Talk:Germain's Character Sheet (Pathfinder)

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Revision as of 11:46, 20 February 2013 by Msallen (Talk | contribs)

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Here is a bit of a goofy take on Germain for pathfinder. The skills stayed relatively the same (except for major hits to diplomacy from the sync nerf), with a minor bump to knowledges, and a major bump to new skills: appraise, profession (laywer), and stealth. Saves took a hit, although it seems like that's in keeping with the system, and combat took a small boost from the addition of more ranger levels. He's definitely got a couple of more weird abilities now, the most interesting from a character perspective being the "master of the ledger" feat at level 11. He's definitely more of a professional laywer/lawman with this feat, the urban ranger skills (favored terrain and track), and the investigation professional development skill. What do you think? --Msallen

Master of the ledger is definitely weird. 100gp investments? What is his investment, a hundred pairs of shoes? -Slitherrr
Well, the root profession is Laywer, so I think "investments" could be pretty broad. He's definitely not going to be running a law firm because that is an absurd anacronism, but business law has been a pretty big part of the SW campaign (Aarasti's collapse, the Kathkallan investigation, LE's arcane mark weirdness, funding the Templar church, etc). I'd think this would represent an ability to invest in a variety of businesses to capitalize on favorable political climate, protect his holdings through legal channels, and on the more shady side, weaken competing businesses by pushing legislation or selectively enforcing laws. Something like Johnny Behan from the beginning of Tombstone--a lawman who is invested in local businesses and using his political clout to secure their success. --Msallen
Correction: I compared skills apples to apples, and they are, on the whole, better in pathfinder. The wheelhouse skills are about the same, but I was able to add perception to that list, and I also flushed out the skill list a good bit with great support skills like heal, support, knowledge (dungeoneering), profession (lawyer), and stealth at solid bonuses.


  • Combat Expertise got a much-deserved nerf, and now defensive fighting/total defense is probably just as good for Germain. Do you still threaten/flank when you use total defense? I read through the combat section and it looks like you do, but it seems odd. Regardless, if I drop this feat, it free's up a slot.
  • Rhetorical Flourish seems more germain-ish than Careful Speaker