Mefighter beta team fourteenth session notes
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All Along the Watchtower
- After looting the village, the party sets off for the fortress
- Kobold tracks are noted on the road
- The road to the fortress splits in two around a watchtower; kobolds are observed running up the road to the fortress
- Uhanimara flies invisible up to the tower to ensure it is empty
- The group investigates the tower and finds nothing of interest
- The SE road goes along a stone wall that protects the fortress
- The SW road goes to the main entrance; the group decides to take the SE road
The Watchers on the Wall
- Traveling along the wall, the group is attacked by a group of kobolds on the wall
- Some scramble up slope to get at the kobolds, while others engage from the road
- The kobolds are dispatched. On the other side of the wall are fallow fields, with several doors from the mountainside opening onto them.
- The group investigates the doors, and finds mushroom fields and farm equipment.
- Several other entrances to the mountain fortress proper are noted, and the group heads to one of the main entrances.
Dungeon Semi-Pros
- There are three doors at the entrance, along with a rusted chain for a dog.
- The right doorway is collapsed; the left is closed; and the centre is unlocked, with a disarmed trap.
- The group enters through the centre doorway, and notes several disarmed and sprung traps along the corridor.
- Towards the end of the hallway, a cage trap has dropped, blocking the hallway.
- A demon satyr appears behind the group; they are only able to engage it one on one. Drem is mauled seriously by the creature.
- Noises from beyond the cage trap let the party know that the summoner is in the room beyond. Brunner and Torekk climb over the fallen cage to fight.
- The summoner is revealed to be a kobold Oracle (Trog), who is killed by Torekk's badger.
- The group advances into the chamber.
XP and Treasure
- +25 to Thurmin for noting that the chief weapon of the Inquistor is surprise.
- +85 for the kobolds on the wall
- +250 for the Return to Draglet Fortress
- +85 for killing Trog and friend