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Question: Where are all the strength bonuses coming from when fully hulked out? Also, I don't think you have actually gone full on hulk this dungeon, right? (No enlarge person?)
== Level 10 ==
*[ Master Chymist] 1
== Level 9 ==
*Alch7: +8 hp, +10 minutes mutagen duration, +1 BAB, +1d6 bomb/breath, level 3 formulae (2/day)
**Skills: (+1 each): Craft Alchemy, Disable Device, Fly, Heal, Knowledge Arcana, Knowledge(Dungeoneering)(additional +3 class), Perception, Spellcraft
**Feat: Extra Rage (+6 rds/day)
**New Formulae: Arcane Sight
== (here there be run-ons and quick thoughts and garbage ideas) ==
*Copy 2nd level formulae from Russ: (in rough priority)adhesive blood, barkskin, cat's grace, elemental touch, invisibility, see invisibility, perceive cues, protection from arrows, vomit swarm, resist energy, spider climb
*2nd level formulae to purchase when able: detect thoughts, Extreme Flexibility, Investigative Mind, Ironskin
*Probably stick to alchemist then switch to master chymist after alch7
*feats under consideration:  improved overrun, [ Raging Hurler],, Splash Weapon Mastery, step up, Cosmopolitan (knowledge(dunge- or engine-ering) and linguistics become class skills, +2 languages), extra discovery(see next), Multiattack, extra rage, [ Grudge Fighter], [ Riving Strike],
*discoveries under consideration: Spontaneous Healing, Lingering Spirit, tumor familiar
*craftlist/shopping wishlist: [ Boro bead], [ preserving flask], [ meditation tea], [ Thunderstone], ghost touch net, [ spine flail], '''something with +1 dex to improve AC''', [ Bracers of Falcon’s Aim], [ Allnight],[ Clear Ear], [ Second-story Harness], [ Muleback Cords], [ Travelers Any-Tool], Vermin Repellent,
== Done ==
*all Alchemist going forward: Gokar is redirecting his focus on his alchemy. Instead of basic fighting he's now obsessed about learning new extracts, potions, poisons, and alchemy tools. Skill points will go mostly towards knowledge, spellcraft, and craft skills while still keeping perception high and occasional points in survival, heal, etc. The main goal of his alchemy is of course to become super strong and monstrous so he can really tear shit up in fight, but the secondary goal is having many options for extracts and magic potions. He's really a giant unpleasant nerd on super magic steroids, but not actively picking fights. However when a fight seems imminent he will try to end it quickly with massive violence. Which he will enjoy. Prestige class - [ Mr Hyde, but good] starting at level 10.
**If I go with the tentacle discovery picking up the 3rd level of barbarian may be worth it for the bab, will, more rage, and Pit Fighter archetype ability to get another +1 to grab-ple--[[User:Bartley|Bartley]] ([[User talk:Bartley|talk]]) 01:35, 28 February 2016 (EST)
:Haha, I love that this is a great synergy with Russ's, "Be cagey all the time, and if violence appears imminent, start the fight first", approach. It's going to get us in trouble, and that will be a really fun session. -[[User:Slitherrr|Slitherrr]] ([[User talk:Slitherrr|talk]])
== Level 6 ==
*Alchemist Discovery: either Tentacle to pick up grab or spontaneous healing to help prevent rage fallout death
**Mutated and Raging the tentacle would be +12 to hit (+7 as a secondary attack) with a +16 grapple cmb with the option to take a -20 to hold, but not be grappled. It could be used for AoO or hold a shield or wand. Honestly I'm lazy enough I don't know if I want to deal with all the rolls and situational stuff, but it would be pretty amazing against casters. That fight with the winter witch hag would have ended a few rounds sooner if Gokar had grabbed her and just smashed her against his armor spikes or rage horns while preventing her from casting or moving. --[[User:Bartley|Bartley]] ([[User talk:Bartley|talk]]) 21:13, 27 February 2016 (EST)
**I really like the [[Barbarian King's Buckler]] and it would be great for a tentacle. Hopefully it will show up for sale, for the taking, or for trade like the horn.  --[[User:Bartley|Bartley]] ([[User talk:Bartley|talk]]) 01:11, 28 February 2016 (EST)
*skills(8pts): +1 to Acrobatics, Craft:Alchemy, Heal, Knowledge:Arcana, Knowledge:Dungeoneering, Knowledge:Engineering, Linguistics (Orc?), Perception
*+8 HP
*+10 Minutes Mutagen (80 minute duration monster-time)
*+1 BAB, Fort, Reflex
*2 2nd-level extracts per day (1 free 2nd-level, prioritize copying lesser restoration and cure mod from Russ).
**Level-up Formulae to choose from: [ blood armor](<span style="color:red">intense!</span>), extreme flexibility (great if i go with the tentacle), fire breath (swarms suck), Investigative Mind (4 roll-twice checks, would making learning new formulae or languages easier), levitate (possibly worth it even when I get fly as a beastmorph choice in 2 levels) --[[User:Bartley|Bartley]] ([[User talk:Bartley|talk]]) 01:01, 28 February 2016 (EST)
**[ Blood Blaze] is firey fun, but I imagine it would wind up hurting allies too much to be useful.--[[User:Bartley|Bartley]] ([[User talk:Bartley|talk]]) 02:19, 6 March 2016 (EST)
***[ Blistering Invective] would be great if Gokar wasn't shit at intimidate --[[User:Bartley|Bartley]] ([[User talk:Bartley|talk]]) 01:01, 28 February 2016 (EST)
*spike armor
**Silver armor spikes only costs 90 gp, you could get it done while we're in Dell. -[[User:Slitherrr|slitherrr]] ([[User talk:Slitherrr|talk]])
***Definitely will do. A tentacle might be pretty cool. It could hold bombs or potions or a maybe a shield. I've been reading through the old Silverwalkers notes. Did Germain's [ arrow magnet shield] ever resurface elsewhere?--[[User:Bartley|Bartley]] ([[User talk:Bartley|talk]]) 23:57, 17 December 2015 (EST)
****We haven't seen it, but considering the Crone had a horn that looked suspiciously like his horn of haste, there's a non-zero chance that she has it. -[[User:Slitherrr|slitherrr]] ([[User talk:Slitherrr|talk]])
*With Feral Mutagen and Fiend Totem Rage going at level 4 who needs a weapon: 4 Primary Natural Attacks, +10 to hit: 2 Claws 1d6+7, Bite 1d8+7, Horn Gore 1d8+7.
or add enlarge person and power attack and poison and really do some damage.
Question: Where are all the strength bonuses coming from when fully hulked out? I'm having trouble reaching 28. Also, I don't think you have actually gone full on hulk this dungeon, right? (No enlarge person?)
*16 base
*16 base
*+4 Alchemical (mutagen)
*+4 Alchemical (mutagen)
*+4 untyped (rage)
*+4 morale (rage)
*+2 size (enlarge person)
*+2 size (enlarge person)
*26 Final Score
*26 Final Score
:Yeah, that what i get for trusting pcgen to compute stuff correctly. 26 is the correct value, and no Gokar has never enlarged in battle yet.
:: I thought it might have been some Alter Self thing which I think is some kind of ability for you, but Alter Self wouldn't stack with Enlarge Person.

Where are you getting d6 and d8 as damage for your natural attacks, or is that only when enlarged? Bite should be 1d4 and 1d3 if medium and 1d6 and 1d4 when enlarged unless I'm missing something? -gm
Where are you getting d6 and d8 as damage for your natural attacks, or is that only when enlarged? Bite should be 1d4 and 1d3 if medium and 1d6 and 1d4 when enlarged unless I'm missing something? -gm
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:::Note that normal damage for a bite for a Large creature is, in fact, 1d8, it's just that toothy is as a size smaller. -[[User:Slitherrr|Slitherrr]]
:::Note that normal damage for a bite for a Large creature is, in fact, 1d8, it's just that toothy is as a size smaller. -[[User:Slitherrr|Slitherrr]]

== Level 5 Plans ==
*Alchemist level 3
*+1 bab, +1 will
*bomb changes to 2d6, gain Beastform Mutagen
*1 more extract a day, learn line breaker
*+10 minutes to mutagen
*skills - +1 Craft Alchemy, +1 disable device, +1 heal, +1 knowledge arcana, +1 perception, + 1 spellcraft, +1 survival, +1 umd
*Feat: arcane strike

== Level 3 Plans ==
== New spells ==
Class: Barbarian (Brutal Pugilist)
*Take for sure [ Firebelly], [ Detect Undead]  
*Class Feature:  Savage Grapple - At 2nd level, the brutal pugilist takes only half the normal penalties to Dexterity, attack rolls, and combat maneuver checks when he has the grappled condition. He can make an attack of opportunity against creatures trying to grapple him even if they possess the Improved Grapple feat or the grab special attack. If he hits with this attack of opportunity, he gains a +2 circumstance bonus to his CMD against the grapple attempt. He cannot make these attacks of opportunity once a grapple has succeeded. This ability replaces uncanny dodge.
*Rage Power
:[ Fiend Totem, Lesser] - grow horns and gain a 1d8 gore attack
:or [ Knockdown] - Trip attack + strength damage, no aoo
*Feat: Power Attack or Step Up
*Skills (8 points): +1 each to Acrobatics, Climb, Craft Alchemy, Heal, Knowledge Arcana, Perception, Spellcraft, and Survival
*BAB and Fort save +1
*+9 HP
*2 Additional rounds of rage per day

== Level 4 and Above  ==
*Would only be good for recharging Edi's halfling mojo or selling for potion, [ Recharge innate magic]
*all Alchemist going forward: Feral Mutagen for alch2 discovery and +1 dex for improved grapple later. Gokar is redirecting his focus on his alchemy. Instead of basic fighting he's now obsessed about learning new extracts, potions, poisons, and alchemy tools. Skill points will go mostly towards knowledge, spellcraft, and craft skills and probably some UMD. The main goal of his alchemy is of course to become super strong and monstrous so he can really tear shit up in fight, but the secondary goal is having many options for extracts and magic potions. He's really a giant unpleasant nerd on super magic steroids, but not actively picking fights. However when a fight seems imminent he will try to end it quickly with massive violence. Which he will enjoy. Prestige class - [ Mr Hyde, but good] once available.
== silly, but strangely tempting new level 6 idea ==
:Haha, I love that this is a great synergy with Russ's, "Be cagey all the time, and if violence appears imminent, start the fight first", approach. It's going to get us in trouble, and that will be a really fun session. -[[User:Slitherrr|Slitherrr]] ([[User talk:Slitherrr|talk]])
*1 level dip of [ Kensai Magus] with a weapon choice of whip (gives proficiency and weapon focus)
*great!: +2 will, spend point to get class bonus on Knowledge (dungeoneering) and Knowledge (planes), 4 pt daily arcane pool to add +1 to weapon 1 minute/pt, opens up so many wand options for ranged fighting, whip gives 15' range (30' trip attack when enlarged)
*Is it possible to rig bags or bottles of poison between the spikes of Gokar's armor? When he gets in a fight he could just smash them with his claws and have poison claws and armor spikes all at once.
*useful: at will detect magic, mage hand, or other 0 level cantrips (2/day), get 6 free level 1 spells
:Relevant: (probably the best part about these is that they don't have to be poison at all) -[[User:Slitherrr|Slitherrr]] ([[User talk:Slitherrr|talk]])
*bad: arcane failure chance limits usefulness, only 1 level 1 spell/day at cl1, does not advance alchemist abilities, takes more feats to make whips AoO-able or deal damage, Animate Rope not on magus or alchemist lists
::I also imagine that what you're talking about is more-or-less the flavor text of this: -[[User:Slitherrr|Slitherrr]] ([[User talk:Slitherrr|talk]])
*Enlarge and control the field: [ 30' reach] so don't have to worry about AoO for trips and disarms,  cmb 13! when raging enlarged mutant mode, [ add +3] for cmb if using arcane pool point on a masterwork or above whip for disarm, or trip and drag enemies
*masterwork [ scorpion whip] to do damage
**wield a large scorpion whip for extra damage?
*take a feat to pick up [ a trait to make everyone go faster]
*Level 7 feat to make it extra fun: [ Rope Master] - carry a 10' section of rope and it's also a spiked chain and a whip and a lifeline and a net and your best friend
**spend 1000gp on a [ Twine Robe] and always have rope to spare
**[ Climbing rope] and [ self-knotting rope]
**750gp for [ Rope that can turn to iron]
**use craft weapon to make nets, retire and just make nets
***lol, it is funny -[[User:Slitherrr|slitherrr]] ([[User talk:Slitherrr|talk]])
***the main problem with this dip that i see (apart from setting back the BaB progression since non-fractional advancement means level 1 dips in stuff with 3/4 or 1/2 progressions hurt more than they would otherwise) is that it doesn't do much to advance your damage-dealing capabilities, whereas keeping the beastmorph going continues to have huge benefits in self-buffs that make up for the lack of bab (like this [ self-only haste alternative] that opens up at level 9, or bull's strength that will be a mainstay until we have enough dough to plop down for the belts to get permanent enhancement bonuses) -[[User:Slitherrr|slitherrr]] ([[User talk:Slitherrr|talk]])
***also, feat taxes -[[User:Slitherrr|slitherrr]] ([[User talk:Slitherrr|talk]])
****Yeah, it's too hard to justify from battle-effectiveness perspective, but for adding abilities and utilities no one in the party has it's hard to beat. The use of arcane wands and the level 0 spells would be great and the trip and repositioning aspects of the whip would be handy for foes that Gokar doesn't want to get too close to or in shutting down spell casters. Reading about the whips/scorpion whips stuff shows it's one of those mixed up Paizo things with contradictory statements and unclear mechanics. Rope master is such a fun feat I may end up taking it anyway even without whip prof.--[[User:Bartley|Bartley]] ([[User talk:Bartley|talk]]) 18:01, 31 December 2015 (EST)

*With Feral Mutagen and Fiend Totem Rage going at level 4 who needs a weapon: 4 Primary Natural Attacks, +10 to hit: 2 Claws 1d6+7, Bite 1d8+7, Horn Gore 1d8+7.  
A thing I remembered after you were gone, I just picked up lesser restoration, and you can get it from my book (1 hour to memorize (plus a spellcraft check that you can take 10 no sweat) and 2 hours + 40gp to scribe). That should save us some money on potions to get you back into fighting shape. -[[User:Slitherrr|slitherrr]] ([[User talk:Slitherrr|talk]])
or add enlarge person and power attack and poison and really do some damage.

== New spells ==
Just found this, would have been great for an alternate-reality Gokar: -[[User:Slitherrr|slitherrr]] ([[User talk:Slitherrr|talk]])
*Take for sure [ Firebelly], [ Detect Undead]  
== Masterwork availability ==

*Would only be good for recharging Edi's halfling mojo or selling for potion, [ Recharge innate magic]
by [ RAW] - <cite>Several common items already count as masterwork tools for particular skills. These are the alchemist's lab, climber's kit, disguise kit, healer's kit, masterwork musical instrument, and masterwork thieves' tools. Therefore, there is no masterwork climber's kit, masterwork healer's kit, and so on—those items are already the best available for general checks with the relevant skill.</cite> As the base portable lab only provides a +1 bonus it should be eligible for a boost to +2 for the masterwork price. The tools mentioned as being ''already the best available'' are all providing the +2 bonus that a masterwork trait would usually allow.

Latest revision as of 07:54, 3 February 2018

Level 10

Level 9

  • Alch7: +8 hp, +10 minutes mutagen duration, +1 BAB, +1d6 bomb/breath, level 3 formulae (2/day)
    • Skills: (+1 each): Craft Alchemy, Disable Device, Fly, Heal, Knowledge Arcana, Knowledge(Dungeoneering)(additional +3 class), Perception, Spellcraft
    • Feat: Extra Rage (+6 rds/day)
    • New Formulae: Arcane Sight

(here there be run-ons and quick thoughts and garbage ideas)

  • Copy 2nd level formulae from Russ: (in rough priority)adhesive blood, barkskin, cat's grace, elemental touch, invisibility, see invisibility, perceive cues, protection from arrows, vomit swarm, resist energy, spider climb
  • 2nd level formulae to purchase when able: detect thoughts, Extreme Flexibility, Investigative Mind, Ironskin
  • Probably stick to alchemist then switch to master chymist after alch7
  • feats under consideration: improved overrun, Raging Hurler,, Splash Weapon Mastery, step up, Cosmopolitan (knowledge(dunge- or engine-ering) and linguistics become class skills, +2 languages), extra discovery(see next), Multiattack, extra rage, Grudge Fighter, Riving Strike,
  • discoveries under consideration: Spontaneous Healing, Lingering Spirit, tumor familiar


  • all Alchemist going forward: Gokar is redirecting his focus on his alchemy. Instead of basic fighting he's now obsessed about learning new extracts, potions, poisons, and alchemy tools. Skill points will go mostly towards knowledge, spellcraft, and craft skills while still keeping perception high and occasional points in survival, heal, etc. The main goal of his alchemy is of course to become super strong and monstrous so he can really tear shit up in fight, but the secondary goal is having many options for extracts and magic potions. He's really a giant unpleasant nerd on super magic steroids, but not actively picking fights. However when a fight seems imminent he will try to end it quickly with massive violence. Which he will enjoy. Prestige class - Mr Hyde, but good starting at level 10.
    • If I go with the tentacle discovery picking up the 3rd level of barbarian may be worth it for the bab, will, more rage, and Pit Fighter archetype ability to get another +1 to grab-ple--Bartley (talk) 01:35, 28 February 2016 (EST)
Haha, I love that this is a great synergy with Russ's, "Be cagey all the time, and if violence appears imminent, start the fight first", approach. It's going to get us in trouble, and that will be a really fun session. -Slitherrr (talk)

Level 6

  • Alchemist Discovery: either Tentacle to pick up grab or spontaneous healing to help prevent rage fallout death
    • Mutated and Raging the tentacle would be +12 to hit (+7 as a secondary attack) with a +16 grapple cmb with the option to take a -20 to hold, but not be grappled. It could be used for AoO or hold a shield or wand. Honestly I'm lazy enough I don't know if I want to deal with all the rolls and situational stuff, but it would be pretty amazing against casters. That fight with the winter witch hag would have ended a few rounds sooner if Gokar had grabbed her and just smashed her against his armor spikes or rage horns while preventing her from casting or moving. --Bartley (talk) 21:13, 27 February 2016 (EST)
    • I really like the Barbarian King's Buckler and it would be great for a tentacle. Hopefully it will show up for sale, for the taking, or for trade like the horn. --Bartley (talk) 01:11, 28 February 2016 (EST)
  • skills(8pts): +1 to Acrobatics, Craft:Alchemy, Heal, Knowledge:Arcana, Knowledge:Dungeoneering, Knowledge:Engineering, Linguistics (Orc?), Perception
  • +8 HP
  • +10 Minutes Mutagen (80 minute duration monster-time)
  • +1 BAB, Fort, Reflex
  • 2 2nd-level extracts per day (1 free 2nd-level, prioritize copying lesser restoration and cure mod from Russ).
    • Level-up Formulae to choose from: blood armor(intense!), extreme flexibility (great if i go with the tentacle), fire breath (swarms suck), Investigative Mind (4 roll-twice checks, would making learning new formulae or languages easier), levitate (possibly worth it even when I get fly as a beastmorph choice in 2 levels) --Bartley (talk) 01:01, 28 February 2016 (EST)
    • Blood Blaze is firey fun, but I imagine it would wind up hurting allies too much to be useful.--Bartley (talk) 02:19, 6 March 2016 (EST)
  • spike armor
    • Silver armor spikes only costs 90 gp, you could get it done while we're in Dell. -slitherrr (talk)
      • Definitely will do. A tentacle might be pretty cool. It could hold bombs or potions or a maybe a shield. I've been reading through the old Silverwalkers notes. Did Germain's arrow magnet shield ever resurface elsewhere?--Bartley (talk) 23:57, 17 December 2015 (EST)
        • We haven't seen it, but considering the Crone had a horn that looked suspiciously like his horn of haste, there's a non-zero chance that she has it. -slitherrr (talk)
  • With Feral Mutagen and Fiend Totem Rage going at level 4 who needs a weapon: 4 Primary Natural Attacks, +10 to hit: 2 Claws 1d6+7, Bite 1d8+7, Horn Gore 1d8+7.

or add enlarge person and power attack and poison and really do some damage.

Question: Where are all the strength bonuses coming from when fully hulked out? I'm having trouble reaching 28. Also, I don't think you have actually gone full on hulk this dungeon, right? (No enlarge person?)

  • 16 base
  • +4 Alchemical (mutagen)
  • +4 morale (rage)
  • +2 size (enlarge person)
  • 26 Final Score
Yeah, that what i get for trusting pcgen to compute stuff correctly. 26 is the correct value, and no Gokar has never enlarged in battle yet.
I thought it might have been some Alter Self thing which I think is some kind of ability for you, but Alter Self wouldn't stack with Enlarge Person.

Where are you getting d6 and d8 as damage for your natural attacks, or is that only when enlarged? Bite should be 1d4 and 1d3 if medium and 1d6 and 1d4 when enlarged unless I'm missing something? -gm

The header on that section is "When Hulked Out (Rage + Strength Mutagen + Enlarge Extract)", so yeah. Stone Fist + enlarge gives him the d8 fist (awesome), Toothy + enlarge gives him the d6 bite (cool!). I think he just reversed them. -Slitherrr
Yeah, that was incorrect. I guess it's a bug in pcgen as it shows bite going up to d8 when enlarged which is not right.
Note that normal damage for a bite for a Large creature is, in fact, 1d8, it's just that toothy is as a size smaller. -Slitherrr

Level 5 Plans

  • Alchemist level 3
  • +8hp
  • +1 bab, +1 will
  • bomb changes to 2d6, gain Beastform Mutagen
  • 1 more extract a day, learn line breaker
  • +10 minutes to mutagen
  • skills - +1 Craft Alchemy, +1 disable device, +1 heal, +1 knowledge arcana, +1 perception, + 1 spellcraft, +1 survival, +1 umd
  • Feat: arcane strike

New spells

silly, but strangely tempting new level 6 idea

  • 1 level dip of Kensai Magus with a weapon choice of whip (gives proficiency and weapon focus)
  • great!: +2 will, spend point to get class bonus on Knowledge (dungeoneering) and Knowledge (planes), 4 pt daily arcane pool to add +1 to weapon 1 minute/pt, opens up so many wand options for ranged fighting, whip gives 15' range (30' trip attack when enlarged)
  • useful: at will detect magic, mage hand, or other 0 level cantrips (2/day), get 6 free level 1 spells
  • bad: arcane failure chance limits usefulness, only 1 level 1 spell/day at cl1, does not advance alchemist abilities, takes more feats to make whips AoO-able or deal damage, Animate Rope not on magus or alchemist lists
  • Enlarge and control the field: 30' reach so don't have to worry about AoO for trips and disarms, cmb 13! when raging enlarged mutant mode, add +3 for cmb if using arcane pool point on a masterwork or above whip for disarm, or trip and drag enemies
  • masterwork scorpion whip to do damage
    • wield a large scorpion whip for extra damage?
  • take a feat to pick up a trait to make everyone go faster
  • Level 7 feat to make it extra fun: Rope Master - carry a 10' section of rope and it's also a spiked chain and a whip and a lifeline and a net and your best friend
    • spend 1000gp on a Twine Robe and always have rope to spare
    • Climbing rope and self-knotting rope
    • 750gp for Rope that can turn to iron
    • use craft weapon to make nets, retire and just make nets
      • lol, it is funny -slitherrr (talk)
      • the main problem with this dip that i see (apart from setting back the BaB progression since non-fractional advancement means level 1 dips in stuff with 3/4 or 1/2 progressions hurt more than they would otherwise) is that it doesn't do much to advance your damage-dealing capabilities, whereas keeping the beastmorph going continues to have huge benefits in self-buffs that make up for the lack of bab (like this self-only haste alternative that opens up at level 9, or bull's strength that will be a mainstay until we have enough dough to plop down for the belts to get permanent enhancement bonuses) -slitherrr (talk)
      • also, feat taxes -slitherrr (talk)
        • Yeah, it's too hard to justify from battle-effectiveness perspective, but for adding abilities and utilities no one in the party has it's hard to beat. The use of arcane wands and the level 0 spells would be great and the trip and repositioning aspects of the whip would be handy for foes that Gokar doesn't want to get too close to or in shutting down spell casters. Reading about the whips/scorpion whips stuff shows it's one of those mixed up Paizo things with contradictory statements and unclear mechanics. Rope master is such a fun feat I may end up taking it anyway even without whip prof.--Bartley (talk) 18:01, 31 December 2015 (EST)

A thing I remembered after you were gone, I just picked up lesser restoration, and you can get it from my book (1 hour to memorize (plus a spellcraft check that you can take 10 no sweat) and 2 hours + 40gp to scribe). That should save us some money on potions to get you back into fighting shape. -slitherrr (talk)

Just found this, would have been great for an alternate-reality Gokar: -slitherrr (talk)

Masterwork availability

by RAW - Several common items already count as masterwork tools for particular skills. These are the alchemist's lab, climber's kit, disguise kit, healer's kit, masterwork musical instrument, and masterwork thieves' tools. Therefore, there is no masterwork climber's kit, masterwork healer's kit, and so on—those items are already the best available for general checks with the relevant skill. As the base portable lab only provides a +1 bonus it should be eligible for a boost to +2 for the masterwork price. The tools mentioned as being already the best available are all providing the +2 bonus that a masterwork trait would usually allow.