Mefighter beta team sixth session notes

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  • Trapped in the church in Krestendorf, the party rested for the night.
  • In the morning, the square was full of zombies.
  • FrimbleToken.PNG Frimble dropped burning goblins out of the bell tower for a distraction.
  • The group successfully pried boards off the wall on the back of the church quietly enough to escape from the town, using Hide From Undead.
  • Byll explained that a box he carried provided him with guidance on where to find the missing halfling.
  • While on the road, Byll took care of the occassional rogue zombie, but not many were encountered. The plague leaves behind a "dead zone" when the zombies move on.
  • The group made camp for the night, and were attacked by Dire Rats.
  • Thanks to a timely web from UhanimaraToken.PNG Uhanimara, the Dire Rats were beaten back.

XP and Achievements

  • +50 to Frimble for the idea on how to leave the church and the distraction.
  • +200 for the Escape from Kresentdorf.
  • +25 to Thurmin for getting Byll to explain the importance of his box.
  • +190 for the Dire Rats.