Silverwalkers Quest Notes 2011-05-22
- RP Dinner With Egg!
- We interrogate the guys further
Odessan Invasion Interrogation
- Key person: Lord Marzall, Duke of Cavindale
- Why are the Odessans attacking? Partly Money and partly over the Bandit Kingdom contract with Bog Wraiths
- Bog Wraiths had been working with the Odessans in the Bandit Kingdom, they've been paid to help
- Huge dustbowl cutting off Bandit Kingdom
- Odessan_Invasion
- Substantial debts with Wydmoor
- Some complicated arrangement where some kind of forest was put into hock to the Wydmoor bank
- He ran out of money (King), mortgaged forest to Wydmoor bank
- Odessans had been paying Bog Wraiths and that was probably expensive
We hear a noise at the door during interrogation. Invisible creature turns out to be Mat eavesdropping and also wanting to have Edrell interview the clerics.
We phone
Naprid and arrange to take the clerics to visit him and dual-interrogate with
Egg and
Germain stay behind
We take the clerics to be interrogated across the city
Mid-city Suprise Invisible Ambush Battle!
Party is pounded by sudden magical Ice Storm being cast from a roof above
In confusion, the helpless clerics have their heads bashed-in by invisible stalkers
Al turns into an eagle and flies toward the sound of spellcasting
Al summons two wolves to smell out the location of the spellcaster
Mose quaffs potion of See Invisibile
Recognizes two vampire wererats! They weren't vampires before
One was (Augustus?) from the Wydmoor Temple with the orcs
One was from the sewers
They each killed one of our prisoner clerics
Lightning bolt (40 pts!) on Al, another lightning bolt does 21 to
Kimika after save.
Al (still an eagle) retreats to reassess the situation. Another lightning bolt like the last one would do him in, so he decides to fight from a safer spot.
Vampire pounds on Kimika and gives her a negative level! She is beaten down to 1 hit point
She brandishes her holy symbol to push him away
Mose smite-evils that vampire until it lies dead! It later turns to gaseous form and the body disappears.
Fireball from LE sets fire to buildings, as she blasts
Mantatlus's likely roof location
The fireball also kills the two wolves that
Al summoned, but that's good, since vampires can control wolves, and they were about to make the wolves attack
Quinalin pushes
Kimika out of harms way and
Mose rushes to lay-on-hands her.
Mose spies Vampire
Mantatlus on the roof as the enemy spellcaster, flying around somehow.
LE reads scroll of See Invis
LE hits
Mantatlus with magic missiles as he flies from roof to roof
Mantatlus flies away!
Al summons 4 small water elementals to put out the fire that
LE's fireball started
Sad to have lost their prisoners, everyone heads to Wydmoor Castle to meet with Bog Wraiths
Conversation with Naprid
Naprid is unhappy, unsure who those were
Didn't really recall much about
Mantatlus so wasn't wildly affected to learn he still lived
They accuse the Bog Wraiths of causing problems.
Naprid explains they are badly undermanned here. Boondoggle in Bandit Kingdom has lots of Bog Wraith men which is part of the reason this battle is hard to win.
We showed him the wererat daggers (human/animal bane).
Naprid:"I'd know those daggers anywhere! Those killed Sox Argyle!"
Wants dagger set, for practical and personal reasons
Trades them for Lantern of Revealing Invisibiles! ([1])
LE floats it around with mage hand as move action
Conversation with Edrell
We tell him of the crummy ambush
General discussion:
Is very busy and out of his element
Even though Hemsley (old magius) was a coward, he was probably a better wizard
Edrell busy trying to learn on the job
He says that any reasonably well-informed Wydmoor scholar would understand how water supply was handled, not especially privileged info, but not common knowledge either.
Runners dispatched to bring Egg and
Germain into Wydmoor castle for safety. Arrive around noon.
We corner Fenn and ask questions
Conversation with Fenn
Germain detects lies: none detected
Fenn: "Nobody lies to the boss."
LE Detects Magic:
- his armor - illusion
- his magic dagger - necromancy
- his rings - abjuration
Thieves Guild is willing to give up Mantatlus, wererats to show support for alliance
Wererats have "gone rogue" and are working with everyone
Needed to keep them in check in the past
Silver weapons helped a lot to keep them in check in the past (ie: force)
Fenn will tell us the lair for
Mantatlus, wererats
If we will give him time (24 hours) to warn his people so they do not overreact, then he will tell us where to find Mantatlus and the 2 wererat vampires.
Said he was going to give up Mantatlus in the past, but you all "overreacted" to the head in a box and did not want the offer of friendship he gave afterward, which would have been
Off to the Lair!
WERERAT-Vampire HOME: In a cemetary on the outside of town.
Quinalin scales walls easily to help us get out past the defenses
Party prebuffs with lots of energy protection (both normal prot and a few death wards)
The attack goes off on early morning. When the party enters the graveyard, a dozen ghasts and 4 shadows attack!
Mose blows the Haste Horn (tastes like Germain's saliva, yuck)
LE directs the revealing lantern around to help reveal shadows!
LE magic missiles baddies
Kimika consecrates gravestones for improved Turn Undead abilities!
Kimika turns undead and ghasts are almost all killed, turns again and shadows all retreat.
Quinalin (Trip+Smack+Cleave), Al (Claw+Claw+Bite), and Mose (Sword+Sword+Burn) all rip a bunch of ghouls to shreds.
Kimika's turn drives the last few away and they are cut down as they cower.