Notes for Game 2009-01-17

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  • Told Edrell about the situation, gave contracts
  • Edrell asked us to go to mountains (Iros Forge) to see about Wicked Rain storms and missing people
  • Edrell says he'll make Mose a magic bag if he finishes this for half price. Choice of Haversack of Holding or Type I Bag of Holding.
  • Germain staying behind
  • Took ferry towards mountains
  • Ferry went crazy due to flotsam in river
  • Mose thrown overboard
  • Mose grappled underwater, nearly drowned.
  • Mose saved by party
  • River troll was holding Mose, nearly gets away, killed with LE's acid spell from spellbook


Final GM message

I had a great time! I hope you all did, too. Excellent role play all
around, especially the most recent briefing with Edrell. Excellent job
with the Scag, as well, I'm proud of ya'll! That battle was no joke
(CR 5), and for the first time all of the players really hit their
niche on the battle field, to say nothing of some key actions in the
clutch. He had a base +9 to hit, with 3 attacks (d6+6x2, d6+3) with
close to 70 hitpoints and 5 regen and was a CR5 encounter. When all
was said and done, he'd regenerated something like 70 hit points,
along with the 70 you'd done to take him to 0. Mattie was literally 1
round from being Flat Out Dead.

Our Role Playing Winner this week was Travis, especially for his
interaction with Edrell. A well earned 10 percent.

As always, if you were there for it, you get it. If not, you don't.
So, Matt Allen gets heavy XP on the front end, while Jason gets the
back end stuff.

General Awards:
Defeating the Pillars and Misanthropy (Poison Plant) : 125 XP [End of
last session/Beginning of this session]
Gil and Holm - Bought To Justice : 100 XP  [End of last
session/Beginning of this session]
Return Contracts to Lawful Authority: 200 XP
Scrag : 350 XP

Player Awards:
Clutch Bubbles (Sarah) : 20 xp
Troll Killer (Sarah) : 20 xp
Troll Anthropology (Daniel) : 20 xp
Dwarves Drive Hard Bargains (Mattie) : 15 xp

Where's the body?!? : -25 XP

The following Achievements have been earned. Please refer to the
spreadsheet to add your name and collect XP. (Remember, bonus XP for
RP, etc, does not apply to achievments)

D&D B&E: Sarah, Daniel (50 XP)

ADDITIONALLY: Since you were able to pull the Scrag to shore, you were
able to recover the following from a [CR 5 STANDARD  LOOT DROP -
X vials of trolls blood (where X = the number of vials the party has
on their persons.)
(95) on a leather thong that both radiate magic.
In a large, rotten haversack he has a MEDIUM, NON-DWARVEN HUMANOID
sized suit of GARGOYLE HIDE PLATE (44), along with 5892 silver pieces,
a Pink Pearl (55), a hunk of Polished Obsidian (1), and a freshwater
pearl (7).


  • 840 for Sarah
  • 820 for Daniel
  • 765 for Mattie
  • 750 for Everyone else there the entire time. (Partial for those only there for part of the game, sorry didn't figure it out.)