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Firearms are powerful mundane weapons created and used exclusively by the Petarans. Even in the Petaran Empire, they are rare and expensive, and their use is not particularly common. Although the metallurgic arts needed to craft them have been known since pre-Alexandrian times, the secret has been the closely guarded secret of a handful of (predictably) rich and influential Petaran clans.

Exotic Weapons Cost (M) Dmg Critical Range Inc. Weight Type
Pistol/Rifle Butt -- 1d4* x2 -- -- Blug
Pistol 325 gp 1d8 19-20/x3 40 ft 3 lbs Pierce
Longarm 750 gp 1d10 19-20/x3 120 ft 10 lbs Pierce

Loading: Firearms must be reloaded after every shot, with both powder and ammunition. Reloading a pistol is a standard action, while reloading a longarm is a full round action. The Rapid Reload feat reduces reload times to a move action and a standard action, respectively.

  • If used this way while loaded, there is a 50% chance the weapon will discharge and possibly ruin wielder's day. Pistol and rifle butts do the same damage, but as a rifle is two handed, a rifle butt attack receives 1.5x strength modifier.