Kib Absold's Character Sheet (Pathfinder)

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Kib Absold rides the light warhorse Tenpence.

Player: Slitherrr
Name: Kib Absold
Classes/Levels: Professional/6, Fighter/2, Field Marshall 1
Experience: 36765(?) + 1850
Race: Human
Alignment: NG
Origin: Farrandon, Odessa
Residence: Currently none.

Has, as his cohort, Tana Absold, a Rogue 2/Bard 5 (also, his younger sister).

Combat Quick Ref

When Medium

  • Grapple: +9 (BAB + str, includes size mod)
  • Guisarme: +10 (BAB + MW bonus + str), reach from >5' to <=10'. Damage 2d4 + 3 (1 1/2 str)
  • Guisarme on Horseback: +11/+6 (BAB + MW Bonus + Mounted bonus + str), reach from >5' to <=10'. Damage 2d4 + 3 (1 1/2 str)
  • Modular Hammer (as Warhammer): +11/+6 (BAB + Enhancement Bonus + str), reach from <=5'. Damage 1d8 + 4 (str + enhancement)
  • Modular Hammer (as Warhammer) on Horseback: +12/+7 (BAB + Enhancement Bonus + Mounted bonus + str), reach from >5' to <=10'. Damage 1d8 + 4 (str + enhancement)
  • Modular Hammer (as Light Hammer): +10/+5 (BAB + Enhancement Bonus + str),+9 thrown (BAB + Enhancement Bonus + Dex) reach from <=5', range increment 20'. Damage 1d4+3 (str + enhancement)
  • Trip roll: +6 (str + imp trip bonus + size mod)
  • AC: 19 (+5 Masterwork Breastplate, +1 Dex bonus, +3 Insightful Defense)
  • Fast Mount DC: 24 (20 + Armor Check Penalty)

When Enlarged

  • Grapple: +14 (BAB + str, includes size mod)
  • Guisarme: +11/+6 (BAB + MW bonus + str), reach from >10' to <=20'. Damage 2d6 + 4 (1 1/2 str)
  • Modular Hammer (as Warhammer): +12/+7 (BAB + Enhancement Bonus + str), reach from <=10'. Damage 2d6 + 5 (str + enhancement)
  • Modular Hammer (as Light Hammer): +11/+6 (BAB + Enhancement Bonus + str),+7 thrown (BAB + Enhancement Bonus + dex), reach from <=5', range increment 20'. Damage 1d6+4 (str + enhancement)
  • Trip roll: +12 (str + imp trip bonus + size mod)
  • AC: 18 (+5 MW Breastplate, 0 Dex bonus, +3 Insightful Defense, -1 Size Penalty)



STR: 14
DEX: 12
CON: 14(16)
INT: 16 (15 +1 lvl4 bonus)
WIS: 8
CHA: 16 (13 +2 human +1 lvl8 bonus)



Hit Points 86(95) 10 + 9 + 11 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 11 + 9 (+ 9 with Belt)
Armor Class 19 (13 touch, 19 flat-footed) +5 MW BP, +1 Dex bonus, +3 Insightful Defense
Base Attack Bonus +7/+2 +4 Professional, +2 Fighter, +1 Field Marshall
Combat Maneuver Bonus +9 (+13 trip) +7 (BaB) +2 (Str) (+4 Greater Trip)
Combat Maneuver Defense +20 10 +7 (BaB) +2 (Str) +1 (Dex)
Initiative +1 +1 Dex
Base Speed 30 ft.
Fort Save +9 (+10) +2 Professional 6, +3 Fighter 2, +2 Field Marshall, +2 Stat (+1 stat with belt)
Reflex Save +5 +2 Professional 6, +1 Stat, +2 Lightning Reflexes
Will Save +10 +5 Professional 6, +2 Field Marshall, +3 Stat (Cha instead of Wis with Forceful Personality)
Leadership Score 12 (cohort), 11 (followers) cohort: <level> base, +3 stat; followers: <level> base, +3 stat, -1 (moves around a lot)

Conditional Modifiers

  • +2 to save vs. poison (from belt)
  • +2 to save vs. spells and spell-like effects (from belt)

Neat Equipment

The Draglet Fortress Captain's Hammer

  • The Modular Hammer. Embossed on the hammer's face is the word, "Change" in Dwarven (including the Dwarven Rune equivalent of quotation marks).
    • Counts as a +2 Warhammer, or as a +1 Light Hammer of Returning. Changing from one to another is a free action that can be done while holding the hammer and shouting the command word.

Belt of Dwarvenkind

  • +2 enhancement bonus to Con
  • Darkvision, 60 Feet
  • Stonecunning (+2 competence bonus on Perception checks to notice unusual stonework, such as sliding walls, stonework traps, new construction (even when built to match the old), unsafe stone surfaces, shaky stone ceilings, and the like. Can merely come within 10 feet of unusual stonework to make a check as if actively looking, and can use find stonework traps as a rogue can)
  • +2 resistance bonus to Save vs. Poison
  • +2 resistance bonus to Save vs. Spell and Spell-Like Effects
  • +4 competence bonus on Charisma-based checks vs. Dwarves
  • +2 competence bonus on Charisma-based checks with Gnomes and Halflings
  • -2 competence bonus on Charisma-based checks with anyone else
  • Understand, speak, read Dwarven

The Mysterious Figurine

A small, silver figurine of a raven, obtained from Ettins in the fortress just north of [city name here]. The wizard Zek knew what it was, but Kib declined to return it to him, because he was most likely lying about taking it to its proper owners. It is a Silver Raven Figurine of Wondrous Power, which can be invoked on command to become a lifelike silver raven (hardness 10) that can act as an animal affected by animal messenger, or otherwise follow the owner's commands (albeit with no special abilities or telepathy). Total duration is 24 hours per week, but it does not need to be continuous.

Friend Shield Ring

This ring is paired with another (currently carried by Anise Thoven). Either bearer may choose as a free action to place a shield on the other, with no range or line of site limitations. Half of any damage taken while the shield is in place will then be transferred to the bearer of the ring that placed the shield, rather than being taken by the original target. The bearer who placed the shield may voluntarily dismiss it--otherwise the shield may only be removed by a dispel, the removal of either ring, or by expiration of duration (10 hours per day, need not be continuous).


Odessan (start, free for origin), Celesti(start, bonus from int), Ubrekti(start, free for everyone), Dwarvish(start, bonus from int), Flanneri (bonus from +1 int at level 4), Goblin (Gildenhome area variant) (linguistics), Kobold (Gildenhome area variant) (linguistics), Fresian (??? variant) (linguistics), Gnomish (linguistics), five more


Feats and Special Abilities

Standard Feats

  • Improved Unarmed Strike (no AoO on an unarmed attack, lethal or non-lethal damage with fists at will)
  • Improved Trip (no AoO when tripping unarmed, +2 to trip attack maneuver)
  • Greater Trip (+2 additional to trip attack opposed Str check, tripped opponent provokes AoO)
  • Mounted Combat (If a mount is attacked, the attack is made against a Ride check performed by the mount's rider, or the mount's AC, whichever is higher)
  • (ride by attack OR trick riding OR a teamwork feat)

Human Bonus Feats

  • Skill Focus (Diplomacy) (+3 to skill, increases to +6 at 10 ranks)
  • Skill Focus (Linguistics) (+3 to skill, increases to +6 at 10 ranks)

Professional Bonus Feats

  • Persuasive (+2 Diplomacy and Intimidate)
  • Lightning Reflexes (+2 to Reflex save) (from a Professional Development)
  • Forceful Personality (Cha instead of Wis on Will Saves)
  • Hindering Opportunist (May use an AoO as an Aid Another in Combat action, rather than an attack)
  • Leadership (attracts followers and a cohort) (via Leadership Training Professional Development)

Fighter Bonus Feats

  • Combat Expertise (take up to -5 (or -(BaB), whichever is less) on attack roll to gain same dodge bonus to DC)
  • Blind-fight (re-roll misses due to concealment once, can move 3/4 speed while blind, invisible creatures get no advantage related to hitting Kib in melee)

Extra-Special Bonus Feats

  • Solid Kred-entials (+2 to all Diplomacy checks in Kred)
  • L 4 D & D (+1 bonus rank in Knowledge(Dungeoneering))

Class abilities

  • Armor Prof. (Light, Med, Heavy)
  • Simple Weapon Proficiency
  • Martial Weapon Proficiency
  • Shield Proficiency
  • Tower Shield Proficiency
  • Insightful Defense (+ 1/2 Prof level rounded down to AC, up to Int bonus)
  • Uncanny Dodge
  • Heroic Rally (Cast Remove Fear as a caster equal to twice your Field Marshall class level FM level/day to max of CH bonus)
  • Bravery +1 to Will Save to resist fear effects
  • Commanding Presence (Skill Checks) Allies within 10 feet get +1 to Skill Checks

Level Progression

Level 1: Professional

Base F/R/W: +0/+0/+2
BAB: +0
Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike (regular), Persuasive (professional bonus), Skill Focus (Diplomacy) (human bonus), Light Armor Proficiency, Simple Weapons + Short Sword, Long Sword, Short Bow Proficiency, Shield Proficiency (except tower)
Class Abilities: Universality (maybe) Favored Class Bonus: TBD

Level 2: Professional

Base F/R/W: +0/+0/+1 ==> +0/+0/+3
BAB: +1 ==> +1
Class Abilities: Insightful Defense, Professional Development (Feat, lightning reflexes)
Favored Class Bonus: TBD

Level 3: Fighter

Base F/R/W: +2/+0/+0 ==> +2/+0/+3
BAB: +1 ==> +2
Feats: Combat Expertise (fighter bonus), Improved Trip (level 3), Martial weapons, Heavy Armor, Tower shields
Favored Class Bonus (maybe): TBD

Level 4: Professional

Base F/R/W: +1/+1/+0 ==> +3/+1/+3
BAB: +1 ==> +3
Feat: Forceful Personality (professional bonus) Stat Point: +1 Int
Favored Class Bonus (maybe): TBD

Level 5: Professional

Base F/R/W: +0/+0/+1 ==> +3/+1/+4
BAB: +1 ==> +4
Class Abilities: Professional Development (Uncanny Dodge)
Feat: Mounted Combat (level 5) Favored Class Bonus: TBD

Level 6: Professional

Base F/R/W: +0/+0/+0 ==> +3/+1/+4
BAB: +0 ==> +4
Feat: Hindering Opportunist (professional bonus)
Favored Class Bonus: TBD

Level 7: Professional

Base F/R/W: +1/+1/+1 ==> +4/+2/+5
BAB: +1 ==> +5
Class Abilities: Professional Development (leadership training)
Feat: Combat Reflexes (level 7) Favored Class Bonus: TBD

Level 8: Fighter

Base F/R/W: +1/+0/+0 ==> +5/+2/+5
BAB: +1 ==> +6
Class Abilities: Bravery Feats: Skill Focus (Linguistics) (human bonus), Blind-fight(fighter bonus) Favored Class Bonus (maybe): TBD

Level 9: Field Marshall

Base F/R/W: +2/+0/+2 ==> +7/+2/+7
BAB: +1 ==> +7
Class Abilities: Heroic Rally, Commanding Presence (Skill Checks)
Feat: Greater Trip (level 9)