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Byll was a mysterious halfling who hired the members of the Mefighter beta team to accompany him into the Bloody Thirty-Nine to find the missing Neven b'Aaronurt, who was carrying a cure to the zombie plague.

Byll carried a light repeating crossbow strapped across his back, was dressed in high quality ink-black leather armor, and had a small backpack.

He did not appear to carry much in the way of food or water, but marched tirelessly and without complaint.

When asked what kind of halfling he was, Byll described himself as "the killing kind." He backed this assertion up by using his crossbow to deadly effect in a fight with some orcs, and later by shooting a released prisoner in the back.

When the group finally found Neven near Draglet, Byll ambushed him with poisoned bolts. Neven died in the assault, but the beta team was able to kill Byll after a protracted fight. When his hat was removed, Byll was revealed to be a Gnome.