Fenefeld Fighters Quest Notes 2012-08-26

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Characters involved:

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, Hvug, Moglan

Previous Game

See Fenefeld Fighters Quest Notes 2012-08-11

The party is attending to business in Harken. We had just returned from the sheriff's and Moglan has gone missing with a logger named Larry.


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pockets some random money he found on the floor while

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asks the bartender for more information about Larry the Logger.

The House That Larry Built

The bartender says he's a regular, but a very angry man usually until you get a few drinks in him. Hvug comes back in and says he sees no sign of him. Bartender says the footsteps would be the correct ones. Larry lives on the outskirts on the west side of town. Bartender says that Larry was really enthusiastic, and that he and Moglan were talking about a bounty.

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throws down 3 silver pieces and thanks the bartender for the information. The bartender offers more free drinks.

The party heads over towards Larry the Logger's house. It is curiously quiet around town. A farmer stops them on the road. He says, "Hey what are you guys doing in these parts? We don't like different people around here. Move on."

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explains the party is on official business and we are looking for our friend. The farmer replies that he hasn't seen anyone and to be on our way.

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tries to be diplomatic by giving him some free alcohol. He becomes friendly, tells them to be careful, and goes about rocking on his chair.

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asks if he's seen anyone again, and he says he hasn't seen anyone for the last 2 hours. The party makes it to Larry's house. It's a shack at the end of the lane- Larry and his wife live there. It has a big window off the ground.

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tries to look into the windows but

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stops him and says wait for a second. He wants the party to get out of the farmer's view. He suggests that

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and Hvug go around to the back.

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blends into the shadows and is well-hidden.

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hears a pot clank as he is investigating.

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crawls towards the window.

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approach the front door. It's very dark inside but

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sees a lady flitting about in the kitchen. She is fairly attractive and looks like she is busy making dinner. Inside is a messy logger's cottage but otherwise normal. The party doesn't think she knows anything. They meet back up with

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and Hvug.

The Mystery of the Missing Moglan

Farmer waves as the party leaves the street. Hvug goes back to make sure that the mules and everything are still there. Hvug agrees to meet up with them at the other bar.

As they are walking,

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about the hobo signs. He said there was a sign outside the town that said the police force there was very easily bribed. He left a note saying the sheriff was a formidable fighter. The party continues on to the inn. The bartender asks what they can do for them.

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orders himself a pint and the bartender gives him a discount because he's a cleric.

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orders water and food.

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looks around nervously. Suddenly one of the patrons, a farmer, falls over unconscious. The bartender and

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go over to him and

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tries to figure out what is wrong.

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detects that he is choking. He hits him on the back hard enough that some beef stew chunks fly out and he starts coughing. He thanks the party for their help. The bartender looks wildly relieved and thanks them as well. They start chatting with the elderly farmer and

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orders some as well. The farmer says he knows Larry &

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asks him about the logger. He said that Larry gets some big ideas and when he does he acts on them right away. The farmer says that Larry hasn't been working lately.

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runs out the door towards the Sheriff's office.

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are only halfway done with their stew.

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throws a gold piece down and asks for the stew to be put in a wineskin for later. He follows

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notices as well and runs out the door.

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is totally oblivious to the other party members leaving. They make it back to the constable's house and notice the mule is gone.

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lets out a sigh of frustration and goes into the Constable's office. Hvug is inside, wringing his hands. They say they have to leave immediately.

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to get

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and he does so. Hvug says that Moglan took the prisoner and he assumes the mule. He says we need to go and track them down.

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rolls her eyes as Hvug rants at her and walks away.

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has three wineskins full of beef stew and

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tries to catch up everyone. Hvug starts tracking to see if he can see where they went and starts heading north. The party follows. Hvug says Moglan is a city guard through and through and he's just trying to get the prisoner back.

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senses his motive and Hvug strongly believes they went that way and he isn't lying.

Hvug ensures everyone goes together.

Moglan on the Lam

Hvug recognizes mule tracks only now the mule is carrying a cart. He believes we can catch up if we push through the night. Nothing interrupts the party's journey. The party comes to a fork and Hvug gets an annoyed look on his face. "Moglan has never been a very good outdoorsman. This way he was going will take him twice as long," he says before trying to rush down that route. It appears Moglan has been leading his party astray. Hvug looks really concerned and tells turns down

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's offer of soup.

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takes a big gulp of beef stew and the party continues to follow him. They come to a bridge across the river and it is sturdy enough to support a cart. They ask Hvug if he can see how recent the tracks are. He said it could be 10-40 minutes away.

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out and he is elated he has found his friend the mule.

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tells them that she has found them and starts to go across the bridge.

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says to wait and wants to have a plan.

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keeps walking.

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suggests that

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take the direct approach while

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sneaks up to them. The party continues to discuss the final decision.

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says Hvug should get his bow out and be readied.

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slinks into the shadows of the bridge to hide and get closer to the convoy.

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sees Moglan sitting across from the cart and convoy. He can make out Moglan's body and the cart, and possibly something else on top of the cart.

"Who goes there?" they demand angrily and a 7 foot tall man comes out into view.

Battle by the Bridge

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charges at Larry and hits him!

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makes a successful sneak attack against Larry.

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casts Enlarge Person on

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and he's now taller than Larry! He grins at Larry- the tables have turned! Larry attacks

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and hits him with a power attack!

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is quite hurt.

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runs to catch up with the rest of the party. Moglan stands and

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takes that opportunity to try to hit him but misses. The battle continues with healing for

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and Larry saying, "Why do you make me have to kill you?" and slices into the enlarged

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! Moglan calls out to the team saying not to interfere and hits

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is knocked to the ground!

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tries to use her wand of Cure Light Wounds but fails! After the other party members miss, Larry tries to attack and misses! Even though

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is down, he's not out and slices at Larry! He hits and takes a chunk out of him. Moglan says there must have been a misunderstanding and for the party not to kill him.

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tries to sense motive as does

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senses he feels bad but he is lying.

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believes Moglan's story that there was a mistake.

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casts Magic Missile and blasts Larry into the cliff below where he is now drowning. Moglan asks if anyone will help

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and why did everyone attack Larry?

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puts a potion down

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's throat and he awakens, then heals himself.

How Do You Solve a Problem Like Moglan?

Moglan is trying to make amends to the party but

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doesn't buy it.

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convinces him that they are the party that Moglan wants to be with and be loyal to now.

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debates with Moglan and says he is only going with them if he's in the cart and tied up like the prisoner. Hvug and

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agree that he needs to be tied up if he comes with them.

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tries to get the bottom of things but Moglan continues to lie.

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threatens to blast him too unless he cooperates. The party makes camp and

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sleeps near her party members. The night passes without incident.

New Day Begins

The going is slower due to having keeping watchful eyes on the two prisoners and hauling the cart. The first part of the trip passes without incident thusfar.

The party makes camp and

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gets hit with a javelin. Moglan yells as well as

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hears it as well and wakes up

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. The party rouses awake. A javelin hits

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Orcs' Cross To Bear

Orcs are attacking!

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shoots at the orc on the cart who has robbed Moglan and undone some of the prisoner's ties.

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slashes at the ankles of one of the orcs before rolling away.

The mule attacks even, and everyone is trying to fell the orcs. Hvug misses, to no one's surprise.

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from his javelin hit but the attack continues. He barely misses

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Runt the mule does not care for being in combat and he starts bucking against his harness. The orc notices something and runs away in terror.

There is a large paw coming out of the prisoner! As the orc runs away, the wagon shudders.

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hits the orc with a magic missile and knocks him back. His eyes grow wide and the orc backs away in horror.

The party now has to deal with a werebear! Moglan is freaking out as is the wild mule. The bear is enraged!

An orc throws a javelin at the werebear and hits it- the werebear is angry!

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grabs Moglan out of the cart to save him from the bear but the bear lashes out at Moglan and slices him in a massive way! Moglan goes into shock.

The party continues to try to dig into the bear!

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shoots a magic missile into the bear! The bear roars and tries to find the source.

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kills one of the orcs! The rest of the orcs run off in horror.

The bear roars and runs off as well into a cave the orc went into, leaving the battered party bewildered.

                                                GAME ADJOURNED

Final GM message

In-Character Awards

Building a Mystery
+ 15 
Experience Points

Out-Of-Character Awards