Black Wyrm

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The great, winged black beast wakened by Arak in the late summer of 35 BI. By winter of that year, Alexandria and several who would become the First Stand - Steros Merroand, Sayid ibn Maimun, Marrwyn Teldandilion, and Kivan Elyryn, as well as Dadtim the Elder - set out to rescue the Children of Tragedy from sacrifice. They fought and, thinking they were battling the Black Wyrm itself, slew instead its recent spawn. The group, as well as the Children of Tragedy, were able to hide in the forest, but the monster exacted retribution by razing the village of Tragidore, setting fire to the surrounding countryside, and slaughtering the population of the village. It then made a new lair in the far northern swamps, where it would terrorize the city states of the Polis League for years, until being put down by Alexandria in 19 BI.

Some have argued that the Black Wyrm could have easily found the group, or even razed the swamps it knew them to be hiding in, and instead purposefully chose to keep them alive to suffer the loss of the village.