Servitor Religion

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The Servitor Races do not practice a cohesive religion like the goodly races of the mainland. Instead, they subscribe to a wide diversity of practices, rituals, and beliefs, all tied together by a few common threads. Generally, these divisions break down along racial, followed by geographic, boundaries.

Knowledge of even the most basic aspects of Servitor theology is virtually non-existent among the rank and file of the mainland, including most Church officers. Those who deal regularly with Servitors in combat or parlay, such as in the lands surrounding The Eld in Odessa or Gildenhome's Scar, are generally aware of the basics listed below, but distinctions or specifics regarding individual sects, cults, species, or regions has a DC five higher than the equivalent Knowledge(Religion) check for the Alexandrian faith.

Generally speaking, Servitor theology is not particularly sophisticated or specific. Typically, Servitors do not deny the Omnity of Alexandria, nor do they refute the basic history of the Crusades as outlined in Alexandrian Orthodoxy, though Servitor faiths hold that the Dark Lord was not destroyed during the Martyrdom, but rather re-imprisioned until released once again by his faithful. In fact, apparently the biggest divergence between Servitor and mainstream beliefs is from deep antiquity: Servitors hold that all of pre-creation was once the domain and possession of the Dark Lord exclusively, and the Eight Makers came from Outside and imposed their will and creation forms on top of the Dark Lord's domains.

Beyond these few basic points, Servitor theology is quite diverse, though specific theology is seen as being largely unimportant. As such, and perhaps somewhat ironically, these differences in belief do not lead to purges and violence as so often happens to diverging viewpoints among the Alexandrian faithful.

Oddly, most Servitors acknowledge and accept that they are descended from the goodly races, except where the goodly races see corruptions of a pure form, the Servitors see perfection of the flawed form.