Talk:Tana Absold's Character Sheet

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How's she going to level? Keeping even with Rog/Bard? The fact that you like round numbers should totally be exempted for UMD. -Slitherrr

Rog 2/Bard X
That's got to be the most survivable one-liner for a cohort build in the history of cohort builds ^.^ -Slitherrr
Yeah, she's pretty tough to kill unless someone gets in her face. Rog4/BardX might be slightly more resilient, but I'd rather have the spells and abilities than Uncanny.
Also, I think the adamantium rapier on her is a pretty great idea, if I say so myself. Having her around to potentially sunder things while we're busy keeping other shit busy is awesome. Maybe it technically would be better as a handaxe, but there's a certain amount of flair involved in the image of this lady running up and slicing off some manacles Zorro-style.-Slitherrr
Hm. I'm not sure I agree here, though. I mean, I think getting a weapon instead of some armor was a great choice, but I'm still not really convinced Tana is the best choice for using it come crunch time. IMHO her strength, AC, and HP are all too low for going toe to toe with anyone, much less anyone who need an Adamantine weapon to bypass resistance. I suppose she could become not-quite-as-dreadful at it with Weapon Finesse. Though, yeah, even with an 8 strength she ought to be able to cut through chains and restraints with little effort. -gm
Yeah, my focus definitely was less at killing anything with DR and more at taking out environmental things. If we're up against a golem or something, things change, but as far as "fighting" things that can't fight back, best to have the cohort dealing with it than someone who might be otherwise dealing damage. -Slitherrr
Excellent point.

So many tactical possibilities! But I'm going to keep mum, you've probably already got plans. -Slitherrr

Eh, it' your cohort and your sister, you certainly have a say in the direction she develops although she comes to you "out of the box" as a ally-buffer and AoE splash damage grenadier. -gm
Ally-buffer and AoE splash is great, although her first couple of spells in second level look much more usefully placed on the former (sonic burst ain't terrible damage, but a well-targeted Cat's Grace or Heroism would probably do more damage over the course of the spell, and the niche uses of things like Invisibility and Darkness obviously can't be ignored). -Slitherrr
She's not really splash damage anymore, sorry. Her original iteration had grenadier feat and something, but I decided making her really hard to kill was probably better since she's family and all.
You can feel free to veto my spell selection. Heroism does not stack with Inspire Courage or Bless (though it supersedes them both). I have become a huge soundburst fan over the years, but I think DC 15 is not very impressive now and will only get less so as time goes on. Soundburst is for MaxWis Clerics, IMHO. You guys have an endless need for decent heals, and I think the cure family is great, especially for a bard with diehard. Invisibility is just wonderful, especially for someone whose job is to go around singing pretty words and maybe healing people. Even opens the door to slip Anise that sweet ring as they grow closer, since who needs to hide when one can just disappear. I asked genie what ability jumped out at her, and she went with calm emotions. I never would have thought of it, and couple's well with Kib's "Talk First" attitude. Also opens the door to much easier dealings with the goblins on the island, so it's immediately useful. Oh, yeah, and:
This spell automatically suppresses (but does not dispel) any morale bonuses granted by spells such as bless, good hope, and rage, as well as negating a bard’s ability to inspire courage or a barbarian’s rage ability. It also suppresses any fear effects and removes the confused condition from all targets. While the spell lasts, a suppressed spell or effect has no effect. When the calm emotions spell ends, the original spell or effect takes hold of the creature again, provided that its duration has not expired in the meantime.

I know that Toughness is meant to be for low-level pregen type games and wotnot, but you know - what if in addition to the 3 HP, it allowed you 3 more points below zero before dying. Both abilities stacking?

No reason to put this here except while doing this page is when I thought of it.