Silverwalkers Quest Notes 2013-08-24
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Last Game
- Circular trophy case in middle of room is full of creature parts that
Al doesn’t recognize. Hands, cloth, teeth, etc. They and the tall display cases are labeled in a language you do not recognize.
- 2 sets of armor in the far corner. (Leaf Armor)
- Wall of force to the right, which is sealing off a set of spiral stairs leading down.
- In front of the wall of force is a statue of a humanoid. It is wearing a robe with a cowl over its head, and so facial features are absent, but it is clearly recoiling in fear and horror from the direction of the wall of force. The statue emanates transmutation magic, suggesting that it may be a person who was turned to stone like the ogres above ground.
- Glass cabinets in the north and south walls contain taxidermied bodies: humanoid, but deformed and mutated perhaps - 3 in the north cabinets contain frog men, all of different colors, plus other humanoid creatures. The colors are Red, Grey, and Black. The other two creatures seem to be the same species.
Al finds a secret door. (again!) It leads through a hallway that ends in a heavy bronze door. The hallways is almost certainly perfectly safe.
Treasure Trove
Quinalin and
Al examine the first half of the hallway leading to the bronze door and find two very dangerous traps. One is a fairly simple pit trap that
Quinalin wedges shut. When he looks at the second one, it appears to be a very nasty blade trap that is triggered by a pressure plate just past the pit trap.
Quinalin spends several stressful minutes tracing connections and learning how it works then discovers a locked control box that he opens and uses to disable the blade trap. The blades are poisoned with a powerful poison which the team *might* want to come back for later.
Quinalin says that it is a very nasty poison, and he wouldn’t want to attempt to retrieve the reservoir of poison without a delay poison as well as a neutralize handy since it would leave him weak as a baby.
Al, on his way to the big bronze door, falls through an illusory floor panel, drops 40 feet, and lands on some spikes (23 dmg). He climbs back out.
LE, and
Al try to dispel the magic (necromantic) trap on the bronze door that
Al found. After several tries,
LE successfully dispels it.
Quinalin then picks the lock, opens the door, and sees a few chests. He tosses his grappling hook (attached to a rope) at the center chest. Sadly for him, the magically trapped door seems to have rearmed itself, and
Quinalin takes 3 negative levels, but
Kimika casts Restoration to remove them. Anyways, long story short,
Quinalin opens all three chests, disarming some traps along the way.
- Items found in the chest:
- EverDojore of Detect Psionics (3/day) - gah! How useless!
- Stone Salve x1
- Cure Moderate Wounds x3
- Cure Serious Wounds x1
- Lesser Restore x2
- Restorative Ointment x1
- Remove Curse x1
- Wand of Cure Light Wounds (7 charges)
- Wand of Crafter’s Fortune (13 charges)
Al goes to check out the bookshelf and triggers a glyph of warding on the bookshelf, causing
Al some damage.
- Found a box with ethereal contents. Kaylee figured out how to work with the chest and found
- Hundreds of feet of fine silk rope
- A huge bag that looks like this:
- Metal rods, superstructure, a ring
- Everwand of Animate Rope (3/day)
- Everwand of Persistent Flaming Sphere (1/day)
- A dojore -- don’t know what it does
- Some gems we found:
Brooche 445gp, Blue sapphire 523gp, Amber 69gp, Amethyst 56gp, Obsidian 8gp, Agate 3gp, Freshwater (irregular) pearl 8gp, Rhodochrosite 1gp, Tigereye 3gp, Malachite 1gp, Turquoise 1gp Necklace 464gp, Golden yellow topaz 421gp, Black pearl 154gp, Smoky quartz 16gp, Jasper 24gp, Ring 207gp, Lapis lazuli 3gp, Red-brown spinel 61gp, Star rose quartz 19gp, Malachite 1gp, Rhodochrosite 1gp,White pearl 75gp, Pink pearl 77gp, Jade 52gp, Hematite 4gp, Malachite 3gp, Malachite 1gp, Agate 1gp, Necklace 173gp, Citrine 20gp, Star rose quartz 12gp, Chrysoprase 20gp, Smoky quartz 12gp, Hematite 1gp, Black pearl 352gp
- Out of character, it appears that the items in the ethereal chest are components to a hot air balloon.
Frogmen Battle
- The room to the south of the office is magically locked, but
Al uses his Chime of Opening
- This room is 50 x 50 feet (Medium); Dozens of dead, winged beings lie scattered about the floor, each about the size of a cat. Their broken bodies have been petrified, preserving them for the ages. They are batlike and buglike at the same time: Each had two sets of bat wings, a long nose like a mosquito, and six legs, but many were split in half or had limbs or wings lopped off. Their forms are little more than dried husks now and there's no sign of what killed them.
- As
Al and
Quinalin enter the room, a wizard and two apprentices fly out of the hole in the middle of the floor. The wizard-looking guy says something like “Thank goodness! We’ve been locked in here! It was a terrible accident, and for freeing us we will reward you greatly.”
Kaleesarynn turns on True Seeing and reveals that these three are actually frog people.
- As soon as they are revealed as frog people, battle commences. The wizard casts Power Word Stun on
Quinalin (stunned for 1 round), and one of the apprentices casts the same on
Al (stunned for 7 rounds).
Kaleesarynn hits the two apprentices with energy missiles.
Mose and
Quinalin do their thing, but there is some serious DR going on (DR 10/lawful, I think).
- The apprentices throw some lightning bolts around, seriously injuring
Al. Fortunately,
Kimika is around to keep him from being dead too soon.
Mose keeps making good saving throws and takes no damage from several spells.
- Wizard bites/claws
Mose, but he pretty much shrugs it off (DR).
- The apprentices flank
Quinalin and tear into him.
Quinalin is sad, but he’s built to take this sort of damage.
Kaleesarynn hits the apprentices a second time with energy missiles. They’re hurtin’. She also figures that these dudes have resistance 5/fire.
LE successfully casts Feeblemind on the wizard. His drool shows his disapproval.
Mose charges one of the apprentices and does a bit of damage (stupid DR).
Quinalin attacks the same apprentice that
Mose just attacked. Hit! That dude’s hurtin’.
- The drooling dumb wizard has to resort to brute force because he’s stupid now. Unfortunately, his lightning bolt is at-will and doesn’t require brains, so he hits
Mose, and
Quinalin with it. Ouch.
- The apprentices keep attacking
Quinalin. He’s in some trouble.
Mose uses a special Paladiny ability (Paladin’s Safety) to take the last blow that would have laid
Quinalin low.
Quinalin is down 119 out of 133 total.
Mose’s quick thinking saved him … FOR NOW.
Kaleesarynn hits the apprentices with energy missiles again. One goes down!
Kimika heals
Quinalin again.
LE casts Terrible Remorse at the remaining apprentice.
Mose uses Lay On Hands to heal
Quinalin some more.
Quinalin attempts an attack on the apprentice, but he botches. :(
- The Wizard attacks
LE. She’s confused because no one ever attacks her.
- The Apprentice tries to lightning bolt
Mose and
LE, but
Mose hits him with a damage-poor AOO. At least he disrupted the spell.
Kaleesarynn goes after the Wizard. She pounds him with an Energy Missile.
Kimika casts a mass heal on
Al and
Quinalin. Both are feeling much better than they were.
LE casts Greater Invisibility on herself so the Wizard leaves her alone.
Mose hits the Apprentice a couple times. Apprentice almost goes down!
Quinalin goes after the Wizard, but (again) botches.
- Wizard attacks
Quinalin. Poor
Quinalin. Back to 88/133 wounds.
- The apprentice attacks
Mose, but doesn’t do much damage.
Kaleesarynn attacks the wizard with another energy missile. Dude’s hurtin’
Kimika cures serious wounds on
LE casts Disfiguring Touch on the Wizard, who fails his save. He is now -2 on attacks and saves.
Mose attacks the apprentice and kinda hurts him.
Quinalin smacks the crap out of the Wizard. He’s dead!
Al is just about done being stunned.
Kaleesarynn puts on her mask of the planes and does a knowledge (the planes). Rolls 20. We’ll find out in a minute what that tells her.
Kimika heals everyone.
LE Magic Missiles the remaining apprentice, who dies and turns back into a frog. We win!
Al knew we were going to win, which is why he didn’t worry about it while he was stunned.
Al hits level 13!
Kaleesarynn does a Knowledge: The Planes and finds out that the frogmen are called Slaad, and they are from beyond the veil. Some inject you with an egg that bursts out to become a baby Slaad.
Kaleesarynn sends her psicyrstal down the pit. There is a cavernous underground stream, where the Slaad have made a rudimentary camp.
Al (as a medium air elemental) flies down to investigate further and brings back up 3 stones. One is dull and grey (will circle your head and can be target of light, etc), one is a vibrant purple prism , cracked (stores one spell level, as a ring of spell storing, minor), and one is pink and green with a subtle flaw within (+2 to Cha, -2 to Con).
Al investigates further down the underground stream. It goes deeper into the earth than he’s comfortable going by himself.
- The party decides to rest for the night in the room with the scrying pool.
- Note for next game:
Kaleesarynn needs to try a Psicraft check again to find out what that dojore does.