Germain's Contacts

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Most of these people are only interesting because they told Germain he was a nice guy (or G. thinks they might, if they had the chance). They are fodder for getting things in the future.

Stone of Law: Michael

LE and G. double-charmed this guy with an inspired speech about doing what is right for Wydmoor. G. nailed a dipl check with a 33 or something, while LE dropped a charm person. It was sweet, and we probably made an impression on the guy.

Dandrell's Wardhouse: Dooder

There is a guy there who helped G. "interrogate" a prisoner. He was impressed that G. scared the shit out of him and was prepared to "interrogate" him, but didn't have to. Said G. was a nice guy. He agrees!

Shady Guys: Vilari and Flint