Silverwalkers Quest Notes 2014-04-11
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Quest Notes 4/11/2014
Last game
- Party is at Castle Wa
- Found out that the King really was out parlaying with giants and so probably died
- Stein successfully parlayed with the Queen Regent and uh, stuff…
- Dowager Regent asked us to go kill the giants
Journey to Tanimachi
Stein (with assistance from
Kaleesarynn) convinces ‘’’Goro’’’ to send 5 horsemen and 30 footsoldiers with us. We want to use the horsemen to try and draw off some giants from the fortress so that when we go in, there are fewer there.
- Various members of the party get drunk at bar or go off shopping.
Kaleesarynn takes this opportunity to incarnate Conceal Thoughts.
- The party sets out for Tanimachi along with the horsemen and footsoldiers. The captain’s name is Sencho and agrees to let Al cast Shared Language on him and his lieutenant for the next 12 hours so we can communicate.
- The trip to Tanimachi is uneventful.
- We arrive in Tanimachi and while it isn’t busy, there is some human activity. The giants appear to have not been here.
Stein greets the town elder who says that no refugees have arrived from Nekomachi. He also says that the giants have been destroying their fields.
Al scouts around the area and sees that about ⅓ of the way to Nekomachi, the earth becomes blackened and charred.
Stein asks the town elder about it, and he says that it was the Yogan-Kuchi (lava-mouth). It rained down fire and burned all of their crops.
- We suggest to the town elder that they evacuate back to Castle Wa. We send the 30 footsoldiers with them and take the 5 horsemen with us to the next town.
- We spend the night in the town and head out first thing in the morning.
- The next day, we come across an area that is devastated by magical fire. If it was indeed lava as the town elder says, no sign of it remains.
- During the day, we are attacked by the Lava Mouth dragon! 3 of the 5 riders die almost instantly from a lava blast from the dragon.
- After a long, laborious battle, the dragon goes on the run. The party pursues it as best they can and finally slay the 12,000lb dragon.
- After the battle,
LE harvests some poison from the dragon.
Quinalin harvests some teeth as well (I think?).