Mefighter beta team twentieth session notes
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A new evil rises: Bureaucracy
- The group gets the fire under control and proceeds to investigate the fort for intelligence
- Massive amounts of paperwork in orcish are discovered, including a ledger tracking the loot raiding parties are gathering
- The paperwork indicates that there is a system of forts being built, with a central coordinating fortress somewhere in the Scar
- Each fort is tracking the loot it gathers and sending along any weapons to the central point
- It is not clear from the documentation where any of the other locations are
- The group torches the fort and finds a safe location to spend the night
New Laketown
- The group decides to proceed with the original plan and head towards New Laketown
- Along the way the group sees signs of another active Servitor fort, but decides to continue the journey.
- After an uneventful trip, the group arrives at New Laketown.
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- The town is quiet, but the lumber camps north have been raided and lumber stolen. If this continues, the town will start to be in trouble due to no revenue coming in.
- The lake bridge was set on fire, likely by kobolds.
- The group meets with Sheriff Urist Darkendale and shares information about the Servitor activities and offers to go help protect the camps and learn what is going on.
- Stored lumber at the camps is disappearing overnight via kobold raids, but there has been little to no bloodshed.
The Camp
- After doing some resupply in town, the group heads north to the lumber camps.
- The foreman shares that the raids are intermittent, and that it appears that no more than 10 kobolds are involved.
- Despite watches being set, the lumber continues to be stolen.
- The group sets up watch at a distant edge of the camp.
- Around midnight, Torekk and Drem hear some rustling...
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Treasure and XP
- +100xp for arriving in New Laketown
- +125xp for Making Connections and Raising Alarms
- +201sp from looting the goblin corpses at the fort
- One locked strongbox from the fort
- Identified - 2 cloaks of resistance +1 (one given to Drem, one to Uhanimara)
- Identified - Morningstar +1 (Thurmin)
- Identified - Orcish double axe, Cold Iron, +1 (Sold for 3000gp)