User talk:Detarame

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Revision as of 23:21, 22 March 2011 by (talk)
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I will be pretty busy this week, so assume I'm probably not going to see things simply from "recent changes." Please link all URGENT talk page requests here so I can see to them. -gm


(nothing yet)

Medium Priority

GM Approval Process?

Can we adopt the GM content approval process I mention here? It gives you a cool category so you don't lose track of things needing approval, it also lets us add content without creating lonely Talk pages that might get lost. I want to add/propose more flavorful stuff (because I'm knee deep in Hero Lab), so I want to get that process denied or approved if you're okay with trying it for a bit. -Mattie

I don't mind you guys putting stuff up and adding the red bar, but I'm afraid people will be pretty upset if I reject something they spent a ton of time inputing. But, as a way of doing things it's not terrible, it's clear enough. although I'm not sure it's technically better than putting things on the talk page. Now, for future reference, when we get to the point we're creating protocols and procedures for submission, etc. is the day I step down and let someone else take over.
Also, I'm not going to be super thrilled seeing 500 new spells and feats appear on the wiki, which is one of my fears. I've tried to introduce new concepts, rules, spells, and feats at a slow and measured pace, and have only included about 1% of what I've skimmed from my old Dragons. This isn't just because I'm lazy, although I am, but also because every new add brings with it all kinds of baggage. Rules Creep is a *huge* problem for D&D in general, and to play-efficiency and balance in particular and Outside Sources have *always* been a tremendous pain in the ass for DMs, especially considering what PLAYERS look for from outside content is far different than what GMs look for.
So, TL;DR, feel free to post all the content you want. I am going to drag my feet on approving it, but some of it will be approved, although most of it will be rejected outright and my response to argument will be "Court of Last Resort," aka "I'm not arguing about this." -gm
I definitely didn't have a plan to propose lots of stuff, but I do get curious at times about what your world's rule scope is. Only you know that, and to be sure stuff doesn't get lost I wanted to provide an organization mechanism (because I'm an engineer and we do that). I won't sweat it, though. Thanks for your response during a busy week. Obviously, any GM ruling is final-- in fact I'm surprised you give as much explanation as you have at times. In my mind no DM justification is needed, though it certainly helps us avoid more silly questions down the line. Thanks again. -Mattie
Heh, well, this seemed like relatively little work to respond to - unlike creating a ton of content, which is the stuff I'm really punting on. I think it's good you brought the subject up, as with more people contributing to the wiki (good thing!) some sort of standardization process is good since at some point everyone can't possibly keep up with what everyone else is doing. I think the red banner is good, arresting enough not to be unnoticed, and perfectly acceptable. I just wanted to add some explanation as to what and when and why vis a vis the introduction of more crunchiness into the game, because if I didn't I'd wake up tomorrow and you'd have put fifteen compendiums worth of stuff on here! ;) But, yeah, I was just worried that the question was less hypothetical and more "maaaaan, do I have a shit ton of stuff I can't wait to throw up!" and so wanted to set some expectations. I wrote that at work so it may have come of short? -gm
What do you mean, btw, by "world's rule scope" and maybe I can give more guidance.

Not Urgent, But Here So It Doesn't Get Lost In the Shuffle

Any idea where they came from? I might have it in the notes somewhere.... I know there was a spellbook from the gnome guy.
-0: Disrupt Undead, Light, Detect Magic, Detect Poison,
-1: Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Detect Secret Doors, Detect Undead, Identify
-2: Flame Sphere, Web, Command Undead
-3: Flame Arrow, Haste, Dispel Magic
Yeah, we got them from the Vault. We were shoving scrolls into the bag while looking for a particular one to help out Thed. -Slitherrr
Ah, yes. Of course. *twitch* *twitch* -gm
Yeah, probably our only true haul of "treasure" type stuff. -Slitherrr

Deific Vengeance

If you get time, please check out the long spell discussion over at Talk:Deific Vengeance before the next Silverwalker game. Depending on your thoughts on that spell, I may also seek approval for one or more of the other spells listed there (especially Cloud of Daggers from PHB2). Not a big deal, but it's certainly an interesting topic, on how much oomph Clerics should get in your world. -Mattie

Wave of Vengeance

Mose started some discussion on Google Wave, calling out old  

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if your plan was to get some initial role-play back-and-forth going before the next game. (Even if Germain hasn't chimed-in yet, curse him.) -Mattie

Germain can't wave at work anymore (they blocked it!), and at home he doesn't really use his computer much :( I'm afraid wave will always be Germain-lite --~~
They... Blocked wave? That's one of the stupidest policies I've ever heard of. -Slitherrr
I work for a giant British corporation. Stupid policies are their bread and butter... or tea and cakes or whatever ;) --Msallen
Ack! Let's move that kind of thing over to the wiki then. -Mattie

(also, I wiped out a lot of old stuff to make room. Check history if you care.) absalom 19:23, 21 March 2011 (EDT)