Team MeFight Forty-Seventh Session
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- Inside the main room, is a barracks. It has twelve beds! All but two have chests.
- Some potions
- Status
- Elixir of Swimming
- Sanctuary
- Cure Light Wounds
- Cure Moderate Wounds
- Aid
- Fly
- Haste
- Cat's Grace
- A masterwork net and trident
- A scroll of detect magic
- A masterwork blowgun and six masterwork darts
- A +1 shortsword
- Various gp and sp
- Some potions
- After looting the dead mens' chests, the party goes up!
- The next level is a completely black room, showing the night sky. It radiates alteration and illusion.
- The stars are accurate, but all they seem slightly off by a very small amount.
- Some identification reveals that the black sphere in the middle is a "trigger event" item, but the word or words are not revealed.
- The next level is an open-air observatory. Around the party are the ruins of fine brass equipment, presumably used to observe the stars.
- Party heads downward. Below the tower is a cave, lit by continual light spells. There are the remains of a dock there.
- Its exit is covered by an illusion spell, and goes to the sea.
- Glimmering underwater is a chest of Mithreal. Anise and Kib, with their great and relatively non-shitty swimming skills respectively, go to get it.
- The chest itself is in magnificent shape. The lock, though, is rusted shut. It doesn't hold up against an adamantine rapier.
- Inside are six more potions, and a wand [I forgot to write down, but were all split among the party members]. Also, a gem of elemental summoning (water)
- The party keeps the chest--at about 10 lbs, 2/5ths of the way to chain shirt barding, or a third of the way to "breastplate" barding.
- Night has fallen. The party decides to camp in the star room to investigate it.
Star Room Adventures
- Kib, Tana and Marwynn set into figuring out the room while Gil hacks the chest into pieces that are a bit more easily carried.
- They at first try to figure out the command word.
- Names of places and people are use
- Various verbs and commands
- Marwynn uses augury to ask about Sidhe verbs (neutral) and Sidhe non-verbs (weal)
- Kib decides to start reading the Prophecies cover-to-cover out loud. When he gets to the date in the inscriber's notes, the sky suddenly shifts, presumably to the sky on that date.
- In the middle of this sky is a large, red comet.
- Trying four weeks later shows the comet as a faint dot, much further away.
- A few more dates are tried. After a bit of fiddling, the party tries a date that they figure to be close to the Draglet impact.
- The comet reappears in the sky.
- This is puzzling, because there was no comet talked about around this time.
- [OOC hijinks ensue as the GM et al get to deal with the joys of GMing multiple engineers. It is eventually decided that there is nothing more for the party to figure out]
- Kib spends the rest of the time he isn't resting poring through the Prophecies to try to find clues about the comet's purpose. He doesn't turn up anything.
- Anise uses this moment to bring up a serious conversation about their end goals. Kib is wavering on the purpose that keeps him from continuing the original journey, and promises to solidify his own thoughts after they finish with the naval base. Marwynn still desires to visit the tomb, although she doesn't say it. The rest of the party voices no opinion.
The Next Day
- More towers. The two bottom-most have collapsed on themselves.
- Traversing them isn't a huge issue for anyone but Marwynn, who manages to take a couple of nasty falls after two unlucky rolls.
- They have treasure--a +1 curved Elven blade each, and various gp and sp. Anise starts looking like a weird Elven porcupine.
- In the third tower, closest to the gatehouse, there is a foyer where everything is still in perfect condition.
- The next room appears to be a common area, with pleasant resting grounds.
- The rooms adjoining are each dedicated to Sidhe deities, save one, which is a staircase.
- More lootin':
- Cassock with Elven Holy Regalia (Cassock of the Clergy) Decorated with ancient elven religious symbols.
- Gloves of the Healer (Symbols: Air Aspect of Reth)
- Ring of Reth's Water Aspect, (+3 to swim checks, 3/day air bubble as a swift action, autocast when drowning), set with a green emerald shaped like a turtle's shell
- Wand of Bless 14 charges
- The stairs are left for next session
- 250 xp for something I don't remember
- 100 xp to Kib for figuring out the command word(s)
- 150 xp for Comet Hunting