Germain's Contacts

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Revision as of 01:35, 12 July 2009 by Msallen (talk | contribs) (New page: Most of these people are only interesting because they told Germain he was a nice guy (or G. thinks they might, if they had the chance). They are fodder for getting things in the futur...)
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Most of these people are only interesting because they told Germain he was a nice guy (or G. thinks they might, if they had the chance). They are fodder for getting things in the future.

Stone of Law: Michael

LE and G. double-charmed this guy with an inspired speech about doing what is right for Wydmoor. G. nailed a dipl check with a 33 or something, while LE dropped a charm person. It was sweet, and we probably made an impression on the guy.

Dandrell's Wardhouse: Dooder

There is a guy there who helped G. "interrogate" a prisoner. He was impressed that G. scared the shit out of him and was prepared to "interrogate" him, but didn't have to. Said G. was a nice guy. He agrees!

Thief's Guild: Holm

Guy that G. almost "interrogated" after he was tied to Mantatlus (after attempting to poison G. and Kimika). All things considered, we got along splendidly. G. is trying to have his life sparred and have him released, so Holm escaped execution unlike his partner Gil.

Shady Guys: Vilari and Flint