Ebony Reaver

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The Ebony Reaver is a powerful scythe from Alexandrian times, most recently in the possession of the Bog Wraiths. It has a handle of highest quality darkwood, the S curve of the main shaft carved in the likeness of a giant serpent, between the jaws of which is a massive, black steel blade with silver etchings.

The language of the etchings is Petran, but the quote is from the Alexandrian canon - The Testimonial of Dadtim. In translation, it reads: "She commanded 'Pick up even your plow and your scythe to strike against our enemy, for our failure renders them still not for a season, but forever.'"


According to a story relayed by Naprid Daithe:

"Joshua Pryce had a lieutenant by the name of Saygwyn, but who was originally known as Sayid al-Rasheed. Petran by birth, he spent ten years as a Petaran galley slave before being freed by virtue of being shipwrecked in what is now Celstia, but what then still Odessa. Through various means, he became a freehold farmer and made a new life for himself near the what is now the Odessan border. He even married a Celstian woman."

"When the revolts that would become the Celstian independence war began, Saygwyn's farm was destroyed as part of the Odessan policy toward the Celstians of collective punishment and he joined the rebels. "What no one knew is that, when he had first shipwrecked, Saygwyn had collected and hidden a cache of Petran black steel. He brought this to none other than Pryce himself, who was at the time no more than one of many unaffiliated rebel leaders. As you are no doubt aware, Pryce's early bid for general leadership was bolstered because of his cousin Archwald, a skilled metalsmith and artificer. So, needless to say, Pryce was thrilled with the gift, and brought Saygwyn into his inner circle, and used a portion of it to craft Saygwyn a powerful weapon."


Recently given to Quinalin of Clearwyl in exchange for the Barbarian King's Sword.

Rules Notes

+3 Defending Scythe. Additional Property: So long as the enhancement bonus is at least +2, the Ebony Reaver also gains the "keen" trait.