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(New page: Interregnums are those periods of time where the church has been without an Arch-Warden. The fourth, and most recent, Interregnum was a 22-year civil war that lasted from 909-931 FI....)
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Revision as of 12:07, 13 February 2010

Interregnums are those periods of time where the church has been without an Arch-Warden.

The fourth, and most recent, Interregnum was a 22-year civil war that lasted from 909-931 FI. It began when Quil Myth was assassinated and the Stone-Warden disjoined by Petaran Red Wizards in retaliation for a church-backed Alexandrian uprising, and later occupation, in the Principality of Udrell. The power vacuum exposed the fault lines and conflicts among the Stand and the Alexandrian Nations, which almost immedately turned on each other in a mad scramble for the Arch-Wardency, during which time the Petarans were easily able to retake Udrell.

Although historians argue for up to two dozen different factions at the outset of the conflict, within the first two years, the field had been whittled down to five serious contenders, which could be roughly classified as (1) the Gildenhome Alliance, led by Edrell Dakt, a Dwarven engineer; (2) The Odessa/Flannari Alliance, led by King Hadrall I of Odessa; (3) The Celstia/Ubrekt Alliance, led by Joshua Swyft of Celstia; (4) The Fresians; and (5) The Gnomes. It should be noted that the Gnomes were not active combatants in the Interregnum period, but rather their support would be virtually required in any final settlement. Also worth nothing is the allegiance of the three Blessed Companies, who were all part of Dakt's faction.

By 925 FI, Dakt and the Gildenhome Alliance had subdued or turned most of the Odessan and Flannari contingents, and had the support of the Gnomes. When he marched on Ubrekt City, victory seemed eminent, as only Fresia and Celstia remained at arms. However, a Celstian alliance with the Petarans would drag the war out for five more bloody years.