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Bard Favored Class
Bard 1 / Rogue 1
Strength | 7 (-2) |
Dexterity | 14 (+2) |
Constitution | 12 (+1) |
Intelligence | 14 (+2) |
Wisdom | 10 (--) |
Charisma | 20 (+5) |
Hit Points | 18 | 8 + 1 + 8 + 1 | ||
Armor Class | 16 | 10 +2 Dex +4 MW Chain Shirt (+4 vs Giant type) | ||
Base Attack Bonus | +0 | |||
Initiative | +2 | |||
Base Speed | 20 ft. (15 ft. encumbered) | |||
Fort Save | +1 | +1 stat | ||
Reflex | +6 | +2 Bard, +2 Rogue, +2 Stat | ||
Will Save | +2 | +2 Bard, +0 Stat |
- Combat Maneuver Bonus : -3 = +0 BaB + -2 Str -1 Size
- Combat Maneuver Defense : 9 = 10 +0 BaB - 2 Str + 2 Dex -1 Size
- Masterwork Heavy X-Bow
- 1d8 Damage (19-20/x2) / +3 to Hit (+0 BaB +2 Dex +1 MW)
Feats and Abilities
- Sneak Attack: +1d6
- Trapfinding (+1/2 Rogue Level to Perception to find Traps)
- Bardic Knowledge (+Bard Level to all Knowledge Checks)
- Bardic Performance 15 Rounds/day (4 Base + 5 CHR + 6 Feat)
- Countersong
- Distraction
- Fascinate
- Inspire Courage (+1)
- Low-Light Vision
- Detect Magic and/or Read Magic (CHR times per day, replaces Prestidigitation, Ghost Sound, and Speak with Animals)
- Dancing Lights
- Defensive Training (+4 vs Giant Type)
- Hatred (+1 to hit Humans)
- Illusion Resistance (+2 Save vs. Illusion)
- Keen Senses (+2 Perception Checks)
- Magical Tinkering (+2 to UMD, may use untrained; Replaces Gnome Magic)
- Obsessive (Craft or Prof Here)
- Weapon Familiarity
- Level 1: Extra Performance
- Flaw: Exotic Weapon - Heavy Repeating Crossbow
- Class Proficiency (Weapon): Simple, Bard, Rogue
- Class Proficiency (Armor): Light, Shield
- Prejudiced (Humans)
- Penalty: The character suffers a -3 penalty to all Diplomacy checks with members of their disliked race(s), and a -1 penalty to Sense Motive.
- Buying Off the Flaw: The character must invest 3 skill points in Diplomacy and 2 points in Sense Motive.
- Ubrekti (B)
- Dwarven (I)
- Gnomish (B)
- Goblin (I)
- Orc (S)
B=birth language I=intel point language S=skill point language
19 to Spend
- Acrobatics (+6) = 1 Ranks + 2 Dex + 3 Class Skill
- Appraise (+6) = 1 Rank + 2 Int + 3 Class Skill
- Bluff (+10) = 2 Rank + 5 Chr + 3 Class Skill
- Diplomacy (+10) = 2 Rank + 5 Chr + 3 Class Skill
- Knowledge-History (+7) = 1 Rank + 2 Int + 3 Class Skill + 1 Bardic Lore
- Knolwedge-Arcana (+7) = 1 Rank + 2 Int + 3 Class Skill + 1 Bardic Lore
- Knowledge-Dungeoneering (+7) = 1 Rank + 2 Int + 3 Class Skill + 1 Bardic Lore
- Knowledge-Geography (+7) = 1 Rank + 2 Int + 3 Class Skill + 1 Bardic Lore
- Linguistics (+6) = 1 Rank + 2 Int + 3 Class Skill
- Perception (+6) = 1 Rank + 3 Class Skill + 2 Keen Senses
- Perform (+10) = 2 Rank + 5 Chr + 3 Class Skill
- Sense Motive (+5) = 2 Rank + 3 Class Skill
- Spellcraft (+6) = 1 Rank + 2 Int + 3 Class Skill
- Stealth (+10) = 1 Rank + 2 Dex + 3 Class Skill + 4 Size
- Use Magic Device (+11) = 1 Rank + 5 Chr + 3 Class Skill + 2 Gnome Tinker
- Gold: 350
Weight : 0 lbs
- Heavy Repeater (6 lbs)
- Buy Masterwork Backpack for everyone
- Chain Shirt (12.5 lbs)
Per Day
- Cantrip = Unlimited
- Level 1 = 3
Cantrips / DC 15
- Prestidigitation
- Lullaby
- Sift
- Unwitting Ally
Level 1 / DC 14
- Cure Light Wounds (1d8+Bard Level = Max +5)
- Innocence