Downtime Activities

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Magic, Labor, Goods, and Influence are types of CAPITAL.
Daily capital spending is limited by settlement size.

Add Spells to Spellbook

  • Copy up to 8 spells from other sources into spellbook/familiar/etc. per day.

Construct Buildings

  • See Rooms/Buildings table

Craft Magic Items

  • 8 hours of crafting time per day used.

Craft Mundane Items

  • Find items price in SP
  • Find items DC from Craft Skills table
  • Pay 1/3 the price in GP. You may spend Goods toward this cost.
  • Craft check (You may spend labor to improve roll at 1:+2
  • Check result

Earn Capital

  • Check with appropriate skill and/or GP payment.
You may purchase 20 gp for 1 point of Goods or Labor, 30 gp for 1 point of Influence, and 100 gp for 1 point of Magic.
You may earn 10 gp for 1 point of Goods or Labor, 15 gp for 1 point of Influence, and 50 gp for 1 point of Magic.
  • Unskilled Labor (PC only)
Earn 5 SP (OR)
Gain 1 Goods, Influence, Labor or Magic
  • Skilled Labor
Skill check with appropriate skill. You may take 10.
Divide check by 10 to determine GP and SP take. (OR)
Gain 1 Goods, Influence, Labor, or Magic per 10 rolled.
  • Class Ability
Choose one type of appropriate capital or GP.
Check (1d20 + Level + Highest Ability Mod - 5)
Result as per Skilled Labor

Earn XP

  • Gain XP as if you defeated a creature of CR equal to your level.
  • Cannot exceed XP of highest party member.

Gather Information

  • Standard Check: Does not cost downtime, takes 1d4 hours.
Might have a penalty.
  • Through Questioning
Spend all day to use up to 3 gather information checks.
  • Influential Questioning
Spend 1 point of Influence.
As above, +5 on checks.

Heal Others

May spend Labor to increase checks at 1:+2
  • Long-Term Care
6 Patients
  • Treat Disease or Wounds from Caltrops, etc.
50 Patients
  • Treat Deadly Wounds
8 Patients

Lead a Kingdom or State

  • Perform a leadership duty.

Promote a Business

  • May spend appropriate type of capital to assist.
  • Increase activity for 1d6 days.
Use Diplomacy, Knowledge Local, or Spellcraft. Add 5 for every appropriate Capital spent (or 2 if you have no building).
Use "Skilled Work" above to determine extra resources for the period rolled.

Replace Animal Companion

  • Might also require travel to appropriate area.

Replace Familiar

  • Also costs 200 GP x Caster Level
  • May spend Goods or Magic toward the ritual cost

Recruit an Organization

  • Settlement limits apply.

Research a Spell or Formula

  • 100 GP x Spell Level research cost.
  • 7 x Spell Level days required
  • DC = 10 + Twice Spell Level
  • Spellcraft of appropriate Knowledge check.
May spend Magic at 1:+2 (Max +10)
1 Day of Progress per success
Failure by >= 5 loses a day of progress.


  • Appropriate Knowledge Check
Thorough Research: 3 Knowledge checks
Influential Research: Spend 1 Influence, as above with +5 on checks
Magical Research: Spend 1 Magic, as above with +4 on checks


Additional 1 HP per Level & Ability Score healing above regular natural healing


Change out Feat, Class Ability, etc.

Run a Business

  • Spend time actively managing an enterprise you own.
Earn Capital check, except with +10 bonus.
Can only generate Capital of an appropriate type.

Scheme for Upcoming Adventure

  • Spend appropriate Capital to gain bonus on upcoming skill check type.

Train an Animal

If training is not continuous, Handle Animal each training period and DC is +2.
  • Teach a Trick
  • Train for General Purpose
  • Rear a Wild Animal