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Description: Hospitaliers are the master healers of the Church and its related organizations. They are especially adept potions, antitoxins, and medicines, although their divine healing powers are substantial as well. Hospitaliers are welcome in all parts of the mainland, from the battlefield to urban landscape.

Prerequisites: Ability to cast Cure Serious Wounds, Ability to cast Cure Poison, Ability to cast Remove Disease, Brew Potion Feat, Heal: 8 Ranks

Hit Dice: d8

Class Skills: Diplomacy, Sense Motive, Herbalism, Craft (Alchemy only), Spellcraft, Knowledge: Arcana, Knowledge: Religion, Knowledge: Nobility and Royalty, Knowledge: History, Climb, Speak Language, Ride, Concentration, Heal

× Level BaB Fort Ref Will Ability Spells Per Day
1 +0 +2 +0 +2 Potioncraft, Bonus Metamagic Feat* +1 to existing divine caster level
2 +1 +3 +0 +3 Healing Surge 1/day, Hospitalier's Wisdom +1 to existing divine caster level
3 +1 +3 +1 +3 Advanced Potioncraft, Bonus Metamagic Feat* +1 to existing divine caster level
4 +2 +4 +1 +4 Healing Surge 2/day, Hospitalier's Touch +1 to existing divine caster level
5 +2 +4 +1 +4 Potioncraft Mastery +1 to existing divine caster level

Potioncraft: 20% reduction in experience cost for brewing potions.
Advanced Potioncraft: 40% reduction in experience cost for brewing potions.
Hospitalier's Wisdom: The Hospitalier receives a +2 bonus to all Healing, Herbalism and Alchemy skill checks
Hospitalier's Touch: (SU) Once per day, as a free touch action, you may heal a number of hit points equal to your hospitalier level times your wisdom modifier.
Healing Surge: (SU) You may declare a healing surge when casting one of your healing spells of level 4 or below. A surged spell has the maximum possible effect.
Potioncraft Mastery:: 50% reduction in experience cost for brewing potions. May brew potions of up to 4th level spells.

  • Metamagic feat chosen with this class only apply to abilities put into potions. For example, if a Cleric taking his first level in Hospitalier chose Extend Spell, he could create a Potion of Extended Bull's Strength, but could not cast an Extended Bull's Strength.