Aspect of the Wolf

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Aspect of the Wolf
Level: Drd 1 Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 Action
Range: Personal
Targets, Effect, or Area: Self
Duration: 10 min/level (D)
Saving Throw: no
Spell Resistance: no
Material Components: A wolf's whisker.


When you cast this spell, you assume the physical appearance and many of the qualities of a wolf.

While under the effects of this spell, your creature type changes to "animal" and your size changes to Medium. You have the space and reach of a wolf, and you gain the Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores of an average wolf, but retain your own Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. Your base land speed becomes 50 feet. You gain low-light vision and scent. Your class, level, hit points, alignment, base attack bonus, and base saving throw bonuses all remain the same. You lose any extraordinary abilities of your own form, as well as any spell-like or supernatural abilities. However, you keep any extraordinary attacks from class levels, such as a barbarian's rage or sneak attack. You cannot speak or cast spells in this form, unless you have the Natural Spell feat. Your natural armor bonus becomes +2, regardless of your armor bonus in your main form. You can make a bite attack, which is a natural weapons that deals 1d6+1 points of damage. While in wolf form, you gain the wolf's trip extraordinary attack.

Your equipment melds into your new form and becomes nonfunctional.

See Also