Team Mefight Fifth Session

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4 October 2009

The party had, by this point, decided to storm the kobold camp. Taking point were Kib and Gil, with Thed taking a flanking position and Thoven holding up the rear. The kobolds, upon spotting the party, began slinging in earnest. Gilerl got a quick charge, with Kib screaming after, while Thed masterfully dispatched kobold after kobold with his crossbow. Things were going well, until the helmeted fellow in the middle (who was discovered to be wearing a strange helmet, fashioned in a globe with wiggling, strangely sentient eyeballs attached) got a prismatic spray on the two front men, dazzling them both into unconsciousness. Before either Kib or Gil could return to the fight, Thed was taken down, and Thoven soon after. Kib was looted of the Kred signet ring and his potion of cure light wounds, and the four were brought to witness the rest of the ritual they had interrupted.

It was evident, then, that the demihuman (a halfling) in the chair is not actually captive, but a willing participant. One eyeball already missing, the helmeted goblin carefully scooped the other from the halfling, who screamed in a strangely compliant fashion. Once removed, the eye was placed on an empty stalk of the helmet, achieving the life of its eldritch brethren. The helmet was then placed, almost reverently, on the halfling's head, who got up and begins walking without difficulty, despite his recent ordeal.

The halfling threatened to kill the party, but Kib, aided by indifference, managed to convince him that they were emissaries of an ancient and terrible power. The halfling was content to leave with his meager spoils, the profane ritual concluded.

The party then spent its time recuperating in the shelter of the old shrine. Hardly had a day passed, when their repose was interrupted by a gathering of kobolds, marching (in their own way) in the direction of Kred, joined by none other than the Masked Gnome, himself. The adventurers swiftly gathered their gear to pursue, meaning to catch the Gnome in a moment of weakness. There was not long to wait, as the gnome separated himself from the company of kobolds shortly after, galloping with haste into the foothills. The party followed at a pace limited by its previous exertions, and now finds itself at the foot of a seemingly abandoned fort, nestled deep within the hills.