Testimonial of Steros

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The third earliest of the testimonials, and the first written after Alexandria's ascension, it was written by Steros the Lawbringer during his Arch-wardenship. While it covers the battle against the Black Wyrm, it essentially begins with Steros' adoption of most of the Children of Tragedy. It details their training by the Church of Tarlos and covers most of the major events through final battle of the Crusade. The longest of the testimonials, it is as straightforward as it is comprehensive. It focuses especially on the battles of Alexandria, both personal and military.


"What of your time in the West?" I asked.
"I have seen the beginning and the end: Godhead is my ugly necessity.
The nature of the world is decay, primal Chaos may not be undone.
I have made my infernal bargains - as we all must -
And, and so, the question is not : how never commit evil
But rather - for what greater purpose?"
(After her return from the West)

Before we set off she turned, visor up, and looked into my eyes.
Not the look of the warrior, or the general or even the Omnity Herself.
But As the simple girl that never could have been,
a life razed and tilled to plant the crop of our salvation.

"Steros, as you lead them in the days ahead, remember:
We owe a debt to this thing I must destroy.
That primeval paradise I have seen is lost forever to the living,
but in exchange: Choice. To do good, to do evil, or simply to do not.
Having tasted this for generations, who could return to stupid bliss?

But what must be done must be done to preserve and to build.
In evil is our tragedy, but Entropy is our end.
(Before the armies of The Stand march into the Shadow Realms)

"They will have no choice but to follow us, Steros.
By taking this power, I throw open the gates to the Kingdom of Shadow
And its master will set a thousand lifetimes worth of fury upon us all.
As their dead pile high, the stubborn regents of this earth
Will be forced to bend."
(Alexandria, on the eve of Omnity)