Team Mefight Fifth Session

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The party has, by this point, decided to storm the kobold camp. Taking point are Kib and Gil, with Thed taking a flanking position and Thoven holding up the rear. The kobolds, upon spotting the party, begin slinging in earnest. Gilerl gets a quick charge, with Kib screaming after, while Thed masterfully dispatches kobold after kobold with his crossbow. Things are going well, until the helmeted fellow in the middle (who is revealed to be wearing a strange helmet, fashioned in a globe with wiggling, strangely sentient eyeballs attached) gets a prismatic spray on the two front men, dazzling them both into unconsciousness. Before either Kib or Gil can return to the fight, Thed is taken down, and Thoven soon after. Kib is looted of the Kred signet ring and his potion of cure light wounds, and the four are brought to witness the rest of the ritual they had interrupted.

It is evident, then, that the demihuman (a halfling) in the chair is not actually captive, but is a willing participant. One eyeball already missing, the helmeted goblin carefully scoops the other from the halfling, screaming from a strange mixture of pain and ecstasy. Once removed, the eye is placed on an empty stalk of the helmet, achieving the life of its eldritch brethren. The helmet is then placed, almost reverently, on the halfling's head, who gets up and begins walking without difficulty.

He threatens to kill the party, but Kib convinces him that they are emissaries of an ancient and terrible power.