Notes for Game 2010-08-14

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In Our Last Episode

27-1 HeavenFall

Advance on the Canyon
  • AlToken.PNG Al scouts ahead as a cat but he doesn't see anything other than their trail.
  • AlToken.PNG Al scouts ahead as a bird and sees this for the canyon village (See map below).
  • Roughly hundred or so hobgoblins out in the open
  • Holes are carved in the ground that the hobgoblins go in and out of.
  • The party discusses ways to scare and harass the village in order to identify their leadership and encourage them to signal to their menfolk working for Odessa.
  • AlToken.PNG Al as a bird starts casting lightning on hobgoblin children.
  • Hobgoblin woman in charge comes out of one of the holes, she begins running and taking control of the scene, collecting bodies.
  • Woman seems to have at least seven bodyguards around.
  • A horde of rats starts pouring out of the hole (thanks to AlToken.PNG Al) and takes the hobgoblins 30 minutes to get the town back in order. People begin taking up arms and lock the city down, assuming there is some sort of attack or infiltration.
  • The party discusses ways to further "curse" the town to raise their fear and superstition.


This Episode

27-1 HeavenFall

  • Party discusses at length what harassment they want to try. They decide to leverage Summon Pack/Herd to begin the assault.
New Day Begins

28-1 HeavenFall

  • Day 1 of siege: AlToken.PNG Al summons 70 wolves into the warg pens, kills all but 2 of the wargs, kills 6 hobgoblins and injures many
New Day Begins

29-1 HeavenFall

  • Day 2 of siege: AlToken.PNG Al summons 30 small fire elementals, KimikaToken.PNG Kimika and AlToken.PNG Al casts obscuring mists, followed by dive-bombing Hippogriffs
  • Wounded and killed about 100 total hobgoblins
  • To put out fires everywhere, Hobgoblin shaman brought out a staff made of darkwood looks like gushing water, tree trunks, center of it is glowing pulsing gem of amber
    • Also on the person's chest is another carved black broach that is very large and very gaudy
    • Seems to summon a rainstorm to douse the flames
New Day Begins

30-1 HeavenFall

  • Day 3 of siege: Earth elementals undermine north walls
  • Earth elementals undermine the gate, and water kind of overgrows the entrance
  • Talk with  NapridToken.jpg Naprid
  • Mission is a success, the hobgoblin mercenaries returning though!
  • Better hurry and run!
Wyvern Scout Party
  • Dodged some of them but lizard flyers come by
  • Flying lizard riders attack us!
  • LEToken.PNG LE casts a fireball and hurts them all a reasonable little (they made saves)
  • Some arrows fly
  • AlToken.PNG Al casts lightning and takes out a lizard rider and hurts the lizard
  • QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin attacks one at long range with an arrow and misses.
  • GermainToken.PNG Germain hastes QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin, KimikaToken.PNG Kimika, AlToken.PNG Al and LEToken.PNG LE
  • QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin fires two arrows in full attack at the lizard with mount and both hit it.
  • The mount charges QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin but both lizard and hob miss QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin.
  • MoseToken.PNG Mose gets stabbed by poison stinger and lost 6 points of CON
  • LEToken.PNG LE gathers poison from the dead lizards, which can be used on stabby weapons.
  • Party uses lots of potions and scrolls to try to save MoseToken.PNG Mose from next poison hit. He makes his save and lives, though! QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin takes some Con damage unfortunately.
Righteous Terror and Wyvern Outsiders
+ 2550 
Experience Points
AlToken.PNG Al, MoseToken.PNG Mose, KimikaToken.PNG Kimika, LEToken.PNG LE, and QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin
Righteous Terror and Wyvern Outsiders (absent)
+ 1275 
Experience Points
  • QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin gives MoseToken.PNG Mose a carved up wyvern tail to wear as a talisman
  • The party found 2 magical lances they put in their haversack
Mega Dire Wolf Ambush
  • Party keeps traveling and encounters dire wolves and a mega dire wolf
    • AlToken.PNG Al uses Entangle on two of the regular dire wolves. They are successfully entangled for a couple rounds.
    • LEToken.PNG LE strongly suggests that we focus on the mega dire wolf. MoseToken.PNG Mose goes after the unentangled regular dire wolves, and KimikaToken.PNG Kimika summons a celestial bison to help him out.
    • The MDW goes around everyone else to attack LEToken.PNG LE. It doesn't seem to like her.
    • QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin goes after the MDW, with help from AlToken.PNG Al, GermainToken.PNG Germain, and LEToken.PNG LE.
    • MoseToken.PNG Mose gets two critical hits against the dire wolves nearest to him and  
      Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
      . LEToken.PNG LE tries to remind MoseToken.PNG Mose to focus on the MDW, but MoseToken.PNG Mose is on a roll killing dire wolves.
    • QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin gets a few big, solid poundings on the MDW (including at least one critical hit). AlToken.PNG Al hits it with some lightning. GermainToken.PNG Germain delivers the final blow.
    • When the MDW dies, the rest of the regular dire wolves immediately disappear (they vanish in puffs of smoke).
    • Also when the MDW dies, it exhales a black smoke which goes straight into LEToken.PNG LE's nose/and mouth! She wretches.
Dire Wolf Boss
+ 1100 
Experience Points
AlToken.PNG Al, MoseToken.PNG Mose, KimikaToken.PNG Kimika, LEToken.PNG LE, and QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin
Dire Wolf Boss (absent)
+ 550 
Experience Points
  • Party continues the trip back to home!
  • QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin gets 6 huge teeth the size of daggers from the boss wolf
The Return to Wydmoor
  • Get back home and there's lots of tension in the air in Wydmoor
  • QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin is given a +3 Defender Scythe that is Keen while it has at least +2 bonus. Named Ebony Reaver.
  • Party (minus LEToken.PNG LE, who is drinking by herself at the inn) goes to the war room
    •  EdrellToken.JPG Edrell is there with Tyador Mann who is now the sheriff interim.
    •  FennToken.JPG Fenn is there.
    •  MaggrToken.jpg Maggr and dog
    • Hadriarch
    • Several people we don't know
      • Councilman Haggr (not pro- EdrellToken.JPG Edrell, but not pro-Mayor, young and fit)
      • Councilwoman Elkit (not pro- EdrellToken.JPG Edrell, but not pro-Mayor)
      • Councilman Berger (Mayor's guy)
      • Lodz (Mayor's spokesman)


Final GM message


DungeonMasterToken2.pngGame Master awards the following:

Time bonus
+ 450 
Experience Points
AlToken.PNG Al, MoseToken.PNG Mose, KimikaToken.PNG Kimika, LEToken.PNG LE, and QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin
Time bonus (absent)
+ 225 
Experience Points

Post-game Notes

DungeonMasterToken2.pngGame Master says:

So, anyway, a long time ago (back in APRIL our time, between when you got back from Alexandria's City and before you left the city to go deal with the hobgoblins) he and edrell had a meeting at Edrell's new office in the Swampreach Tower. Part of this was general catching up and part was information exchange. Since MrDrAllen never got around to it, we'll say he sat on the information until the hobgoblin harrassment went off, then filled you in on the current political situation in the city. (After all, nothing you really could do about it till you get back anyway. Or, maybe your characters are pissed he held out on you so long. I'll let you decide how your characters feel about it individually.) But, regardless, he sits on this information until the ride back to town. We have a Edrell/Germain conversation the two of us waved, but I'll just give bulletpoints rather than sharing it.

Anything I say about germain's opinions are taken from what he said in the wave, but Matt can feel free to change or edit to more acurately align with reality. Err.. well, fake reality.

  • Edrell is currently very busy and not likely to be as easy to contact, as he is still trying to fully grasp his new role as Magius, which he is probably somewhat underqualified for. (The true extent of Edrell's arcanity is unknown, but you've never seen anything particularly impressive from him.)
  • Edrell is under no illusions he is going to get to keep this job. If the seige is successfully repelled, he'll most likely go back to being Citizen Edrell.
  • Germain thinks that the thieves guild is, at some level, controlled by individuals of age and power he finds somewhat frightening
  • Edrell thinks the Theives Guild can be trusted to act in good faith for the city's defense as long as they are kept happy. The moment that defense appears to have succeeded, however. . .
  • Germain thinks Edrell should try to trick Fenn into thinking Edrell was not associated on the attacks on guild safehouses, since the two now have a direct means of communication (the stolen ring)^
  • Edrell warns that, even with the truce, the party might want to watch their backs as the theives guild might still be planning revenge in the short or long term.
  • The mayor is acting on his new political authority
    • He has ordered halted all of the grain shipments to the refugees.
      • The food's first and primary use is a hedge against seige, it's even encoded in the stone of law. The arrival of the army changed this from a humanitarian crisis to a military one, he argues, and thus must be kept within the city. There have been no relief shipments to the refugee camps since the party left town.
    • He has moved the date of the auction of the razed warrens forward using "emergency eminent domain"
      • Depending how long you were gone, this means the auction may already have gone forward.
      • This may or may not have some impact for helen's property claim there.

^ This may more may not still be on the table, as Fenn and Edrell currently at least are in the war room together, and so have encountered each other at least her and now since this conversation happened.



Maps and Pictures

Hobgoblin Village After Destruction

Race Against Returning Hobgoblin Warriors

Wyvern Scout Attack

Dire Wolf Attack

Latest Wydmoor City Map

Wydmoor Castle

Game Note: Triumphant Return

Game Note: Proposal and More

Game Note: Proposal and More

Game Note: Reward

Game Note: New Scythe

The War Room