Hakani Sea

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A large body of water in the east of the Mainland attached to the greater World Ocean System via the Sea of Tears. The Hakani Sea is generally calm and tranquil year round. The region rarely sees major storms, as the barrier islands to the east manage to forestall and break up the major storm systems that frequently tear out of Tempestia's Tomb (the Great Eastern Ocean).

Unlike the Sea of Tears further to the east, the Hakani Sea is heavily trafficked and well-patrolled region. It is the main avenue of commerce between Gildenhome and Hakan, as the Hakani forbid the construction of roads in their territory. Most commercial traffic is carried out by the Hakani Gnomes owing to the Dwarves' traditional antipathy toward maritime activity. The Dwarves of Gildenhome do maintain a small fleet of heavy warships based out of Port Turin to protect their logging interests on the Isle of Whispers and to provide access to the same. Additionally, the combined clan naval forces that make up the de facto Gildenhome Navy are moored at Thanehall.