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Prerequisites: Bard Songs, 7 Ranks in Perform (Singing), Skill Focus: Perform (Singing), 7 Ranks in Listen, 6 Ranks in Concentration, 3 Ranks in Knowledge: Religion, Cone of Sound

Hit Dice: d4

Skill Points: 6 + INT

Class Skills: Perform, Concentration, Diplomacy, Bluff, Decipher Script, Heal, Handle Animal, Listen, Spot, Speak Language, Sense Motive

× Level BaB Fort Ref Will Ability
1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Bardic Blood, Choral Mode, Soundburst CHR MOD/Day, +1 Bard Song Use
2 +1 +0 +0 +3 Lay of Peaceful Repose, +1 Bard Song Use, Vocal Mastery 1
3 +1 +1 +1 +3 Chant of Tirelessness, Shout CHR MOD/Day, +1 Bard Song Use
4 +2 +1 +1 +4 The Ill Dirge. +1 Bard Song Use, Vocal Mastery 2
5 +2 +1 +1 +4 Rhythm of Worldliness, +1 Bard Song Use, Greater Shout 1/Day

Bardic Blood : For the purposes of Bard Song effects and durations (but not acquisitions), Choirist levels stack with Bard levels.

Choral Mode : The character is trained in both singing and focusing magical energy in a group, allowing some spells and effects to become more powerful and difficult to resist. For every two Choirists singing in concert with a Lead (Caster), The DC and SR of sonic spells and abilities (including songs) is increased by 1, and damage by 5%.

Vocal Mastery : The DC and SR of spells and abilities with a SONIC subtype, damage type, or descriptor are increased.

Lay of Peaceful Repose : This is a soft lullaby that makes sleep especially restful. Those who fall asleep under the effect of a Lay of Peaceful Repose regain hit points at double rate, or may get a full night's sleep in 4 hours. Additionally, the listener awakes refreshed and alert, manifesting as a +1 morale bonus to attack, damage, and skill check rolls. This effect persists for two hours for each Choirist level.

Chant of Tirelessness : A marching song that eases long hours on the road, this chant is sung near-continuously over a long journey. While under the effect of this chant, listeners gain bonus to saves to resist the effects of a forced march equal to 1/2 the Choirist's level, rounded up.

The Ill Dirge : A menacing and oppressive song, this melody makes the enemy uncomfortable and demoralized. Those under the effects of an Ill Dirge first make a will save with a DC equal to 10 + [1/2 Performance Ranks] (rounded down) or become shaken Additionally, both those who pass and ail their saves, suffer a penalty to fear saves, attack rolls, and skill checks equal to 1/2 your choirist levels (rounded up). The song requires one standard action to maintain, and its effects last for as long as it is heard plus four rounds. The maximum number of creatures that may be effected by this song is equal to twice your choirist level.

Rhythm of Worldliness : This is a song of epic scope, requiring the utmost skill and technique to accomplish. It at once summons pleasant thoughts of past successes and the pain of lives lost and squandered. Those hearing this song are especially introspective and thoughtful for some time afterward (10 mins/CHR mod). During that time, listeners receive a percentage bonus to experience equal to 1/2 your ranks in perform, rounded up, for any encounters during the song's effect. The maximum number of people that may be effected by this song is equal to twice your charisma modifier.