NoName the Second
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Oracle Favored Class
Oracle 2
Strength | 14 (+2) |
Dexterity | 12 (+1) |
Constitution | 16 (+3) |
Intelligence | 10 (--) |
Wisdom | 9 (-1) |
Charisma | 16 (+3) |
Hit Points | 22 | 8 + 2 + 1 + 8 + 2 + 1 | ||
Armor Class | 19 | 10 +1 Dex +6 Breastplate +2 Heavy Shield (Additional +4 vs. Giant-type) | ||
Base Attack Bonus | +1 | |||
Initiative | +1 | |||
Base Speed | 15 ft. (Oracle's Curse: Lame) | |||
Fort Save | +3 | +0 Oracle, +3 stat | ||
Reflex | +1 | +0 Oracle, +1 Stat | ||
Will Save | +2 | +3 Oracle, -1 Stat |
- Combat Maneuver Bonus : +3 = +1 BaB + 2 Str
- Combat Maneuver Defense : 14 = 10 +1 BaB + 2 Str + 1 Dex
- Masterwork Warhammer
- +5 = +1 BaB +2 Str +1 Masterwork +1 Weapon Focus
- Damage: 1d8+2 (20/x3)
- Concentration Check : (+11) = 2 Caster Level + 3 Charisma Mod + 4 Combat Casting + 2 Concentration Trait
Feats and Abilities
- Mystery : Battle
- Curse : Lame
- Revelations : (2nd) Weapon Mastery
- Slow and Steady (No Encumber Penalties)
- Darkvision (60 Feet)
- Defensive Training (+4 AC vs. Giant-type)
- Greed (+2 Appraise non-magical metal and gems)
- Hardy (+2 Save vs. Poison, Spell, Spell-Like)
- Hatred (+1 to hit orcs and goblinoinds)
- Stability (+4 CMD vs. Trips and Bull Rush when standing)
- Stonecutting (+2 Perception vs. Stonework, Traps, Secret Doors)
- Weapon Familiarity (Dwarf Weapons treated as Martial)
- Level 1: Combat Casting (+4 Concentration in Combat)
- Flaw Feat: More Traits
- Courageous (+2 Save vs. Fear)
- Focused Mind (+2 Concentration Checks)
- Class Mystery Feat: Weapon Focus - Warhammer
- Class Proficiency (Weapon): Simple
- Class Proficiency (Armor): Light, Medium
- Provincial
- Penalty: The character suffers a -1 penalty to Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (nobility), and Knowledge (local) when outside a 50-mile-radius of their home.
- Buying Off the Flaw: The character must place 5 skill points in a Knowledge skill other than Knowledge (local). This flaw cannot be removed before 5th level, even if enough skill points are spent before.
- Ubrekti (B)
- Dwarven (I)
B=birth language I=intel point language S=skill point language
8 Skill Points to Spend
- Diplomacy : +7 = 1 Rank + 3 Chr + 3 Class Skill
- Intimidate : +7 = 1 Rank + 3 Class Skill + 3 Chr
- Knowledge (History) : +4 = 1 Rank + 3 Class Skill
- Knowledge (Religion) : +4 = 1 Rank + 3 class Skill
- Perception : +3 = 1 Rank + 3 Class Skill - 1 Wis
- Sense Motive : +3 = 1 Rank + 3 Class Skill -1 Wis
- Spellcraft : +4 = 2 Rank + 3 Class Skill
- Gold: 6
Weight : 59 lbs
- Waterskin: 2
- Breastplate
- Masterwork Heavy Steel Shield
- Masterwork Warhammer
- Masterwork Backpack
- Caltrops: 5 <Chance to reduce enemy movement>
- Trail Rations: 10 days (1 lb/day)
- Potion of Cure Light Wounds
- Potion of Delay Poison
- Potion of Detect Evil
- Potion of Lesser Restoration :2
- Bedroll
Per Day
- Cantrip = Unlimited
- Level 1 = 5
Cantrips / DC 13
- Create Water (2 Gallons per Level)
- Detect Magic
- Detect Poison
- Light (10 Min/Level)
- Read Magic
Level 1 / DC 14
- Cure Light Wounds (1d8+Level = Max +5)
- Enlarge Person (20 rounds | Size Increase, +2 Str, -2 Dex, -1 to hit, -1 AC, +1 Manuevers, Reach: 10')
- Shield of Faith (+2 Deflection to AC)