Iros Forge

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Iros Forge is a fairly substantial mining community in the Bloodmane Hills near Wydmoor Free City.It produces regular iron, as well as a magical, chaotic variant known as Red Iron.

The first shaft at Iros Forge was sunk shortly after the end of the Third Interregnum, and mining operations have grown steadily since then. For almost all of its history, these mines have been controlled by a consortium of interests, both civic and private. Today, the Iros Forge business interests are managed by a handful of companies operating on contract, the preeminent being an organization known as the Golden Galleon.

Not surprisingly, Iros Forge plays a prominent role in military and political affairs in Wydmoor. Most of the powerful First Families of Wydmoor owns shares in the Iros Forge, and the profits from these mines were instrumental in forming the Bank of Wydmoor. Today, the mines fund both public works and services, like the Mayor and Sheriff offices, as well as private institutions, like the Bank and Bog Wraiths.

Game Notes

  • The road that connecting Iros Forge to Yalmrith was partially damaged by summer storms, and completely destroyed by the more recent winter storms.
  • As of late-winter/early-spring 1401, the road from Yalmrinth to the Mine has been all but cleared by unknown forces or individuals, but the trail now seems to be infested with hobgoblins, equipped with high-quality Odessan arms, from nearby Joranth Canyon.