Category:Teamwork Benefits
General Rules
Paraphrased from Player's Handbook II (please don't tell WotC):
Teamwork Benefits are used to represent the fact that a certain group of people who have trained together in certain techniques can receive benefits for doing so.
To qualify for a teamwork benefit, the members of the team must meet two broad categories of requirements: training time and prerequisites. The characters must practice the techniques together that pertain to the desired benefit for two weeks before the benefit is attained. The benefit is lost, and the two week training period must be repeated, any time a new character joins the group. Also, the characters must meet the prerequisites, in the form of skill ranks, base attack bonus, or feats. These prerequisites are for either the task leader or a team member.
Task leader benefits must be met by at least one character on the team at all times if the benefit is to be maintained--the loss of the last member who meets these requirements causes the loss of the benefit. In addition to all other team leader prerequisites, the character must also possess an Intelligence score of at least 8, to represent an ability to at least marginally organize his thoughts well enough to communicate them to others.
Task member benefits must be met by every member on the team at all times in order for the benefit to be enjoyed.
A team may possess one teamwork benefit for every 4 3 hit dice possessed by the lowest-level member of said team. If enough levels are lost by this member to reduce his hit dice below the requirement for the currently possessed teamwork benefits, all benefits are maintained, but the team does not qualify for a new benefit if the old levels are regained.
Whenever a new teamwork benefit is gained, the party may also swap out an old benefit for a new benefit (effectively losing one old benefit to gain two new ones).
Unless otherwise specified, each teamwork benefit may only be taken once. The benefit applies whenever the characters can communicate with each other through some means.
Team Roster
A team must have at least two members, and cannot have more than eight. Each character on the team must have an Intelligence score of 3 or higher, unless she is a creature with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2 who has learned the teamwork trick through someone's use of the Handle Animal skill.
To maintain the benefits, the characters on the team must train together for at least four one-week periods each year. They need not be consecutive, and can occur simultaneously with other training.
A character can join an adventuring party without joining a team roster. Such a character does not gain any of the benefits, but neither does the character's potential lack of prerequisites count against the team's qualifications. A character may leave a team at her option, or by team consensus.
List of Benefits
Each is given its own page. If the benefit comes from a sourcebook, it is noted in parentheses.
- Awareness (PHB II) - The team coordinates its search patterns to optimize its ability to detect ambushes.
- Camp Routine (PHB II) - The team can set up camp, watch, and break down camp quickly and efficiently.
- Circle of Blades (PHB II) - The members of the team can combine their attacks to slice through the defenses of a foe they have surrounded.
- Crowded Charge (PHB II) - The team members instinctively move out of the way of each others' charges.
- Cunning Ambush (PHB II) - The team can take advantage of terrain to quickly set up an ambush.
- Cunning Ambush, Improved (PHB II) - A better version of Cunning Ambush.
- Door Procedures (DMG II) - The team is accomplished at identifying and eliminating traps on doors.
- Expert Mountaineers (PHB II) - The team can work together to climb difficult slopes and cliffs.
- Field Medic Training (DMG II) - The team can quickly stabilize grievous wounds so that a fallen ally doesn't succumb to blood loss and trauma.
- Foe Hunting (PHB II) - The team is especially good at tracking down and destroying particular types of creatures.
- Friendly Fire Evasion (DMG II) - By attuning himself to minute, almost subliminal changes in the envioronment, a team member gets just enough warning to avoid damaging area spells cast by his allies.
- Gaze Aversion (DMG II) - When facing a monster with a gaze attack, the team members are adept at avoiding its dangerous gaze.
- Group Trance (PHB II) - The team reduces dependance on sleep by learning the ways of the elves.
- Indirect Fire (PHB II) - The team can use a spotter to hit enemies they themselves cannot see.
- Infiltration (DMG II) - The team is adept at moving silently and unseen together.
- Invisibility Sweep (DMG II) - If one is aware of the presence of an unseen enemy, the team can quickly move through an area and pinpoint the foe's location.
- Joint Bull Rush (DMG II) - The team can plow into the ranks of the enemies, pushing them back with their combined force.
- Joint Grapple Escape (DMG II) - The team members use nonverbal cues to time their struggles against a grappling enemy to aid in escape.
- Like A Rock (PHB II) - The members of your team all learn Dwarven stability techniques.
- Massed Charge (PHB II) - The team charges forward as a single entity.
- Missile Volley (PHB II) - The team can unleash a wave of arrows and bolts in such a way as to limit the enemy's options when dodging out of the way.
- Ranged Precision (DMG II) - The team members know the timing of their comrades' attacks so well that each can shift to the side for a moment, letting ranged attacks fly past him and into the team's enemies.
- Snap Out of It (DMG II) - The team members know each other so well that they can help each other shake off the effects of magical compulsions.
- Spell Barrage (DMG II) - By coordinating the release of their spells, the team members are able to catch their foes when they're unable to evade the effects of same.
- Spellcaster Guardian (DMG II) - The keen sense of timing of the teammate's spellcasters allows him to protect them from enemies when their spells are about to go off.
- Steadfast Resolve (PHB II) - The team members use their camaraderie to shrug off otherwise disabling fear effects.
- Superior Flank (DMG II) - The team is good at harrying foes by surrounding them.
- Superior Team Effort (PHB II) - Whenever the team works together at a particular task, they do a better than average job at assisting each other.
- Team Melee Tactics (PHB II) - The group can use the aid another action with greater than normal efficiency in combat.
- Team Rush (PHB II) - The team travels faster than normal as a group.
- Team Shield Maneuver (PHB II) - When the team fights as a group, its members can close ranks to protect its injured allies.
- Wall Of Steel (PHB II) - The teammates can perform an impenetrable barrier of steel by locking its shields together.
Benefit Descriptions
Each is given in the following format.
Summary of the benefit.
Summary of the training procedures required to acquire the benefit, coordinated by the task leader.
Task Leader Prerequisites
Requirements that must be possessed by the leader.
Team Member Prerequisites
Requirements that must be possessed by each team member.
What the Teamwork Benefit allows the team to do.
Pages in category "Teamwork Benefits"
The following 25 pages are in this category, out of 25 total.
- Teamwork Benefit: Circle of Blades
- Teamwork Benefit: Crowded Charge
- Teamwork Benefit: Cunning Ambush
- Teamwork Benefit: Cunning Ambush, Improved
- Teamwork Benefit: Door Procedures
- Teamwork Benefit: Expert Mountaineers
- Teamwork Benefit: Field Medic Training
- Teamwork Benefit: Foe Hunting
- Teamwork Benefit: Friendly Fire Evasion
- Teamwork Benefit: Gaze Aversion
- Teamwork Benefit: Indirect Fire
- Teamwork Benefit: Infiltration
- Teamwork Benefit: Invisibility Sweep
- Teamwork Benefit: Joint Grapple Escape
- Teamwork Benefit: Like A Rock
- Teamwork Benefit: Massed Charge
- Teamwork Benefit: Missile Volley
- Teamwork Benefit: Ranged Precision
- Teamwork Benefit: Snap Out of It
- Teamwork Benefit: Steadfast Resolve
- Teamwork Benefit: Superior Flank
- Teamwork Benefit: Superior Team Effort
- Teamwork Benefit: Team Rush
- Teamwork Benefit: Team Shield Maneuver
- Teamwork Benefit: Wall Of Steel