Silverwalkers Quest Notes 2013-02-23
Last Game
Begin : Operation Passport Request First attempt is Quin wanting to inherit father credentials. After the guy does a bit of poking around, he says sorry, a son already claimed it. Nobody wrote down his name but it started with an "A." Quin rolls a good diplomacy. The guy agrees them, but it will require some Petarans in good standing to vouch for credentials, and it will take about a year. After some bribes, the guy says he can start up on a an "expedited" process - a week or two - for 700 gp total (including bear), but the vouches are a must get. The party tries to seek their old buddy Kathkallan to vouch for them! They decide to send a Sending through Kimika. The party goes to a bar to craft a 20 word message to Kathkallan to see if we can get him to vouch for us. "Kathkallan, good tidings! Germain's investigator team in Udrell. Urgently need Peteran passport vouch. Can we teleport to you today?" His startling response is: "Alexandria protect me! I can't believe it! Help! I was kidnapped sailing home and I'm being held for ransom but..." Party scrys on Kathkallan. Kathkallan, and several others, are chained up in the corner of what appears to be a cave, lit by the light of a fire.
Combat aftermath
Al casts Wall of Thorns at the north and Wall of Stone to the south entrance to ward off any other attacks while the party waits out the bubble that
LE is trapped in
Kaleesarynn commands the pirate leader to give up all of his weapons, armor, magical items, and valuables and then ties him up for when Dominate runs out
- Party loots all captives and corpses
This Game
- The party manages to teleport to the hotel room with the captives!
- The pirate captain is left bound above the cave with a knife at his feet.
- From Pirate Captain
- Adamantine dagger
- Silver dagger
- Chain shirt mithril
- 6 vials of viscous goo (POISON) 3 giant wasp poison, 3 large scorpion poison
- From Bosun
- Orcish double-axe (masterwork cold iron)
- Magic +? Mithril Chain Shirt
- Quartermaster
- Magic +? Mithril Chain Shirt
- Wyvernhyde Buckler (as Dragonhide)
- Masterwork Battleaxe
- Navigator
- Cloak of Resistance +1
- Spellbook
- 1 of every common cantrip
- 1 Enlarge Person
- 1 Floating Disc
1 Identify (spent on the cloak: resistance +1)- 1 Mage Armor
- 1 Magic Missile
- 1 Shield
- 1 Summon Monster I
- 1 Flaming Sphere
- 1 Gust of wind
- 1 Summon Monster II
- 1 Summon Swarm
- 1 Haste
- 1 Summon Monster III
- Money spent on different things
- Identify - 120gp
- Rooms - 8gp
- Bath - 2cp
- Clothes - 25gp
2 Cleansing 1401 FI
- Eat our breakfast - seafood (comped)
- Detect Remote Viewing
- Kaylee has two people viewing her view scrying!
- Dark elf woman was watching us! Purple eyes (arcane scrying)
- Wearing mithril breast plate, cloak
- People in the background, probably wasn’t around
- Another person is scrying who is very very powerful, made it through the Nondetection amulet of LE’s even.
- Party mindlinks to avoid overhearing from scrying
- It turns out it is probably the Amulet of Intellect that Edrell provided which is being used for scrying. Probably Edrell is watching.
- There’s an arena in town.
- Side excursion back home to drop off items.
- Kimika messages Egg and tells him we’re bringing stuff back
- Kaylee, LE, Kimika go back to Wydmoor via teleport and dump the new items we got to sell with Egg.
- Kaylee asks Mar about Edrell's scrying: Mar seems sad that Edrell isn’t scrying on her as well
- They give Egg these items:
- Adamantine dagger
- Silver dagger
- Orcish double-axe (masterwork, cold iron)
- +1 Mithril Chain Shirt
- +1 Mithril Chain Shirt
- Wyvernhyde Buckler
- Masterwork Battleaxe
- We get a bag of items from Egg that he has filched from the Tower.
- Wand x 1 (Everwand of ID 1/day)
- Potions (I forget)
- Scrolls (I forget)
3 Cleansing 1401 FI
- Kimika makes potions!
- 10 level 2 potions.
4 Cleansing 1401 FI
5 Cleansing 1401 FI
- Edrell is watching us! Kaylee sees him in her detect scrying.
- He is dressed in the finest of apparel.
- He stands in front of a massive marble table, inlaid with a silver mirror.
- A platinum circlet, grey robes of the finest silk, golden bracers.
- Party eventually stops Edrell's scrying by swapping of the amulet and spamming detect remote viewing. He (well, probably he) still checks in periodically and is detected, but has only ever failed his contested check that once.
1 Summercusp 1401 FI
- Passports are ready. Party goes to pick them up. Thankfully the cap also has enough charges to get us there.
- Through the use of the cap, Kathkallen’s mind, word of recall, and Kimika’s teleport, we manage to get everyone into the desert about two hours away from him farm.
- Almost as soon as we get there, a sandstorm picks up, and the party has to find shelter fast! Al turns into a badger, and quickly digs a shelter underground, which is then walled up by a wall of thorns.
- After about 10 hours underground (now about midnight), the sandstorm abates, and the party starts making their way to Kathkallen’s farm. On the way, we’re ambushed by invisible, blurred drow!
- They’re using poisoned crossbow bolts that make you unconscious if the poison takes effect. Kaylee is taken out with one, but is quickly revived by LE(?)’s quick thinking. (I don’t think this was LE, whatever happened...-sarah) Kaylee manifests True Seeing and tries to point out their locations as best as she can to the party.
Notes/reminders for next time:
- Al needs to be not stupid and remember to cast faerie fire on the guys with blur
- Kaylee needs to continue manifesting maxed cold energy missiles. They’re still resistant to psionics, but not by as much
- X and M at the top of the battle map are casting spells
- They’re super-nimble and several of them have evasion or improved evasion.
- They’re innately magic resistant and psionically resistant.
- They use poison that makes people unconscious.
- One of them (B) can Smite Good and has unholy weapons. Ow.
- Picture of the battle and combat tracker: