Mattsters of the Mattiverse Session 25
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- The party is led on a wild goose chase by groups of wererats, then finally gets a turncoat to lead them to the entrance, which they assault, with the understanding that a few rats will be signifying their willingness to turn tail a little more quickly with armbands. They kill the front guard and let loose a cloudkill with a trap.
Puzzle Rooms and Guerilla Warfare
- Gokar busts down the door as fast as he can to escape the cloudkill. He still takes some Constitution damage, and the cloud is now following him.
- There is a series of four corridors. Russ explores down one and fills in some map.
- The orb explores another, and is immediately dispelled
- Try goes up another, and steps into a lightning trap [actually retconned in later since Mattie is an honest fella], and discovers a wall of force at the end. Yoa immediately recalls him.
- Edi heads up the same path as Russ and is immediately zapped by another trap.
- The party eventually discovers that the walls of force alternate "on" and "off", and that each of the four paths has either a dispel trap or a lightning trap, in a pattern.
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- Gokar runs up shortly after, and sets off the same trap, zapping himself, and Edi again.
- Russ keeps a watch at the end of the hallways, letting the rest catch up and doing a patrol. On his second round, he bumps into some stealthy wererats!
- Two very lucky, solid hits later, and Russ is in a bad way. Gokar rushes in to the assist, and Edi fills in behind with a much-needed channel. Yoa and Try catch up and a short pitched battle ensues.
- The rats lose their advantage and fall back, closing a door behind them.
- Gokar runs behind and opens the door to a volley of bolts, which all miss. He starts laying into skirmishers, who quickly fall back.
- A skull is thrown in from the South, of an unknown, deceased, human. From its mouth issues a booming "HAHAHAHahahahaHAHAHAahAHAHA", which does not stop.
- Helly, seeing an opportunity, starts chowing down on the head. It is eventually in no shape to continue laughing.
- Russ rushes up to quickly clear some unexplored map. He bumps into an otyugh and kills it without fanfare (this awards him two thirds of the total XP value of the otyugh, with the group splitting the other third).
- There is a door here, which Russ notes for later.
- On the return, Russ hears an electricity trap go off. He proceeds with care, but still fails to detect the vampiric Fenn Lynrick, whose sneak attack puts Russ solidly red.
- Russ returns fire with bombs, as he has no magic and silver weapon and they skip DR. Fenn goes into gas form and falls back. Behind him, Gokar's cloudkill is in slow, but steady, pursuit.
- Yoa opens up a pit under Fenn. It doesn't bother him much, and he goes into it to kill some time while he waits for the cloudkill to catch up. The wall of force is right at the edge of the pit, which helps Russ to keep from skidding into it as he throws another bomb.
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- Edi summons a 'spiritual ally', which annoys Fenn pretty mightily.
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- Yoa summons a Hound Archon to help, and he starts giving everyone castings of aid. The cloudkill has caught up, but has sunk into the pit.
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- Wererats are sneaking up to flank. The party falls back after the skirmishers, who die, variously.
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- From the Northern door, a strange-looking creature pounces on Yoa. It is an eidolon, shaped like a cat with a rat's head (whose summoner is evidently named Ratacat, so it's Ratacat rat's rat-cat)
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- Two wererats that fled before have returned. One has an armband, but didn't previously. They shoot (ineffective) bolts, then fall back into an unstable tunnel.
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- Russ catches and murders the one without an armband. He stares pointedly at the other.
- That other uses its turn to run to a lever at the end of the tunnel, flip Russ off, and pull it. The tunnel begins to collapse. Russ memorizes that one's face.
- The party regroups on the East side before the tunnel can collapse. With one exit, they return back to the still-approaching cloudkill, which the pit has continued to keep contained these many turns.
- Try and the archon take up the back, which means they are ambushed by ratlings. Try's damage is significant enough, and his proximity to cloudkill (whose containing pit is about to dissipate) worrying enough, that Yoa dismisses him.
- The pit disappears, but the wall of force is up at the same time, keeping it contained for one more turn. The two wererats on the other side of the wall are oblivious to their impending doom. Since one has an armband, Russ kindly warns him off without being too obvious about it. Him and Gokar fly over the wererats' heads into another group of skirmishers, to hopefully keep the cloudkill from cutting the party off.
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- Sadly, the semiferal wererat is not bright enough to understand his position. He fails his Fortitude save and dies. His fighter companion succeeds, but dies the next turn trying to run past Gokar and Russ.
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- The wererats fall back. One without an armband pleads for his life. Russ pushes him bodily to a hallway, gives him a mighty sniff, and hisses, "I know your sscent" into his ear, then lets him go. The party gets a bit of breathing room.
- Yoa opens the door Russ ignored earlier. Inside a tiny room, manacled and with a bucket of waste, is Riala Pisk. Yoa is presumably surprised and delighted by this development.
- The session ends here.
- 1500 to all: 5x Ratling Toughs and smirmishers
- 450 to all: armband wererat mercy
- 400 to all: 1x Ratling Semi-feral
- 600 to Russ, 200 to the rest: Solo-kill Otyugh