Mefighter beta team seventh session notes
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- After the dire rats, the party traveled on. One night, sleep was disturbed by a raccoon.
- Byll killed the raccoon and her young, which upset
- Many days passed with no encounters; nothing living seemed to be in the area.
Uhanimara noticed an unusual growth in the forest, and an old sword.
- Investigation revealed remains. Other remains were spotted deeper in the woods.
Frimble rushed to investigate the remains, and was attacked and killed by an Assassin Vine.
- Party killed vine, divided up her goods and eulogized
- The next day, with Byll scouting,
Thurmin Vustor shared some concerns about Byll and that Byll might not be who he appears to be. The group agreed to attempt to turn the tables on Byll if/when an opportunity presents itself.
Uhanimara used detect magic on Byll and discovered auras of Illusion (Hat and Armour), Abjuration (Armour), Enchantment (crossbow), and Divination (box). There were attempts made to locate Byll at night, while he slept away from camp, but he could not be found.
- The group continued on towards Black Dotistan, where Template:Nevin is expected to be hiding. Byll revealed that the plague began around a platinum mine near Draglet.
- On the approach to Black Dotistan, the group discovered and killed two ogres who were guarding the road. {[Uhanimara}} and
Thurmin Vustor delivered the killing blows (Achievement Unlocked)
XP and Achievements
- +200 for the Assassin Vine
- +25 for the discoveries about Byll
- +75 to Template:Drem and
Thurmin Vustor for the eulogies.
- +800 for the ogres