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Rule Clarifications:: House Rules
Quest Journal: Athasian Intermission
Getting Started
- Check the "getting started" links about races, classes, and nations to the left for a world overview.
- For the devout, or the casually religious, Alexandria Omnity and her worship will put you on the righteous path.
- Refresh your addled memory with notes about the Arabelle or Wydmoor Campaigns, the growing list of Team MeFight Session Notes, follow the adventures of the MeFighter Beta Squad, or be amazed at the intensity of the Mattsters of the Mattiverse
- Get a history lesson with the timeline of major events and help Kim create a timeline of Alexandria's life linked to the Testimonials (last updated, 12/1/11) [1]
Everyone Loves Lists!
- Ask the Sage
- Party Spreadsheets
- Recent Events
- Achievements
- List of Languages
- Prestige Classes
- The Standard Calendar
- The Ages of History
- List of Arch-Wardens
- List of Universities
- Agents of Corruption
- Eight Rites
- Sovereigns of the Mainland
Nations of the Realm
Minor States
- Wydmoor Free City : Destroyed in Autumn, 1401 FI
- Utrell
- Temporal Authority of the Arch-Wardency
The Unmapped Wilds
Active Groups
Gnob's Folly (Nia-Agliare) (Early Spring, 1402 FI)
- APL: 10.5
Kib Absold, Human Military Officer, his sister
Tana Absold, and his horse
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Tenpence- (Slitherrr)
Thoven, Dwarven Flame Disciple and his Pseudodragon familiar, Tibbers - (TooMuchPete)
Gilerl, Wild Gnomish Barbarian - (Pokeylope)
Anise, Sidhe Ranger and the
Ghost Elk - (Feantari)
hiaitus "Thed", Peabody Award winning Gnomish Rogue - (Xorry)
retired to NPC Marwynn, Human Oracle - Kim
retired, then RIPNeven b'Aaronurt, Halfling Druid
Mefighter beta team (The Scar, Gildenhome) (Early Spring, 1402 FI)
- APL: 6.5
Uhanimara - Human Witch - (Feantari)
Thurmin Vustor - Human Inquisitor - nubs
Brunner Kronheim - Dwarven Fighter - The 'Noid
Drem Lorsken - Dwarven Paladin - clockbound
Torekk Deeperdown - Dwarven Druid - bartley
RIPGallus Parvus - Human Necromancer- Verdana
RIPFrimble - Halfling Filcher- Rebent
RETIRED Gub - Hobgoblin Zen Archer - Rebent
Mattsters of the Mattiverse (Wydmoor Swamp) (Early Spring, 1402 FI)
- APL: 6
Russ, Lizardfolk Chirurgeon - (Slitherrr)
Mad Gokar, Half-Orc Mutagen Berserker - (bartley)
Apt, Human Infiltrator - (Mattie)
Edi, Halfling Priest - (MSAllen)
Gamma Team (Imperial City, Fresia) (Spring, 1402 FI)
- APL: 3
Theo Kordt the Arcanist - (Feantari)
- Bel the Hunter (Slayer/Investigator)
- Mell the Dodgy Paladin
- Human Rogue
- Dohrn Bend-Ear - Dwarf Bard - (Smart Dalek)
- Dwarf Druid
Intermission 5e Campaign (Kled, Athas) (Free Year 0)
- APL: 1
- Human Rogue
- Human Preserver
- Human Monk
- Half-Elf Druid
- Mul Barbarian
- Halfling Psion