Alexandrian Age

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The Alexandrian Age describes the period in which Alexandria Omnity - either directly or indirectly - influenced the world, up through the present day (Advent of the 15th Century from the inception of her Church). Although Alexandria's Crusades take place during this period, the bulk of the Alexandrian Age is dominated by the history of the Alexandrian Church, which during the first few centuries after the Martyrdom, became the sole religion of the mainland as Alexandrian Priests all but dominated access to Divine power. The period is generally seen as one of marked stability, thanks to the Church's influence, although not without its share of wars and conflicts, between states and servitors alike, particularly during the three Bloody Interregnums.

Sages of the Alexandrian Age, like those of the Era of Demigods, often divide their subject up into a number of periods.

1. Earthly Period (Prophet's War and Crusades)

The periods directly preceding and including Alexandria and her Mission. Seen as the completion of a cycle of events foretold in the fragmentary remains of the writings of Alabar Tremaline, a veteran of the First War blinded, maddened, and cursed with foresight for watching the Eight reveal their full Majesty during their final, fatal assault. Generally dated with the beginning of Antioch's Usurptation though Alexandria's Crusades and eventual Martyrdom. The source of the major schism between the Petaran Heterodox and the Alexandrian Orthodoxy come from the nature of the surprising Intervention of the normally religiously antagonistic Petaran Empire on the side of Alexandria, thanks to the Usurptation and rapid consolidation of power in the hands of one of Alexandria's early but estranged advisers, Sayid ibn Maimun, who had united the Petaran and Bedowyld peoples into a single Empire armed with a weak claim of marriage to the youngest daughter of the Petaran Emperor and claiming to be the reincarnation of an ancient, Pharaohnic personage and after assembling and winning a Civil War with the aid of a unified Bedowyld people.

See Antioch, Sayid ibn Maimun, Mythrian Arabelle, and other materials related to First Stand, Prophets' War and Alexandria's Crusade

2. Early Church Period

The first and second centuries FI.

The consolidation of divine and economic power under the auspices of the Omnity, Alexandria, in the wake of her Martyrdom and disembodiment in the wake of her Martyrdom. The early years of the church were dominated by her original followers or treaty partners from the long Prophet's War, the writings of many of whom would become the foundations of the Canon of Orthodoxy, as well as the Apocrypha and the Heresies. It is generally seen as ending after the technical succession crisis triggered and resolved during the First Interregnum. It was during this period the Temporal Authority was established in the area seized from the Gilden dwarves after the Prophet's War known as The Investiture.

In Petaran history, this same period is characterized by a succession crisis and subsequent civil wars and fragmentation of the Petaran-Bedowyld Empire known as The Scism. See Sayid ibn Maimun and Zupan Mikos.

3. Second Dynasty

The period of church growth in the wake of the reforms of Paggnellot Hargadramd in the second century until the end of the Second Interregnum of the 4th century. By the end of this period, a century from the Abdication of Marwyn Teldandillion, the elves had fully retreated from the affairs of the mainland.

4. Third Dynasty

The period beginning with the long century of stability provided by the half-elf Arch-Warden Marrwyn Sablehand beginning in the last years of the 4th century and enduring through the dawn of the 6th century. It includes the disastrous Hidden Interregnum, Barbannan's Crusade, and the Hegemony War and is generally bookended with the outbreak of the Third Interregnum, which began in 698 FI and was not resolved until the 712 FI.

5. Fourth Dynasty

The period of church history dominated by the increased influence of the Gilden dwarves and the other victors of the so-called Rockheart Coalition faction at the end of the Third Interregnum in 712 FI and lasting until the outbreak of the Fourth Interregnum in 909 FI after the death of Quil Myth.

6. Fifth Dynasty

The most recent period of Church polity, beginning with the consolidation of Church power into the hands of Edrell Dakt after the resolution of the Fourth Interregnum. The period includes the rise of the still persistent Cult of the Clean and Cult of Kivan that swept Alexia beginning in the 11th century FI as well as, most recently, the environmental depredations of the once mighty Alexia beginning in the late 13th century and leading to the expansion of the Plains of Dust through the 14th century.

The turn of the 15th century has so far been dominated in the West by the Odessan and Petaran conflicts over the Sidhe trade monopoly, Odessan interventions in Alexia, and most recently by the advent of young outsider Marwynn Collar to the Arch-Wardenship in 1398 FI after the death of Ardrell Mathrew.

It includes the Arch-Wardenships of