Mattsters of the Mattiverse Session 26
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...last episode
- runs from a cloudkill, fights bunches of wererats, runs into vampire Fenn
Solo Fenn
- A brief respite occurs where the party isn't being actively harassed. Gokar rushes up to Yoa and sees Riala (cloudkill still in tow). Edi glances down a trap hallway, then joins Gokar--Russ heads down that hallway and starts pulling up flagstones to try to destroy one of the lightning traps.
- Gokar is pulling the cloudkill up into the old Otyugh lair so the party can try to pull it down a hallway with a dispel trap.
- The rest of the group comes to the Northmost parts of those hallways. Fenn, who has been hiding in the cloudkill this whole time. He unleashes an alternative to dominate that instead causes fear--Gokar initially fails but is pulled back by Edi, and Riala takes off running (her scream is heard later).
- Russ stops destroying things to join the group. Gokar gets a blow in, but Fenn retreats back into the approaching cloudkill. Edi preps him with bits of luck, and he runs back up the other side to engage.
- Yoa summons some hound archons to help (sequentially). They're such good boys, yes they are.
- Gokar starts slugging it out with Fenn. Some whiffs occur, but then he gets a pretty great blow in just as the cloudkill is about to envelope him (GM awards self-sacrificing bravery with XP, as is tradition).
- Edi lands a dispel on the cloudkill (only just making the check), and becomes probably the only player to have dispelled any of Edrell's spells in any campaign.
- Fenn reverts to cloud form and starts running. Yoa summons a mephit to push him back and the crowd deals some damage.
- Eventually Fenn is pushed into the very long, continuous corridor on the Eastmost side. Edi ends it with a wall of fire that Fenn cannot escape. He is reduced to zero hit points and starts moving away, presumably to his coffin.
- Edi follows, but Fenn disappears into the rubble of the collapsed corridor.
- Russ heads back to keep destroying the trap. Gokar joins in, and they manage the job.
- Circling near the entrance, Russ takes point, and is ambushed!
- Rat-a-Cat Rat and their Rat-Cat are with four skirmishers. The skirmishers let forth a salvo that's about as useful as usual. The Rat-Cat is quite a bit more deadly, and Russ doesn't quite have the attack bonus he needs to return fire appropriately. Rat-a-Cat Rat hastes and makes things worse.
- Semiferals burst through the front door to cut Russ off from the rest of the party. Gokar engages.
- Russ is able to get out of sight of the skirmishers, but the Rat-Cat keeps up. Edi keeps his lizard alive with channels.
- Yoa summons water mephits, who try to stinking cloud the lot. The second one gets it off, disabling all but Rat-a-Cat Rat and one skirmisher.
- Rat-a-Cat Rat bolts and Russ pursues, after finishing off a damaged semiferal. Gokar finishes the other and starts slugging it with Rat-a-Cat Rat. Yoa begins re-summoning Try, and Edi supports with a spiritual weapon.
- Russ very nearly finishes off Rat-a-Cat Rat, but they manage an escape into a horde of waiting wererats, including a previously seen skald (who begins a war chant) and one particularly swaggery wererat (a wererat Rat King). Russ about-faces to rejoin the party.
- Rat-a-Cat Rat's Rat-Cat is finally finished off. Edi runs after Russ, who is shaking his head and pointing back. They spend a round desperately healing for a bit, expecting the door to pop open.
- It doesn't. Edi remote views the other side of the door and sees the corridor is empty. Gokar rushes ahead to scout.
- He sees the skald, and notices they have an armband. Gokar gives the skald a thumbs up, and they stop playing their bardsong and head back past Gokar (nonviolently). They point at two doors on the way.
- Gokar heads up to the doors, but doesn't open them yet. Edi and Russ have caught up by now, as has Try (Yoa is not too far behind).
- The skald approaches Russ with ambiguous chanting and outreached hands. Russ does not resist, and is subject to a cure moderate wounds. He tells the skald, "the vampire iss dusst ssoon", before the skald continues their retreat.
- A nod, then the door is opened
- As expected, the Rat King and his remaining horde are there. Semiferals block the doorway, skirmishers fire from behind the line.
- The other door opens, and Rat-a-Cat Rat is there with more skirmishers. Rat-a-Cat Rat begins to cast a spell, but is silenced (for the last time) by Russ's bomb.
- A brief melee ensues before the Rat King bellows for everyone to "stand aside!". Skirmishers five-foot-step out of the way after their attacks to give the King space.
- The King's first round of attacks all miss Gokar, who at this point is incredibly hard to hit (33 AC). Russ is able to squeeze in and join the combat. The Rat King grins...
- ... and is promptly paralyzed by a last casting of hold person from Edi, getting an amazingly clutch save failure. Gokar performs a coup de grace, and the Rat King falls ignominiously. His horde falls to the ground begging for mercy, and are spared ("drop your weaponss and leave, and you will live").
- Session ends as the last wererats scamper down the corridors and out of the party's lives.
- 1800 xp to all for skirmisher mercy
- 1000 xp to all for semiferal mercy
- 1200 xp to all dead semiferals
- 600 xp to all for skald mercy
- 1200 xp to all for Rat-a-Cat Rat and Rat-a-Cat Rat's Rat-Cat
- 2400 xp to all for the Rat Monarch
- 200 xp to Edi: "Better than Edrell?"
- 200 xp to Gokar: "Mad" bravery
- Rat-a-Cat Rat's Rat-Cat's Rat-Cat Harness