Silverwalkers Quest Notes 2014-07-11

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Last game

  • Party defeated a dragon!

Post Dragon Battle

  • Al tries to scry and finds out the Mark giant is unscryable (probably dead).
  • Brandy nags her husband (it’s what all newleyweds do, right?)
  • The party decides to rest for the night and recoup their spells
New Day Begins

I Spy a Giant

  • AlToken.PNG Al attempts to scry on Joe giant the next morning, and succeeds! Joe is sleeping on the skin of a dire bear somewhere underground.
  • There are shadows dancing on the far walls, but AlToken.PNG Al can’t tell what they are.
  • At some point, another giant comes and lies down somewhere in the background.
  • AlToken.PNG Al notices that even though they’re sleeping near a large fire, there are wisps of frost coming out of their noses and mouths as they snore.
  • Otherwise, nothing happened.
  • The party decides to continue moving toward the giants, and the day passes without incident.
New Day Begins

Into the Mountains

  • The next morning, we get to the edge of the mountains, at which point, Sencho bids the party farewell. We send him back with the message that we killed the dragon and that we will continue on to determine what is going on and if there is something we can immediately do about the threat, we will do so.
  • The night before, AlToken.PNG Al put a Wind Walk spell into his spell staff so that he could cast it twice and get the whole party flying. This will allow us to get up to the giant area in a day.
  • AlToken.PNG Al also casts an Endure Elements spell on the whole party, which lasts for 24 hrs, and then turns into a giant celestial eagle that is resistance to cold. He also casts a spell that will allow us all to ignore difficult terrain.
  • When we arrive, we see a great fissure in the side of the mountain with stains of smokefire on the sides of it. There are signs that this is currently in heavy use.
  • AlToken.PNG Al communes with nature to gather information about the cavern. There are two levels, and the first level is sparsely populated. There are several clusters of a half dozen or a dozen giant sized creatures throughout the caverns.
New Day Begins
New Day Begins
New Day Begins
  • AlToken.PNG Al scrys on Joe Giant again and this time, he is gambling with some other giants. A large cloud giant comes up and yells at them in giant and they all scatter in different directions.
  • AlToken.PNG Al scouts around some more and finds marks of giant animals - bears and wolves.
  • The whole party wind walks around the area to look for more active entrances and find none.
New Day Begins
  • On day four, two giant bears and a bear cub come out of the crevasse and play in the sunshine for a few hours. Then a frost giant comes out, looks around, and then yells some stuff in giant to the bears. The bears come to him and they all go into the cavern together.
New Day Begins
  • Four frost giants emerge with 20 giant wolves of some sort and they spend the day playing and frolicking around, and then go back inside.
New Day Begins
  • KaleesarynnToken.PNG Kaleesarynn has a long mind-linked conversation with a human prisoner, Shiro of Nekomachi, who comes outside with a group of 17 other (18 total) adult male prisoners and a few guards. He says there are 19 women and children being kept prisoner down below.
  • KaleesarynnToken.PNG Kaleesarynn tries to mind control two of the giant guards, but only succeeds on one. She mind links with him. She has a new friend for the next 11 days!
  • One of the ogre guards sees KaleesarynnToken.PNG Kaleesarynn shimmer (greater invisibility) when she mind controls the other ogre, so the rest of the ogres get suspicious and start rounding up the prisoners to go back underground.
  • We eventually decide to go into the cavern to explore.

Caverns, Level 1

  • At the first fork, the party sees a giant wolf skull embedded in the wall of the left passage and a giant bear skull embedded in the wall of the right passage. We destroy the wolf skull and have QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin carve a crude bear in the ice next to where it was, much to his dismay, as part of an effort to turn the factions against each other.
  • KaleesarynnToken.PNG Kaleesarynn sends her psicrystal down a passage on the bear clan’s side and encounters two dire dire bears and one dire dire bear cub (probably). They become interested in the psicrystal and begin sniffing and pawing at it. She tries to use the psicrystal to lure the bears away, but they’re apparently very well trained and don’t go beyond a certain part of the hallway.
  • After a while, AlToken.PNG Al casts Wind Walk on everyone so we have 13 hours of gaseous form to fly around with. This allowed us to find where the dragon’s lair and hoard was. After looting the hoard, we had QuinalinToken.PNG Quinalin carve another crude bear into the ice.

Dragon hoard

  • Pearl, magic, CL8 or something, moderate abjuration/transmutation:

  • KaleesarynnToken.PNG Kaleesarynn got LEToken.PNG LE’s Ring of the Turtle Priest and LEToken.PNG LE got the Pearl of the Sirines
  • Gems:
    • Alabaster (8gp)
    • Amber (100gp)
    • Aquamarine (350gp)
    • Aquamarine (450gp)
    • Azurite (8gp)
    • Bloodstone (50gp)
    • Chrysoberyl (90gp)
    • Citrine (45gp)
    • Citrine (60gp)
    • Coral (120gp)
    • 9250 gold (local currency)
    • 4841 silver (local currency)
    • 791 copper (local currency)

Gold counted: 9250 GP, 4841 sp, 791 cp