+1 4th Level Attribute Bonus] |
Constitution | 12 (+1) |
Intelligence | 14 (+2) |
Wisdom | 8 (-1) |
Charisma | 19 (+4) [+2 human racial bonus, +1 8th Level Attribute Bonus] |
Hit Points | 81 | (8 - 1 + 1) * (Rogue/Bard Level) + 1 Favored Class (level 1) | ||
Armor Class | 17 | +4 Armor, +3 Dex bonus | ||
Base Attack Bonus | +7/+2 | |||
Combat Maneuver Bonus | +6 (BaB + Str + size) | |||
Combat Maneuver Defense | 19 (10 + BaB + Str + Dex + size) | |||
Initiative | +3 | |||
Base Speed | 30 ft. | |||
Fort Save | +7 = +2 Bard +1 Con +4 cloak | |||
Reflex | +15 = +5 Bard +3 Rogue +3 Dex +4 cloak | |||
Will Save | +13 = +5 Bard +4 Cha +4 cloak | |||
Concentration | +16 = +8 Bard +4 Cha +4 Combat Casting |
Circumstantial Save Bonuses
+4 vs bardic performance, sonic, and language-dependent effects
Feats and Abilities
Human Racial
- Focused Study (Gain a free skill focus feat at level 1, another at 8th, and another at 16th)
- Skilled (1 extra skill rank per level)
Purchased Feats
- Human (1st): Skill Focus (Use Magic Device)
- Lvl 1: Forceful Personality (Use Cha instead of Wis for Will saves)
- Lvl 3: Endurance (+4 to avoid nonlethal damage from running/swimming/environment/suffocation/etc. Can sleep in light or medium armor without fatigue)
- Lvl 5: Diehard (Automatically stabilize when in negatives but not dead. Choose immediately to fall unconscious, or be disabled--when disabled, non-strenuous move actions are fine, but any standard or otherwise strenuous action immediately causes 1 point of damage and unconsciousness upon completion)
- Lvl 7: Combat Casting (+4 to concentration when casting defensively or grappled)
- Human (8th): Skill Focus (Perform(Dance))
- Lvl 9: Combat Expertise (+2/-2) (Can trade attack bonus for AC, +1/-1 +(1/4 BAB))
Bard Class Abilities
- Weapon Proficiency: Simple weapons, plus the longsword, rapier, sap, shortsword, shortbow, and whip
- Armor Proficiency: Light and shields (except tower)
- Bardic Knowledge: (1/2 Class level min 1) is added to all knowledge checks, knowledge can be used untrained
- Bardic Performance: 22 Rounds ((2 + Ch mod + 2*Bard level) uses/day, standard action)
- Countersong: Within 30', use Perform check in place of saving throw vs sonic or language-dependent attack, and gain extra saves (at perform check) each round the song is heard
- Distraction: Like countersong, but against illusions with a visual component
- Fascinate: No combat or threatening things around, cause fascinate on 1 creature plus 1 per three Bard levels after 1st (range 90', must be able to see the creatures)
- Suggestion [DC 17] (10 + 1/2 Bard Level + CHR MOD)
- Inspire Courage (+2): Allies who can see or hear (chosen at beginning of performance) get +x morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +x competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls
- Inspire Competence (+3): Chosen ally gets +x competence bonus to a particular skill
- Dirge of Doom: Enemies within 30' become shaken. This is a mind-affecting fear effect
- Cantrips
- Versatile Performance (Singing): Use Perform (Singing) skill in place of Bluff or Sense Motive
- Versatile Performance (Dancing): Use Perform (Dancing) skill in place of Acrobatics and Fly
- Well-Versed: +4 bonus on saving throws made against bardic performance, sonic, and language-dependent effects
- Lore Master (1/day): Take 10 on any knowledge skill with ranks. Also, x/day, take 20 on a single Knowledge skill check.
Rogue Class Abilities
- Sneak Attack (1d6): Get +x bonus damage when attacking an enemy denied its dex bonus, or when flanking
- Trapfinding: +(1/2 Rogue class level, min 1) to Perception when finding traps, and to Disable Device rolls. Disable Device can be used to disable magical traps
- Evasion: When wearing light or no armor and not helpless, successful saves for half damage instead cause no damage.
- Rogue Talents
- Finesse Rogue -- Gain weapon finesse
- Odessan (starting, Origin)
- Ubrekti (starting, Common equivalent)
- Flannari (bonus Int)
- Old Ubrekti (bonus Int)
- Sidhe (bonus Int)
Rogue Level * 8 + Bard Level * 6 + 2 * Level (Int) + 1 * Level (Human) Skill Points + 5 (Favored Class)
Skill | Bonus | Bonus Derivation |
Acrobatics | (+20)(+23 with circlet) | (Versatile Performance, Dance) |
Fly | (+20)(+23 with circlet) | (Versatile Performance, Dance) |
Perform(Dance) | +20 (+23 with circlet) | 10, +4 stat, +3 class skill, +3 skill focus |
Use Magic Device | +20 (+23 with circlet) | 10, +4 stat, +3 class skill, +3 skill focus |
Perform(Sing) | +17 (+20 with circlet) | 10, +4 stat, +3 class skill |
Bluff | (+17)(+20 with circlet) | (Versatile Performance, Sing) |
Sense Motive | (+17)(+20 with circlet) | (Versatile Performance, Sing) |
Escape Artist | +16 | 10, +3 stat, +3 class skill |
Stealth | +16 | 10, +3 stat, +3 class skill |
Appraise | +15 | 10, +2 stat, +3 class skill |
Disguise | +17 (+20 with circlet) | 10, +4 stat, +3 class skill |
Spellcraft | +15 | 10, +2 stat, +3 class skill |
Perception | +12 | 10, -1 stat, +3 class skill |
Knowledge(Local) | +10 | 2, +2 stat, +3 class skill, +3 Bardic Knowledge |
Knowledge(History) | +10 | 2, +2 stat, +3 class skill, +3 Bardic Knowledge |
Knowledge(Religion) | +9 | 1, +2 stat, +3 class skill, +3 Bardic Knowledge |
Knowledge(Geography) | +9 | 1, +2 stat, +3 class skill, +3 Bardic Knowledge |
Knowledge(Nobility) | +9 | 1, +2 stat, +3 class skill, +3 Bardic Knowledge |
knowledge(Arcana) | +9 | 1, +2 stat, +3 class skill, +3 Bardic Knowledge |
knowledge(Planes) | +9 | 1, +2 stat, +3 class skill, +3 Bardic Knowledge |
Diplomacy | + 9 (+12 with circlet) | 2, +4 stat, +3 class skill |
Knowledge(Untrained) | + 6 | 0, +2 stat, +4 Bardic Knowledge |
Sleight of Hand | + 3 | 0, +3 stat |
Spell Slots
- 0: 9 known (6 base + 3 favored class) [DC 13]
- 1: 8 known (5 base + 3 favored class) [DC 14] 5/day
- 2: 6 known (4 base + 2 favored class) [DC 15] 4/day
- 3: 3 known (3 base) [DC 16] 2/day
- Dancing Lights
- Detect Magic
- Light
- Lullaby
- Know Direction
- Mage Hand
- Message
- Read Magic
- Spark
Level One
- Abundant Ammunition
- Charm Person
- Cure Light Wounds (1d8+5)
- Detect Charm
- Feather Fall
- Identify
- Liberating Command
- Remove Fear
Level Two
- Blur
- Shatter
- Heroism
- Invisibility
- Mirror Image
Level 3
- Cure Serious Wounds (3d8+7)
- Haste
- Jester's Jaunt
Cool Items
Ring of Chameleon Power
Can blend in with surroundings to get a +10 competence bonus to Hide checks as a free action. As a standard action, may cast disguise self at will.
Adamantine Rapier
As a MW rapier, but bypasses hardness up to 20 when sundering and attacking objects. It also bypasses most non-magical DR. Usually carried by Kib
Circlet of Persuasion
+3 to Charisma-based checks. She swaps this off with Kib as needed, but is the one who wears it by default
+1 Keen Frost Rapier
It's +1, it's keen, it's frost.
Handy Haversack
Looks like a normal backpack, but has two small pockets with 20 lbs max load, and one large pocket with 80 lbs max load. It never weighs more than five pounds, no matter what is inside. Retrieving an object always requires only a move action that doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity.
- Potion: Cure Light Wounds x2
- Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds: 18 charges
Absolds, Friends of the Geese
+4 cloak of resistance with glamour--see text