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{{statsbox|Vesa.jpg|1|[[Halfling]]|Ranger Cannibal|Studded Leather|Bow|}}
|Strength || 10  (0)
|Dexterity || 16 (+3)
|Constitution || 14 (+2)
|Intelligence || 10 (+0)
|Wisdom || 16 (+3)
|Charisma || 8 (-1)
==Secondary Attributes==
|Hit Points || 12 = (12 Starting)
|Hit Dice || 1d10+2
|Armor Class || 15 (10 + 3 Dex + 2 Armor)
|Base Attack Bonus || +5
|Initiative || +3
|Base Speed || 25 Feet
|Proficiency Bonus || +2
|Inspiration || None
==Saving Throws==
'''Bolded''' items indicate proficiency
|'''Strength''' || +2
|'''Dexterity''' || +5
|Constitution || +2
|Intelligence || +0
|Wisdom || +3
|Charisma || -1
*Common ()
*Halfling ()
*Gith ()
==Features and Traits==
'''Bolded''' skills indicate proficiency
|Acrobatics (Dex) || +2
|Animal Handling (Wis) || +0
|'''Arcana''' (Int) || +5
|Athletics (Str) || -1
|'''Deception''' (Cha) || +3
|History (Int) || +3
|Insight (Wis) || +0
|Intimidation (Cha) || +1
|Investigation (Int) || +3
|Medicine (Wis) || +0
|Nature (Int) || +3
|'''Perception''' (Wis) || +2
|Performance (Cha) || +1
|Persuasion (Cha) || +1
|Religion (Int) || +3
|'''Sleight of Hand''' (Dex) || +4
|'''Stealth''' (Dex) || +4
|Survival (Wis) || +0
==Wild Talent==
'''Psionic Spark''' - Your force of will teleports an object a short distance away.
Minor Action Ranged 5
Target: One flammable object not carried by another creature
Effect: Target catches fire
'''Spellcaster Level''': None Yet<br>
DC = 13 (8 + 2 Proficiency + 3 Wis)<br>
Preparation Slots: 0<br>
Can prepare total of 4 spells per day (+0 Int +0 Level) - can be any combination of different levels of spells.
Can cast a number of spells per day as noted in the list below:
*1st Level: 0
===Level 1===
'''1 Long Bow'''<br>
Atk: +5<br>
Dmg: 1d8 + 3 (P)<br>
'''2 Obsidian Short Swords'''<br>
Atk: +5<br>
Dmg: 1d6 + 3 (P) / 1d^ (P)<br>
*Thieves' Tools
<i>Traits - Flaws are tentative</i>
|Background: || Hermit
|Alignment: || Lawful Evil
|Personality Traits: || I am serene even in the face of total disaster
I do not understand the ways of civilized society
|Ideals: || Logic - emotions must not cloud our sense of what is right and wrong
|Bonds: || Nothing is more important than the survival of my tribe and its members
|Flaws: || I have no empathy for the suffering of others
==Level 2 Updates==
*New Cantrip: Cleansing Flame (re-flavored sacred flame - can only target defilers, templars who serve defilers, or undead. This cantrip never defiles, and cannot be used with defiling.)
*Backlash: Beginning at 2nd level when you choose this path, you can imbue an area of land and plants with protective magic. By expending a 1st level spell slot, you can ward a circular area centered on yourself with a 20ft radius against Defiling. A Defiler who attempts to draw the energy of this land must make a Constitution saving throw. The defiler suffers 2d6 radiant damage on a failed saving throw, and half damage on a successful save. If you expend a higher spell slot than 1st level, the radius increases by 10ft and the damage increases by 1d6 for each level above 1st.
*Prepared spells per day: 5 (+3 Int +2 Level)
*Cast spells per day: 1st Level: 3
*New spells: (2 1st level) - Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Disguise Self, Mage Armor (choose two of these)
*HP: 15 (8 starting +5 lvl +2 Con)
==Level 3 Updates==
*Prepared spells per day: 6 (+3 Int +3 Level)
*Cast spells per day: 1st Level: 4, 2nd Level: 2
*New spells: (2 2nd level) - Invisibility, Hold Person
*HP: 22 (8 starting +10 lvl +4 Con)

Latest revision as of 16:10, 17 September 2016