Mattsters of the Mattiverse Session 27
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...last episode
- ..Fenn finished, the rest e-wererat-icated, and the gore settles as the party gets ready to secure the dungeon.
Finding Fenn for Foregoing Further Fracas
- The group takes a brief moment to strip the wererat loyalty of their valuables, but are soon back on the move; the clock is still ticking on Fenn's return to motility.
- Mattie discovers that message is actually quite great and casts it on the party.
- The immediate surroundings turn up several spaces for beds, but little else.
- They backtrack a bit and go up a parallel corridor. A room at the end has two solid-looking doors in its corner. Their locks are incredibly ornate.
- Gokar admires them briefly before smashing the door open with his adamantine handaxe.
- Across from the door is a Symbol of Fear.
- Try, Gokar and Russ are all in line for it. They all fail their saves and are about to move (for 18 rounds!).
- A scroll of remove fear for Gokar, and another scroll a round later for Russ, take care of the beefcakes. Yoa dismisses Try and lets the duration run off while they're in the home plane.
- Having been made to collect himself, Gokar forges ahead. As soon as he enters the room, he is struck by a Symbol of Persuasion, that he fails the save for.
- He is immediately filled with the desire to protect Fenn. He sees a coffin in the room.
- Gokar calls back to the party to say there's no need to go into the room while heading back to the door.
- Russ, who can see the coffin, questions this, and starts to try to walk in, with one of the wererat's cloaks to cover the Symbol of Fear. Gokar says it's not the right coffin, barring him from entry.
- Russ, very confused, pushes past. He immediately encounters the Symbol of Persuasion, but resists.
- He continues to cover the Symbol as if nothing is wrong, while whispering to Apt about the Symbol, which he's identified.
- Everyone gingerly tries to keep from antagonizing Gokar and keep him occupied while Russ covers the other Symbol with another cloak.
- Russ finally moves to the coffin. Gokar warns him that the coffin is trapped, so he inspects it himself. Finding nothing, he shrugs and shoves it open
- Inside is... a Symbol of Sleep! Only Russ and Gokar are in range. The former resists, and the latter slumps to the ground, the problem his charm presents now having taken care of itself.
- Edi, being his curious sort, runs in to see what the deal is. He, too, succumbs to the Symbol. Russ shrugs, pulls a steak from Gokar's pack, and deals with the vampire.
Rest, Recuperation, Reconfliction, Remuneration
- While Edi and Gokar rest up, Russ and Yoa fill in the rest of the map.
- They find a very large, powdered iron summoning ring that Yoa identifies as having a focus on the Astral Plane.
- They also find a dungeon filled with skeletons. Many are normal, some are not--they are tall (~7'), with strange limbs and elongated skulls with two slits rather than a single nasal cavity.
- Russ takes a skull.
- The party rests. Russ spends the time with Gokar diagramming out the map to figure out the most likely places for secret doors, Edi and Yoa busy themselves identifying gear (Russ fills in for the last they don't get with an identify extract).
- They head back to the throne area and start their search. They are quickly rewarded with a secret door!
- Just behind the door is a room with a blood-red circle. As they approach, a magic mouth appears and states, "Please say the safe word to continue" (in Ubrekti).
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- The circle emanates strong conjuration magic
- They buff up and Russ tries the door in the back of the room, then tries to muss up the circle. As he does the latter, a demon appears!
- It immediately attempts to steal Russ's soul, but Russ resists and is staggered instead.
- Yoa recognizes what it is (a Kalavakus, although she only says this in Abyssal, so nobody else really has a clue what that means), and hastes everyone.
- Gokar doesn't recognize it, but figures it can still be beaten up. He charges in to do exactly that.
- The demon absorbs some damage from attacks while attempting to make use of its greater command ability to get everyone to flee. Russ and Edi succeed. Gokar fails, but is pushed to success by Edi. Try is not so lucky, and bolts for a round. It tries to enslave Gokar, but Gokar resists.
- Russ whips out a cold iron morningstar and throws a bomb. The bomb does absolutely no damage. He steps in.
- Edi summons a spiritual ally, but it winks out of existence due to the demon's spell resistance.
- The demon maneuvers and goes for a dominate person, but it, too, fails. Try is next on the enslave target list, and this succeeds, forcing Try to have a terrible penalty to its rolls.
- Russ and Gokar do their thing, Gokar with a little more effectiveness. Gokar gets an incredible bite in that does a huge chunk of the demon's life.
- The demon accepts two AoOs to charge Edi, who is hurt severely. Edi backs up and goes for a holy smite, but it, too, succumbs to spell resistance.
- More blows are traded while Yoa summons a hound archon (with a normal spell).
- The demon hits Edi a couple more times and almost deals a deadly blow
- It originally did, but a prayer audit revealed that it should have done four less than it did. Edi is saved by the POWER OF BOOKKEEPING.
- The hound archon appears and immediately aids Edi. Yoa starts summoning another!
- More damage! It is so close to dead.
- The hound archon bravely swings and gets an automatic hit! It finishes off the demon!!! HE'S SUCH A GOOD BOY, YES HE IS.
- The Kalavakus disappears into goo, which then sublimates.
- Gokar moves to stabilize Edi. Russ force-feeds him a cure light wounds extract, Edi comes to and immediately channels energy.
- Russ gets ready to move fast. He rushes to the end of the corridor...
- ...setting off a lightning trap! Everyone but Russ makes their save. Edi channels energy again, and the gang continues.
- They find a small room. It is full of caltrops, which all spill into the hallway.
- At the end of that hallway is a room with two beds, rather more plush than the rest of the straw pallets they've been seeing.
- Through it is a room with silks and fine cloths piled into the middle of it. It is clearly the King's bedchambers.
- The next room is a small corridor. Gritting his teeth, Russ plows through the chokepoint...
- ...and is struck by a hail of needles! Two breach his general armor situation and trigger poison checks, which he blows through. He feels mild nausea for a bit, burps once, and continues on.
- Next is, finally, the vault!
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- It is full with bunches of mundane, but high-quality, gear, and four chests.
- The chests are all booby-trapped, and will destroy themselves if the trap is set off.
- Maximum preparation is achieved, bits of luck and whatnot. Try sets to and succeeds on all but the largest, which promptly explodes in an acid ball and melts its contents into an unrecoverable puddle (with minor hand-waving).
- The chests that didn't explode all have a range of cheap consumables.
- All set, the party spends some time figuring out the best way to make everything uninhabitable. They first collect all the gear they aren't planning to immediately carry back but that might be valuable later into a pile at the entrance, then set off a deadfall trap cutting the entrance off from the main area. They then remove the doors, and use stone shape to erase the openings left by them, leaving just a blank wall.
- Rialla Pisk's body in tow, they head back. Well-practiced by now, the trip is uneventful.
- On return, they seek immediate audience with Astlen
- They describe everything in detail.
- Russ lays the three sets of remains before the Geese (that is, Pisk, Fenn's ashes, and the alien skull). Astlen asks to keep them, and nobody objects.
- She says that she's proud to consider all the group as de facto members of the Geese, in thanks for their deeds. She asks them to stop by Jako, and says that the next tasks will be to send a small arcane team to trigger the not-gate for a commando castle invasion, as the last step of their plan. She says that might take up to a couple of weeks.
- 3200 XP to all for the (final) death of Fenn Lynrick
- 1000 XP to all for taking out a campaign recurring villain
- 2400 XP to all for defeating the Charging Demon
- 1000 XP to all for sealing Edrell's dungeon
- Three +2 cloaks of resistance
- Two +1 vicious shortswords (the Suicide King's Blade and Black Jack's Blade)
- A ring of force shield
- A +1 ring of protection
- A harness of eidolon anchoring
- A pair of boots of striding and springing
- A set of +2 silken ceremonial armor
- A set of +2 leather lamellar armor
From the Vaults
- Agate (11.5 gp)
- Aquamarine (400 gp)
- Aquamarine (650 gp)
- Azurite (10 gp)
- Black Pearl (500 gp)
- Bloodstone (50 gp)
- Bloodstone (65 gp)
- Chrysoberyl (100 gp)
- Chrysoprase (52.5 gp)
- Citrine (35 gp)
- Citrine (50 gp)
- Deep Blue Spinel (90 gp)
- Deep Blue Spinel (110 gp)
- Freshwater Pearl (7 gp)
- Freshwater Pearl (11 gp)
- Freshwater Pearl (13 gp)
- Garnet (70 gp)
- Hematite (9 gp)
- Jasper (60 gp)
- Jet (100 gp)
- Lapis Lazuli (11 gp)
- Milky Quartz (50 gp)
- Onyx (60 gp)
- Opal (600 gp)
- Red Spinel (35 gp)
- Rhodochrosite (8 gp)
- Rhodochrosite (9 gp)
- Rhodochrosite (12 gp)
- Rock Quartz (8 gp)
- Rose Quartz (55 gp)
- Saltwater Pearl (70 gp)
- Sardonyx (35 gp)
- Shell (11 gp)
- Smoky Quartz (40 gp)
- Smoky Quartz (45 gp)
- Smoky Quartz (50 gp)
- Tigereye (9 gp)
- Topaz (500 gp)
- Turquoise (9 gp)
- Turquoise (10 gp)
- Zircon (35 gp)
- Zircon (45 gp)
- Zircon (50 gp)
- Oil of Arcane Mark (cr, 25 gp)
- Oil of Bless Weapon (cr, 50 gp)
- Oil of Gentle Repose (cr, 300 gp)
- 3 x Oil of Light (cr, 25 gp)
- 2 x Oil of Mage Armor (cr, 50 gp)
- 2 x Oil of Magic Weapon (cr, 50 gp)
- Oil of Purify Food and Drink (cr, 25 gp)
- Oil of Sanctify Corpse (um, 50 gp)
- Oil of Shillelagh (cr, 50 gp)
- Potion of Cloak of Shade (apg, 50 gp)
- Potion of Endure Elements (cr, 50 gp)
- Potion of Guidance (cr, 25 gp)
- Potion of Hide from Undead (cr, 50 gp)
- Potion of Jump (cr, 50 gp)
- 3 x Potion of Magic Fang (cr, 50 gp)
- 2 x Potion of Remove Fear (cr, 50 gp)
- Potion of Resistance (cr, 25 gp)
- Potion of Sanctuary (cr, 50 gp)
- 2 x Potion of Shield of Faith (cr, 50 gp)
- 2 x Potion of Stabilize (cr, 25 gp)
- 2 x Potion of Virtue (cr, 25 gp)
- Scroll of Charm Animal (cr, 25 gp)
- Scroll of Create Water (cr, 12 gp 5 sp)
- Scroll of Detect Chaos (cr, 25 gp)
- Scroll of Entropic Shield (cr, 25 gp)
- Scroll of Fly (cr, 375 gp)
- Scroll of Hold Portal (cr, 25 gp)
- Scroll of Inflict Light Wounds (cr, 25 gp)
- 2 x Scroll of Summon Monster I (cr, 25 gp)
- Scroll of Summon Swarm (cr, 150 gp)
- [47] Wand of Acid Splash (cr, 375 gp) (inscription provides clue to function)
- [28] Wand of Ant Haul (apg, 750 gp)
- [38] Wand of Cure Light Wounds (cr, 750 gp)
- [25] Wand of Enlarge Person (cr, 750 gp)
- [31] Wand of Light (cr, 375 gp)
- [37] Wand of Light (cr, 375 gp) (inscription provides clue to function)
- [32] Wand of Mage Armor (cr, 750 gp)
- [23] Wand of Mage Hand (cr, 375 gp)
- [30] Wand of Guidance [cr 375 gp)
- Masterwork Bastard Sword (335 gp)
- Masterwork Battleaxe (310 gp)
- Masterwork Club (300 gp)
- 2 x Masterwork Dagger (302 gp)
- Masterwork Greataxe (320 gp)
- Masterwork Greatclub (305 gp)
- 2 x Masterwork Longsword (315 gp)
- Masterwork Quarterstaff (600 gp)
- Masterwork Sap (301 gp)
- 2 x Masterwork Shortbow (330 gp)
- Masterwork Shortsword (310 gp)
- Masterwork Sickle (306 gp)
- Masterwork Warhammer (312 gp)
- 4 x Masterwork Breastplate (350 gp)
- 2 x Masterwork Chainmail (300 gp)
- Masterwork Hide (165 gp)
- Masterwork Studded Leather Armor (175 gp)
- 2 x Masterwork Light Steel Shield (159 gp)
- Masterwork Leather Lamellar Armor (210 gp) (actually from Rat-a-Cat-Rat)