Strength |
Dexterity |
Constitution |
Intelligence |
Wisdom |
Charisma |
Hit Points |
32 |
Armor Class |
17 |
+3 studded leather, +2 dex bonus (+1 to Dex bonus from insightful defense), +2 shield
Base Attack Bonus |
+3 |
Initiative |
+1 |
Base Speed |
30 ft. |
Fort Save |
+4 |
+1 professional 3, +2 ranger 1, +1 stat
Reflex Save |
+6 |
+3 professional 3, +2 ranger 1, +1 stat
Will Save |
+5 |
+3 professional 3, +2 stat
Feats and Abilities
Purchased Feats
- Persuader (+2 bluff, +2 intimidate)
- Investigator (+2 search, +2 gather information)
- Knowledgeable (+1 all knowledge skills)
- Combat Expertise
- Negotiator (+2 diplomacy, +2 sense motive)
Class Feats
- Armor Proficiency: Light, Medium
- Shield Proficiency: Small, Large
- Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Martial
- Insightful Defense
- Favored Enemy: Human
- Track
- Wild Empathy
- Flannari
- Fresian
- Hakni
- Ubrekti
Skill |
Bonus |
Bonus Derivation
Bluff |
10 |
6 ranks, +2 stat, +2 persuader
Diplomacy |
14 |
6 ranks, +2 stat, +2 negotiator, +4 syn (bluff, sm)
Gather Info |
10 |
6 ranks, +2 stat, +2 investigator
Handle Animal |
7 |
5 ranks, +2 stat
Intimidate |
9 |
3 ranks, +2 stat, +2 persuader, +2 syn (bluff)
Knowledge (Geography) |
6 |
2 ranks, +2 stat, +1 knowledgeable, +1 earring
Knowledge (History) |
6 |
2 ranks, +2 stat, +1 knowledgeable, +1 earring
Knowledge (Local, Home) |
8 |
4 ranks, +2 stat, +1 knowledgeable, +1 earring
Knowledge (Local, Ubrekt City) |
6 |
2 ranks, +2 stat, +1 knowledgeable, +1 earring
Knowledge (Local, Wydmoor) |
9 |
5 ranks, +2 stat, +1 knowledgeable, +1 earring
Knowledge (Nature) |
6 |
2 ranks, +2 stat, +1 knowledgeable, +1 earring
Knowledge (Nobility) |
6 |
2 ranks, +2 stat, +1 knowledgeable, +1 earring
Knowledge (Religion) |
6 |
2 ranks, +2 stat, +1 knowledgeable, +1 earring
Listen |
8 |
6 ranks, +2 stat
Ride |
6 |
3 ranks, +2 syn (ha) +1 stat
Search |
9 |
5 ranks, +2 stat, +2 investigator
Sense Motive |
10 |
6 ranks, +2 stat, +2 negotiator
Spot |
8 |
6 ranks, +2 stat
Survival |
4 |
2 ranks, +2 stat
Notable Equipment
- +1 buckler
- when first struck by a missile weapon in a round, you may make a DC 20 save to block the arrow
- any arrows passing within 10' the wielder are rerouted to him
Absolutely Fabulous Earring of Competence
- +1 to intelligence skill checks
- can be activated to cast Fox's Cunning, but skill bonus is lost for 24 hours
- once per day, may send a 10 word message to Edrell
- invisible for 2 rounds, at-will, 2-day
Starting Feats: Persuader, Combat Expertise
- Bonus Feat: Knowledgeable
- 4 Bluff
- 4 Diplomacy
- 4 Gather Info
- 4 Knowledge (Local, Wydmoor)
- 4 Knowledge (Local, Home)
- 2 Knowledge (Local, Ubrekt City)
- 2 Knowledge (Nobility)
- 2 Knowledge (Religion)
- 2 Knowledge (Geography)
- 2 Knowledge (History)
- 4 Listen
- 2 Search
- 4 Sense Motive
- 4 Spot
- 1 Bluff
- 1 Diplomacy
- 1 Gather Info
- 2 Intimidate
- 1 Listen
- 2 Ride
- 1 Search
- 1 Sense Motive
- 1 Spot
- Level Feat: Negotiator
- Bonus Feat: Investigator
- 1 Bluff
- 1 Diplomacy
- 1 Gather Info
- 1 Intimidate
- 1 Knowledge (Local, Wydmoor)
- 1 Listen
- 1 Ride
- 2 Search
- 1 Sense Motive
- 1 Spot
Level 4: Ranger 1
- Level Stat Bonus: Charisma
- Class Feature: Favored enemy: Human
- 5 Handle Animal
- 2 Knowledge (Nature)
- 2 Survival
Notes for Future Levels
- 2 Bluff
- 2 Diplomacy
- 2 Gather Info
- 2 Knowledge (Local, Other?)
- 1 Knowledge (Local, Wydmoor)
- 2 Sense Motive
- Uncanny Dodge
- Level Feat: Leadership?
- Bonus Feat: Skill Focus (Diplomacy)
- 1 Bluff
- 1 Diplomacy
- 1 Gather Info
- 2 Knowledge (Local, Other?)
- 1 Sense Motive
- 1 Intimidate?
- 1 Listen?
- 1 Search?
- 1 Spot?
- 1 Other?
- Class Feature: Silver Tongue
- 1 Bluff
- 1 Diplomacy
- 1 Gather Info
- 1 Sense Motive
- 1 Listen?
- 1 Spot?
- 5 Other?
- Stat Bonus: Charisma
- Class Feature: Skill Mastery (Sense Motive?)
- 1 Bluff
- 1 Diplomacy
- 1 Gather Info
- 1 Sense Motive
- 7 Other?