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Description: A dragoman is a master of the urban cities of the mainland, most of whom make their living as top notch hucksters or sharp-witted guides and interpreters.

Prerequisites: Ability to speak 3 langauges; Feat: Skill Focus (Diplomacy) OR Skill Focus (Knowledge:Local); Diplomacy: 8 Ranks; Sense Motive: 6 Ranks; 2x Knowledge (Local): 6 Ranks

Hit Dice: d6

Skill Points: (8+INT)

Class Skills: Appraise, Speak Langauge, Knowledge: Local, Knowledge: Nobility and Royalty, Knowledge: History, Knowledge: Geography, Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Hide, Sneak, Listen, Spot, Search, Profession, Decipher Script, Gather Information, Ride, Handle Animal, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Craft, Jump, Swim, and Forgery.

× Level BaB Fort Ref Will Ability
1 +0 +0 +2 +2 Legend Lore (as Bardic Knowledge, Stacks with Bard Levels), Choice of Silver Tongue or Piercing Insight, Free Language
2 +1 +0 +3 +3 Skill Mastery, Free Language
3 +1 +1 +3 +3 Taunt, Free Language
4 +2 +1 +4 +4 Skill Mastery, Free Language
5 +2 +1 +4 +4 Persuasion or Confusion, Free Language

Silver Tongue: Grants a +3 on charisma checks and charisma-based skill checks.

Piercing Insight: Grants a +3 on intelligence checks and intelligence-based skill checks.

Taunt: (Ex) Character may use his extensive knowledge of cultures and his ability to read people to incite in others a blinding rage, focused on the Dragoman. Target is allowed a Will Save, with a DC of {10+[CHR or INT] + (2 x Dragoman Level)}. If the save is failed, the target will focus all of his energy on the Dragonman, to the exclusion of all other threats and targets. Someone so affected suffers a penalty to armor class equal to the characters INT or CHR modifier and a penalty to-hit equal to 1/2 that number, rounded down. Additionally, a taunted enemy may only make attacks of opportunity against the dragoman. This ability may be used once per day per INT or CHR modifier, depending on ability chosen at level 1. The rage lasts 3d4 rounds, although a creature once taunted is not immune to further attempts.

Skill Mastery: So confident in the use of certain skills that he can take 10 even stress or distraction would normally present it. A player choosing to use skill mastery can declare its use before the die is rolled. Player chooses between Diplomacy, Bluff, Appraise, Knowledge: Local, Knowledge: History, Sense Motive or Gather Information each time this skill is acquired. Additionally, the Dragoman receives a +2 Bonus with the skill chosen.

Persuasion: (Ex) Taken if Silver Tongue was chosen at level 1. The character has reached almost supernatural levels of insight into human an nature, and is steely and unflappable in the face of even the most daunting of odds. This iron poker face helps the Dragoman talk his way out of even the most dangerous of situations. The Dragoman may attempt to Charm Monster on any target who he shares a language with and he has engaged in at least one minute of conversation. The Charm effect lasts for 2d4+CHR MOD minutes, the DC for the save is 20+CHR modifier, and may not be used on a target who is actively engaged in combat with the Dragoman. This ability may be used a number of times per week equal to 1 + CHR MOD.

Confusion: (Ex) Taken if Piercing Insight was chosen at level 1. Your quick thinking and mastery of language allows you easily confound anyone you can engage in conversation in a language you both share. You may target someone with a Confusion after engaging them in at least one minute of conversation. The magical confusion leaves the target helpless to act and unaware of his surroundings for 2d4+INT modifier rounds, as he tries to sort out just what you're talking about. The effect is broken if the subject is attacked. The DC for the save is 20+INT MOD, and may not be used on a target who is actively engaged in combat with the Dragoman. This ability may be used a number of times per week equal to 1 + INT MOD.