Silverwalkers Quest Notes 2013-07-27
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Last Game
- After clearing out some basilisks from the town, the party enters the tower. The room we enter is small, and the hallway is choked with debris. It takes several hours to clear the hallway for us to enter the next room, which has a dirty pool of water on the other side of it.
Al determines that the ogres went about 15' into this room before being attacked by something. They collapsed the hallway on their way out - probably to trap whatever they were running from
Into the wizard’s lair
- The party decides to camp in the first room of the wizard’s lair.
Quinalin sets a “rocks fall, you die” trap in the rubble strewn corridor leading into the next room, and an alarm trap in the stairwell. The night passes uneventfully
- The next morning, the party cautiously enters the room past the rubble strewn hallway. When
Quinalin gets about 15 feet in, a black ooze erupts out of the pool on the other side of the room. It is quickly dispatched with fire, and lots of it.
- At the bottom of the pool, we find: Violet garnet 136gp, Violet garnet 130gp, Ring 120gp, Aquamarine 163gp, Bloodstone 12gp, Lapis lazuli 7gp, Agate 5gp, Turquoise 1gp
- The party decides to investigate the two doors at the bottom of the room.
Quinalin unlocks one of the two doors.
- When the door opens and the first person steps into the room, the room lights up and harp music begins playing, though no harp is in sight. The floor is white and pristine. There are two large bronze arches (that weigh tons) are sculpted to look like the backs of giant serpents. There are 16-20 chairs upholstered in rich green fabric lining the rooms. This room appears to be a ballroom where the wizard may have held fancy balls for the townsfolk.
Kimika dances a while before being reluctantly pulled out so we can explore the tower further
Sitting room
Quinalin tries to open the door up in the north end of the ooze room, triggering a trap he failed to detect. An explosion of dust poisons
Mose and causes him to lose a Charisma point, though
Mose casts lesser restoration on himself to get it back. You have a feeling if it had not been a robust dwarven paladin exposed to the trap, things might have gone a LOT worse. LE, Kimika and Mose particularly avoid doors from here on out.
- (recording time 34:40) On the other side of the door is a really nice sitting room, in some respects, In it's prime, far nicer than Edrell’s although not for much longer. Unlike the ballroom, this room has seen the ravages of time. There are ratty tapestries of wizards and towers. One of the tapestries bulges out weirdly as though someone is standing behind it.
Quinalin cautiously moves toward the tapestry with his bow drawn, while LE casts mage hand to move the tapestry aside.
- Behind the tapestry is a statue of a wizard!
Quinalin detects that it’s an iron golem.
- It spews an poison cloud (persistent con damage!!) at
Mose and
LE, but both make their saves. LE through her new Heroic Effort and (
Mose through the expenditure of a hero point.
- Kimika and Mose have both now used their hero points. Everyone else retains theirs.
- (There will one day be a chance to regain lost Hero Points, never fear!)
- (Since, IMHO, Hero Points cannot exceed 1, anyone with Hero Points in reserve when new HP are gained will instead WIN A PRIZE.)
- Kimika and Mose have both now used their hero points. Everyone else retains theirs.
- The combat is close and fierce, with several near-death calls.
Quinalin takes over 101 points of damage (out of 133) in a single round after a critical, and in the followup round instead of fleeing
Quinalin manages to trip the golem by 1 more than needed, triggering a AoO pile on with
Al, and
Mose surrounding it and
Kimika healing where needed, the party takes it down.
Al's good planning meant he had Rusting Grasp ready to go. He rusted the golem a couple times. The golem whacked him back pretty hard, but it was nothing that
Kimika couldn't heal. Poor
LE and
Kaleesarynn can’t do anything other than support and hide around a corner until the golem is dispatched.
- Searching around the room, the party finds:
Jade 67gp, Amber 89gp, Brooche 186gp, Peridot 17gp, Silver pearl 52gp, Citrine 30gp, Malachite 5gp, Agate 4gp (added to spreadsheet)
Guest Bedroom 1
- The room is strewn with debris and has a broken desk, bed, etc. There is a curtain on the other side of the room, behind which is a short hallway.
- The short hallway leads to a small room with a hole in the ground. We found an ornate ring.
Master Bedroom
- In the hallway,
Quinalin disarms and unlocks another door that had a charisma gas trap on it. It leads into a changing room, that has a curtain in it. Behind the curtain is a master bedroom with a large bed and a chest at the foot of it.
- There is a table that is only 18” off the ground. It’s about
Kimika’s size, and while a halfling, gnome, or goblin could sit comfortably, a full sized race would need to kneel or sit on the ground.
Kimika runs up to it in excitement and triggers the Mimic, which envelopes her and constricts her.
Quinalin rushes to her rescue, hits it, and gets his scythe stuck in the Mimic
Kimika slides through the shadow plane to get out of the Mimic’s grasp, wide eyed and panicked
Kaleesarynn rushes in at the sound of
Kimika’s squeal and panics as she sees an animated chest in battle with
Quinalin. She unleashes a burst of fire that destroys what’s left of it.
- Mimic spits out this: (added to spreadsheet)
- 13 platinum pieces (rare money)
- 207 gold (rare money)
- 900 silver (rare money)
- 2300 copper pieces (rare money)
- Red garnet 78gp, Ring 223gp, Deep green spinel 92gp, Rose quartz 23gp, Moonstone 26gp, Lapis lazuli 8gp
Quinalin finds a bronze tube with glass at either end of it. Like a telescope or spyglass. Unfortunately, as he plays around with it, he accidentally drops and breaks it.
Dining Room
- It’s a dining room. Nothing spectacular. There is petrified food on the table. A room on the other side of the room leads to a kitchen. It’s all very boring. It’s only slightly less appetizing than Kimika’s spoon gruel.
First floor map:
- As we go down the stairs, the bricks and mortar seem to have less time damage than those upstairs. The stairs open out into an antechamber.
- To the North, there is a door. It has another gas trap on it, which
Quinalin disarms. It leads into a library. All of the books are ruined. (
Al finds a secret door in the back of the library behind a table that has a solid gold chinese-style dragon, worth at least 1,000gp. Rubies for eyes. Weighs 30 pounds.
LE finds an ornate, masterwork letter opener in one of the desk drawers. (Stats as MW SILVER DAGGER; Quin pockets.)
Blasphemy, Blas for you, Blas for everybody!
- After opening the wizard locked secret door, we encounter a Living Blasphemy - a spell that has become alive. It’s a 15’ tall black whirlwind of faces screaming in agony and hands desperately reaching out for comfort, reflecting back distorted images and scenes of suffering.
Quinalin tumbles through the Living Blasphemy so he can hit it from the other side. He quickly learns that the LB's touch drains strength (temporarily).
- The Living Blasphemy envelops
Al, and
Kaleesarynn, but it fails to drain their strength (made saves). As
Al tries to figure out the best way out of his predicament,
Mose confidently tells him to just hang out until he (
Mose) has a chance to do ALMOST 150 POINTS OF DAMAGE IN ONE ROUND. The thing is destroyed by
Mose's mighty hits (4 of them).
- The room has a font in the middle, perhaps used for scrying. In the font is a glowing liquid, and the font itself has statuary of a lizardlike clawed hand grasping the reservoir. Also an altar towered over by a figure of some sort of raptor bird whose wingtips are embedded with pearls the size of fists enchanted with Continual Flame. Also, there is a sort of painted bas relief of a screaming man held above the altar by iron chains.
- Inside the altar,
Kaleesarynn finds a Crystal Mask (Knowledge: The Planes).
- GP Value 2,500
- +5 on Knowledge: Planes rolls, but still limited to DC 10 if untrained. Must have a PSP pool to use, otherwise succeed on a Use Psionic Item check DC 15 or a UMD check DC 20.
- The party decides to rest for the night
Trophy room
- Circular trophy case in middle of room isfull of creature parts that
Al doesn’t recognize. Hands, claws, skulls, teeth, etc.
- 2 sets of armor in the far corner. (Leaf Armor) [1] (500 GP retail)
- Wall of force to the right, which is sealing off a set of spiral stairs leading down.
- Before you ask, it takes a disintegrate spell to remove a wall of force. However, since it is translucent and you can LoS through it, dimension door/shadow walk work as normal through the wall. Before you get any fancy ideas, the chromatic wall in the Turtle Temple does NOT give LoS, so if you ever want to unlock that mystery, you'll have to do it the hard way. 8 spells at a time.
- In front of the wall of force is a statue of a humanoid. It is wearing a robe with a cowl over its head, and so facial features are absent, but it is clearly recoiling in fear and horror from the direction of the wall of force. The statue emanates transmutation magic, suggesting that it may be a person who was turned to stone like the ogres above ground.
- Glass cabinets in the north and south walls contain taxidermied bodies: humanoid, but deformed and mutated perhaps - 3 in the north cabinets contain frog men, all of different colors, plus other humanoid creatures. The colors are Red, Grey, and Black.
Al finds a secret door. (again!) It leads through a hallway that ends in a heavy bronze door. The hallways is almost certainly perfectly safe.
- PS, 50 XP for every secret door, Al!
- The CABINETS and several of the artifacts in the DISPLAY CASE have plaques that can be read with COMPREHEND LANGUAGES.